Legends in Apex Legends mobile are characters that you can play with. There are ten playable characters at the time of writing in the mobile version, and more of them will hopefully make their way to the game through further updates.
Even though every Legend has its own set of unique abilities that can assist you, not all of them are going to help you dominate the match. This is why it’s important to learn about the best Legends in Apex Legends mobile so that you don’t choose the wrong one.
Ranking All Legends In Apex Legends Mobile
An important thing to remember is that the following list is based on my personal choice, and you might find some other Legends better than these. That is okay, as the choice varies from player to player. I recommend you go with the Legend, which suits your style best.
Here are all the best legends to play:
Character Name
Legend Type
Tactical Ability
Passive Ability
Ultimate Ability
Passive Perk
Phase Chamber
Into The Void
Voices From The Void
Dimensional Rift
Dome Of Protection
Gun Shield
Defensive Bombardment
Smoke Launcher
Double Time
Rolling Thunder
Nox Gas Trap
Nox Vision
Nox Gas Grenade
D.O.C Heal Drone
Combat Revive
Care Package
Non Binary
Eye Of The Allfather
Beast Of The Hunt
Swift Mend
Launch Pad
Legend Type
Tactical Ability
Passive Ability
Ultimate Ability
Phase Chamber
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Fade is a Legend that is exclusive to the mobile version. This is the first time we’ve seen him, as he has never appeared in the PC and Console versions.
Fade’s Passive ability is called Slipstream, and it increases his speed after he executes a slide. It can prove to be useful during times when you’re trying to make a quick escape. As for his Tactical Ability, it’s called Flashback. When used, the ability will send you back to where you were two seconds ago.
And finally, I have Fade’s Ultimate ability called Phase Chamber. The ability can help you with bringing all nearby enemies into a void. As long as the enemies are in the void, their movement will become slow, and they won’t be able to use any attacks as well.
As you can see, Fade is meant for those players who like to have an aggressive approach toward taking down their enemies. His Passive and Tactical abilities can help him with mobility, while his Ultimate focuses more on assisting his teammates when they are in a critical situation.
Legend Type
Tactical Ability
Passive Ability
Ultimate Ability
Into The Void
Voices From The Void
Dimensional Rift
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Wraith is also a popular character in the PC version of Apex Legends, as even many top streamers use her as their main.
Wraith can save herself and her teammates from danger thanks to her Voice from the Void Passive ability. This ability warns her about incoming threats.
As for her Tactical ability, it’s called Into the Void. She can disappear for a short period by using it, and no one can attack her while she’s using it. However, she leaves a light trail behind her while moving around, so enemy players can guess where she’s going. Finally, her Ultimate ability, called Dimensional Rift, provides her with the luxury to set up a portal from one point to another that anyone can use, including enemy players.
Legend Type
Tactical Ability
Passive Ability
Ultimate Ability
Passive Perk
Dome Of Protection
Gun Shield
Defensive Bombardment
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At first, you might think of Gibraltar as someone who is slow and will do more harm than good. However, he has one of the highest win rates in Apex Legends mobile, which alone is enough to tell how amazing he is.
The Passive ability given to Gibraltar is called Gun Shield. As its name suggests, whenever he aims his weapon toward his target, a protective shield pops out, which protects him from incoming fire.
His Dome of Protection Tactical ability, on the other hand, also deploys a shield. But this one is a giant bubble that can be put on the ground. It remains for around 18 seconds, and it protects anyone inside it.
Gibraltar’s Ultimate ability, Defensive Bombardment, is one of my favorite abilities in Apex Legends mobile. When used, it lets him call down a mortar strike on a specific location. However, make sure you and your team fall back to a safe place, as the explosions can damage you as well.
An important thing to remember about Gibraltar is that he has a hidden ability called Fortified, thanks to which the damage he takes is reduced by 15%.
Legend Type
Tactical Ability
Passive Ability
Ultimate Ability
Smoke Launcher
Double Time
Rolling Thunder
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Any type of player can use Bangalore, as she can help you play both aggressively and defensively. Her movement speed is increased for a short period of time, thanks to her Double Time Passive when near enemies.
It allows her to reach cover quickly. As for her Tactical ability, Smoke Launcher, it’s one of the most useful abilities as it lets her fire Smoke Grenades. It is something that can prove to be extremely useful during critical situations, and no other Legend is capable of creating a Smoke Screen.
Bangalore’s Ultimate ability, Rolling Thunder, rains down missiles on a specific location. For instance, if there are multiple enemy squads fighting around, Rolling Thunder can be used to target all of them at once.
Overall, Bangalore is pretty amazing, and you should try her at least once. I made the mistake of not picking her up, and it was only after I played with her a couple of times that I discovered that this Legend could help turn the situation in your favor quickly.
Legend Type
Tactical Ability
Passive Ability
Ultimate Ability
Passive Perk
Nox Gas Trap
Nox Vision
Nox Gas Grenade
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When it comes to trapping the enemy squad, there isn’t any Legend who can do a better job than Caustic. The Legend specializes in setting up deadly traps that not only deal damage to enemy players but also block their vision.
Caustic’s Passive ability, Nox Vision, is linked to his other ability as it lets him see his enemies clearly when they are inside the Nox gas. His Tactical, on the other hand, is called Nox Gas Trap, and it is the ability that lets him trap enemy squads.
He can place a total of 6 Nox Gas Traps on the ground, and these traps are activated whenever an enemy player walks past them or if they are shot. Upon activation, the traps released toxic Nox Gas that deals damage over time and blocks the vision of enemy players.
His Ultimate ability is called Nox Gas Grenade. As the name suggests, Caustic can throw grenades that can also release toxic Nox gas upon impact.
Legend Type
Tactical Ability
Passive Ability
Ultimate Ability
D.O.C Heal Drone
Combat Revive
Care Package
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Lifeline happens to be a support Legend who is better than most of the other Legends in the game. Her abilities focus on assisting her teammates.
Lifeline’s Passive ability, Combat Revive, makes her extremely helpful. Also, you know how difficult it is to revive a teammate during a fight. However, it’s a walk in the park for Lifeline as she can use her Passive to deploy her healing drone to revive her teammates.
The healing drone not only revives the teammates independently but also deploys a protective shield around them. This is something that lets you focus on other things while your teammates are being revived.
Her Tactical ability, on the other hand, is called D.O.C Heal Drone, which allows her to deploy the healing drone. If you or your teammates are standing next to it, the drone will start healing you. And finally, Lifeline can use her Ultimate Care Package to call down her very own Care Package from the sky, which is filled with pretty useful gear, such as shields, weapons, and more.
Legend Type
Tactical Ability
Passive Ability
Ultimate Ability
Non Binary
Eye Of The Allfather
Beast Of The Hunt
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Bloodhound is a blood-thirsty Legend who likes to do things aggressively. At the time of writing, they are the best tracer in Apex Legends mobile. However, a big mistake people make is that they think of Bloodhound as only a mere tracker.
To begin with, Bloodhounds’ Passive, Tracker, allows them to track down their enemies. They can see different clues, such as footprints, blood, and much more, thanks to it. He can tell if a recent fight happened or if someone used or destroyed a door.
Then, I have their Tactical ability called the Eye of the Allfather. They can quickly scan the surroundings, which reveals enemies, traps, and clues within a 75-meter radius. The only downside is that the enemy players know if a scan is performed, so it can make them alert of your presence.
As for his Ultimate, it’s called Beast of the Hunt. When used, his movement speed increases and his hunter senses are enhanced. They remain in the state for around 30 seconds, but if he manages to take down an enemy while the Beast of the Hunt is activated, he gains an additional 5 seconds. Furthermore, the cooldown of their Tactical ability is also reduced when he’s in this state.
Legend Type
Tactical Ability
Passive Ability
Ultimate Ability
Swift Mend
Launch Pad
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For me, Octane holds the top spot in the charts, as he happens to be the fastest Legend, and he is perfect for aggressive players. When playing with Octane, you will never have to worry about being the slow one on the team.
What I love most about Octane is his Passive ability, called Swift Mend, regenerating his health automatically as he gains one health per second. His Tactical ability, on the other hand, is called Stim, and it increases his movement speed by 30% when he’s walking and 40% when spriting. The effect lasts around 6 seconds, and it costs health to use.
And finally, I have his Ultimate called Launch Pad. As the name implies, Octane can throw a Jump Pad anywhere, which launches anyone who steps on it high in the air. You can even press the jump button to perform a double jump in the air.
My Thoughts On The Best Legends
The legends mentioned in this guide are the top-tier legends that players can use in Apex Mobile, according to my experience and research. They might not prove to be the best for all, but for most of the players, they are going to be the best. The mentioned legends are also based on the thought of being friendly to new players.
Starting with Wraith, she is my main legend, which is a must-pick for me, but her being an aggressive legend makes her one of the most favorite legends for many players. In the same way, Lifeline is considered to be the best support legend in Apex Mobile so far. Bloodhound is the best recon legend so far.
Octane, being another offensive legend, is picked by many players who want to play aggressively. Fade being an exclusive pick for the Apex Legends Mobile grants him an advantage over many other legends.
This marks the end of my Apex Legends mobile best Legends guide. We’ll make sure to update this list when the developers add new Legends to the game. Until then, I hope you enjoy the game’s mobile version as much as the PC and Console versions.
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Haddi is a Senior Writer at eXputer who loves to play games and talk about them like a fanatic. Hadi's years of experience in this industry let him provide a unique and critical perspective on games to share with his audience. His work is also featured on several other websites. You can hit him up on his gaming profile at Steam!
Experience: 5+ years || Previously Worked At Gamepur, Gear Siege, GearNuke
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