Fire Emblem Engage: Merrin [Class, Gifts, Stats]

Learn all about Merrin's stats, best class, her origin, and much more in Fire Emblem Engage!

There are many support characters that you will come across in Fire Emblem Engage, but some, such as Merrin, might stand out more than the rest. Merrin is one of the unique personalities that capture your attention in the game.

Not only that, but she is quite strong in combat and useful in many situations. You’ll need to progress far into the game before you can recruit her, but once she’s part of your roster, many of your fights will seem easier. Outside of battle, she’s quite a fun character and has interesting personality traits, such as a knack for singing! 

Key Takeaways
  • Merrin is a Royal Knight from Solm and acts as a retainer for Princess Timerra.
  • You can recruit Merrin in Chapter 13: Heroes of the Oasis during the chapter battle.
  • She is a Wolf Knight class with high stats in Health and Dexterity. 
  • The Corrin, Lyn, and Lucina Emblem work great with Merrin. 
  • There are many gifts that you can give to Merrin to improve her Support Level.

Let’s first checkout the stats and some other basic information about Merrin:

Starting ClassBattle StyleSkillsBase StatsGrowth RateWeaponsStarting ItemsBest Gifts
Wolf KnightCavalryKnightly EscortHP: 36
Strength: 15
Magic: 10
Defense: 12
Resistance: 12
Luck: 14
Speed: 21
Dex: 21
Bld: 9
HP: 55
Strength: 25
Magic: 25
Defense: 30
Resistance: 30
Luck: 25
Speed: 50
Dex: 40
Bld: 10
Silver Dagger
Steel Sword
Animal Treats
Antler Earrings
Bear Carving
Butterfly Net
Dried Meat
Fancy Dagger
Field Guide
Sharp Chisel
Spirit Gem
Utility Knife

Who Is Merrin?

merrin in fire emblem engage
Merrin appearance [image by eXputer]
Merrin, who is usually first seen during Chapter 13: Heroes of the Oasis, is a Royal Knight from Solm. Her main purpose is to act as a retainer for Princess Timerra. Merrin is often described as a dashing woman with a fondness for animals, which can often be noted from her physical appearance, especially due to her tail.

How To Recruit?

If you’re looking to add Merrin to your ranks, then you’ll have to be quite patient as she comes along almost halfway across the game. Once you reach Chapter 13: Heroes of the Oasis, there will be a chapter battle.

During the chapter battle, Merrin, along with Timerra and Panette, will join you and battle alongside you. Although the other two are quite strong in battle, Merrin is definitely going to be the one to stand out during the chapter battle.

Best Class For Merrin

Merrin with her wolf [screenshot by eXputer]
As you might know, when your support characters level up, they’ll eventually get the option to change classes. However, sometimes a character’s starting class is the best class for them. That is the case with Merrin.

Merrin is part of the Wolf Knight class. These knights, like Merrin, are mounted on wolves and can dart all over the battlefield. Wolf Knights are known for great knife strikes. The Wolf Knight class also lets you inflict –2 on movement for the enemy if your unit starts combat with a knife. The effect lasts for one turn.


Each character in Fire Emblem Engage tends to have starting stats. These stats grow at different rates as you level up, with some growing far faster than others. Here are the starting stats for Merrin:

Health Strength Magic Dexterity Speed Defense Resistance Luck Build
36 15 10 21 21 12 12 14 9

As for Merrin’s growth rate, she has extremely good rates for Health and Dexterity, which makes sense as she’s part of the Wolf Knight class. She already has a High Luck Stat, meaning she’ll have a good chance of avoiding enemy attacks and escaping Critical Hits. Regardless, here are the stat growth rates for Merrin:

Health Strength Magic Dexterity Speed Defense Resistance Luck Build
55 25 25 40 50 30 30 25 10

Starting Weapon And Skills

merrin combat in fire emblem engage
Merrin in combat [image by eXputer]
Just like with Alear, you can use supporting partners for Merrin through the Emblem Rings. They will let you use different weapons and skills. But Merrin comes with her personal skill and weapons when she joins your ranks.

  • Knightly Escort: +5 Hit is granted to the unit and allies when two or more female allies are within two spaces.
  • Weapon: As Merrin is part of the Wolf Knight Class, her starting weapons are a Dagger and Sword.

As Merrin can use a Dagger and a Sword, she’s great at close combat and can also target enemies from afar by throwing her weapon at them. However, you shouldn’t expect her to be one of those characters who are all about raw power; you must use Merrin tactfully.

Gifts For Merrin

If you want to increase the support levels for any character in Fire Emblem Engage, you need to give them gifts. Whether you’re giving them gifts that they like or dislike can affect how quickly the support level increases. Here are certain gifts that you should and should not give to Merrin:

Liked Gifts Disliked Gifts
Animal Treats Cute Apron
Antler Earrings Horse Manure
Bear Carving Spicy Seasonings
Butterfly Net Spooky Scroll
Dried Meat Strong Perfume
Fancy Dagger  
Field Guide  
Sharp Chisel  
Spirit Gem  
Utility Knife  

Suggested Emblems

combat situation
Merrin fighting against an enemy [screenshot by us]
You can use different Emblems for each character to improve their attacks by using the Engage Mode. There are a total of 12 Emblem Rings, and here are the best ones you can use with Merrin.

  • Corrin: From Fire Emblem Fates, offers Dual Katana, Dreadful Aura skill, and Torrential Roar attack.
  • Lyn: From Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, provides access to the Killer Bow, Astra Storm attack, and Call Doubles engage skill.
  • Lucina: From Fire Emblem Awakening, grants access to the Noble Rapier, All For One attack, and Bond Shield Engage skill.

Merrin Voice Actors

Unlike Alear, Merrin only has a female version. Therefore, there is only one voice actor for both the English and Japanese dubbing of the game.

With that, you know everything there is to know about Merrin from Fire Emblem Engage. She is a fierce Knight from Solm and can be quite a good ally. With the proper use of Emblems and strategies, she can help you win many battles!

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Atik Younas is a Junior Guides Writer on eXputer with decent experience writing about games. He’s an avid 3D designer and a coding wizard who gets fascinated by the technical aspects of the latest games. He’s got a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and loves enjoying well-written stories and combat mechanics in games. Atik has been playing games for more than 10+ years now. Most notably he has spent 1,000+ hours on GTA V Online and Minecraft! Feel free to get in touch with Atik on his gaming profile at Xbox and PSN. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Computer Science || Written 200+ Guides || Mainly Covers Game Strategy Guides on eXputer

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