How to G-Walk In Modern Warfare 2

Learn how to G-Walk in Modern Warfare 2 to stay ahead of the game and run rampant in maps with gorilla-like movement.

As reported by eXputer earlier this week, a new exploit in Warzone 2 is letting players run rampant with gorilla-like movement. This new mechanic is dubbed “G-Walk” by players, specifically by those who have seemingly pioneered this technique of getting around in Modern Warfare 2’s maps.

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Key Takeaways
  • COD Modern Warfare 2 has introduced a new movement exploit known as the G-Walk and has gained popularity on Twitter.
  • Starting this trend is Euphoria on Twitter, uploading footage of the G-Walk in action earlier this week.
  • Since then, many aspiring players have jumped on the bandwagon to try to replicate the flashy movement mechanic.
  • The G-Walk involves going prone, quickly standing up, taking a few steps, and repeating this motion.
  • It doesn’t require a tutorial, and many players have mastered it.
  • Toggle on specific settings and then practice the unique motion of G-Walk to get the hang of this movement exploit in Modern Warfare 2.

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What is G-Walk in Modern Warfare 2? 

The latest buzz in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty: Warzone 2 seems to be snagged by players running around like gorillas in-game. Doing so allows players to negate incoming damage, along with making you agile and faster. Hence the reason why the movement mechanic is now dubbed “G-Walk.” 

If you’re completely new to what we’re on about here, here’s a quick rundown and the original video by Euphoria on Twitter that has detailed the arrival of G-Walk to the mix of Modern Warfare 2’s various gameplay elements. Since this exploit was first seen, many others have followed suit in replicating G-Walk.

How To G-Walk In Modern Warfare 2 – Best Tips

  • To G-Walk in Modern Warfare 2, you must enable Crouch Behavior, Prone Behavior, and Tactical Behavior in the game’s “Gameplay” settings on PC.
  • In addition, you’ll set Automatic Sprint to “OFF” and Tactical Sprint Behavior to “Single Tap Run.”
  • Once done, you’ll need to tap W, hold down the “Shift” key, and scroll down on the mouse wheel while pressing “Shift” right after again to pull off G-Walk in Modern Warfare 2 successfully. 

Let’s start with the aforementioned settings and how to enable them for the best results.

Enabling The Relevant Settings In Modern Warfare 2 To G-Walk

One of the first parameters you must consider when learning to G-Walk in Modern Warfare 2 is enabling the relevant settings. Thankfully, this is the least difficult part about replicating the novel movement mechanic in question. 

To start, fire up Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on your end and navigate the in-game interface. Once there, click on the cog-shaped icon symbolizing “Settings” and select “Keyboard & Mouse” to get to the next step.

Clicking on the "Keyboard and Mouse" tab
Clicking on the “Keyboard and Mouse” tab

After getting into the “Keyboard and Mouse” section of your Modern Warfare 2 settings, select the “Gameplay” tab in the screenshot below to further the process.

You’ll shortly visualize many options popping up on the screen afterward. However, you will only need to concern yourself with the following settings. Make sure that their respective behaviors are tweaked accordingly as well.

  • Crouch Behavior: Toggle
  • Prone Behavior: Toggle
  • Sprint/Tactical Sprint Behavior: Toggle 
  • Automatic Sprint: Automatic Tactical Sprint
  • Tactical Sprint Behavior: Single Tap Sprint
How to do g walk in modern warfare 2
Enabling the Relevant Settings to Do the G-Walk in Modern Warfare 2
  • When you finish the “Gameplay” section, click the “Keybinds” tab.
  • Many options will surface just as well here, but we’ll only focus on the “Prone” function.
  • Bind the “Prone” feature to your mouse wheel, which can be either up or down on the mouse wheel—you can go with whatever suits you the best.
  • This is the final setting you must worry about before getting to the business end of doing the G-Walk in Modern Warfare 2.
Setting the Right Keybind for the "Prone" Function
Setting the Right Keybind for the “Prone” Function

That’s about it as far as enabling the right settings is concerned. You’ll next need to master the input controls needed to pull off G-Walk on your end successfully. The section ahead is going to take care of this for you. 

Mastering The G-Walk Input Controls

When you have the settings portion of replicating the G-Walk movement mechanic sorted, your next task is to master the relevant input controls. This will take some time on your end, but rest assured that you’ll be able to get the hang of it in no time, given that you put in the effort. 

Here’s the basic chain of moves you must follow to execute G-Walk in Modern Warfare 2 properly:

Sprint > Prone > Sprint

To speak in terms of the mouse and keyboard keybindings you’ll need to input, here’s the chain you will have to practically master more or less if you want to perfect your execution of G-Walk in the game.

Shift (to sprint) > Mouse wheel up or down (to go prone) > Shift (to sprint)

For console players, pulling off G-Walk will be fairly difficult, considering there’s no way to go prone as fast as PC players can with the help of the mouse wheel button. 

If you’re more of a visual learner, the following YouTube video by FadeAway will certainly teach you the ins and outs of the G-Walk in Modern Warfare 2. 

YouTube video

The Wrap-Up

From leveling up weapons fast and the best XP glitches to the best Modern Warfare 2 loadouts that you should be looking into, Infinity Ward’s latest launch is a class apart by Call of Duty’s standards. In addition, numerous sources and scoops tell us that Modern Warfare 2 will get quite the love from its developers. To give you a little more perspective, though, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s beta was the largest in the franchise’s history.  

As it turns out, learning how to G-Walk in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is certainly a fine way of keeping pace with things, especially if you catch someone else employing this technique to gun you down. G-Walk in the game mimics the life-like stride of a gorilla who walks around using the knuckle-walking technique.  

In Call of Duty, you can indulge in this functionality to boost your speed and avoid your enemy’s line of fire in surreal ways. With that said, it can take a fair amount of practice before you can start pulling off G-Walk in Modern Warfare 2 with repetitive success. 

Please let us know if the guide above helped you. As always, eXputer wishes you happy gaming! 

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Irfan Ansari is a Senior Editor and Guides Writer on eXputer. He has seven years of Video Game Journalism experience and has been gaming for more than 22 years. Over his editorial career, he has gained experience at multiple sites, including TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming. Irfan has also earned a degree in Writing and Editing from the University of Michigan. Learn some more about Irfan's gaming journey on his Steam, PSN, and Xbox profiles.

Experience: 7+ Years || Worked for TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming

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