Sonic Frontiers 1-2 S Rank [Step-By-Step Walkthrough]

Learn all the tips & tricks to complete the stage 1-2 in Sonic Frontiers with S rank

Want to ace Sonic Frontiers 1-2 with S rank? Not all the stages in Sonic Frontiers are hard, but stages 1-2 are. But all you need is some practice and guidance on how you can clear this stage with S Rank. Let us move forward and discuss how to unlock stages 1-2, all the missions that the game requires you to complete in order to clear this stage, and also the time required to get the S rank.

Key Takeaways
  • Unlike other stages, Sonic Frontiers stages 1-2 are very challenging to complete with S rank.
  • To unlock stages 1-2, players need to defeat 2 enemies, Ninja and Tower, and then open the portal gate.
  • To complete this stage with an S rank, players need to complete it in under 55 seconds.
  • There are different routes to complete this stage, but not all of them are shortcuts.
  • Red Star Rings make it difficult to complete the level with an S rank. So, players need to complete both missions separately.

Unlocking 1-2 Stage

Stage 1 Kronos Island Sonic Frontiers
Kronos Island Sonic Frontiers [image credits – eXputer]
Stages 1-2 are the second stage of the first island, Kronos Island. To unlock stages 1-2, there are some open-world missions that players are required to complete in order to unlock stages 1-2. Without completing this stage, players can not access this stage.

Here are some of the steps required to unlock Sonic Frontiers stages 1-2:

Step 1

Early in the games, players come across a villain called Ninja. Once you take down Ninja, you will get a ring-shaped portal gear. Collect this gear, as it will later be required to open the portal to stages 1-2.

Step 2

Head to the eastern side of Kronos Island. The portal to stages 1-2 is located on the eastern side of the map. Once you reach the east of the map, proceed south. You should be able to spot the portal icon in the overworld.

Step 3

Approach the portal and place the portal gear that you obtained by defeating Ninja. However, the portal to stages 1-2 won’t open just yet. Another boss named Tower will appear. Defeat Tower to obtain the second portal gear.

Unlocking stage 1-2 Sonic Frontiers
Portal unlocking stage 1-2 [image credits – eXputer]

Step 4

Return to the portal and place the second portal gear that you acquired by defeating Tower. This will open the portal, allowing you to teleport to stages 1-2.

Sonic Frontiers 1-2 S Rank

To achieve an S Rank in stage 1-2 of Sonic Frontiers, you need to complete the stage in under 55 seconds, including the 5-6 seconds of the intro. Here’s a strategic route and tips to help you accomplish this

Starting Route

Choose the straight path with a slope and use all the Boost Pads to get a strong start and minimize time consumption.

Rail Grinding

Opt for the narrower left path with Boost Pads and grind the rails to maintain speed.

Dash Rings

After the grinding rails, jump through the three dash rings, then boost jump to reach the Red Handles, which will take you to the next platform. Use the other handles surrounded by the egg robot, perform a speed boost, and initiate homing attack chains across the balloons to avoid falling.

Final Grinding Rails

Pass through the rails, avoiding the springs. You can attempt to take a shortcut to a big loop next to the rail by jumping and skipping to the loop. This can save you 2-3 seconds.

Rails with Obstacles

Navigate the rail with obstacles by switching rails at the right time with the speed boost activated to avoid the obstacles. Use the homing attack skill on the springs and continue upwards. Pass through the three-dash rings.

Last Step

Maintain the speed boost while avoiding obstacles in the middle. Use homing attack on the springs and move upwards. Reach the finishing line, which is the portal gate, with your speed boost active.

Final Gate of Stage 1-2 Sonic Frontiers
Final Gate [image credits – eXputer]
There are a hundred other ways to get in time, but the method I have mentioned above seems to provide the greatest S Rank rate in stages 1-2. If you follow this method, you will be able to complete the level in 53 to 54 seconds at most.

Stage 1-2 cleared with S Rank Sonic Frontiers
S Rank [image credits – eXputer]
There are different islands where players explore. Kronos Island is the first island, and it has 7 different stages. In this guide, we have discussed how you can complete stages 1-2 of this game with the S rank, which requires extreme skills and practice.

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Rachel Cooper is a Guides Writer at eXputer who’s obsessed with the RPG genre. She’s an English literature major who loves to read fantasy novels. Rachel started writing on eXputer with great prior experience and expertise in the field. Her work is also featured in Texas Architecture and University of Georgia Magazines. Her favorite games include Persona 5, Symphonia, and Darkest Dungeon in which she has invested 300+ hours. You can follow Rachel's gaming journey on her Steam profile. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Majored in English Literature || Worked for Texas Architecture Magazine and UAG Magazine || Published 100+ Articles || Mainly Covers Guides On eXputer

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