Warhammer 40k Darktide: Scripture Locations

A complete guide on Warhammer 40k Darktide scripture locations

The “Tomes” in Vermintide are back as “Scriptures” in Darktide. Unlike the predecessor Vermintide, the locations to find Scriptures in Warhammer 40k Darktide are more complex and confusing. 

Key Takeaways
  • The Scriptures in Warhammer 40k Darktide are book-like items that you need to carry until the end of the mission to get various rewards, money, or XP.
  • Scriptures/Grimoires have random spawn points which means that they are not present at a specific location on the map.
  • You can find them in various spots or locations, including:
    • In the left/right areas of doorways.
    • In the large open containers.
    • Next to boxes.
    • In corners especially.
    • In corners of elevators.
    • On tables.
    • Any spot that looks miserable
  • A ‘hand’ icon will appear on the game if you find or get near any of the scriptures or grimoires. 

Where To Find Scriptures In Darktide

  • Maps with a Diamond icon may contain grimoires or scriptures.
  • Click on the mission to determine whether it has grimoires or scriptures.
  • Look for secondary missions related to finding scriptures or grimoires.
  • For example, a mission might require finding “3x scriptures for bonus rewards.”
  • Maps marked with a Diamond icon can have a maximum of 3 scriptures.
  • Either scriptures or grimoires can be found, allowing for a maximum of 2 grimoires on a map.
  • Grimoires are green glowing books, while scriptures look like normal books
Darktide: green glowing grimoire
Darktide: glowing green grimoire [Image by eXputer]

Scripture Locations

Tomes used to be spawned at certain locations in Vermintide. But the case is the opposite here. Scriptures have a total random spawning. This means mentioning the exact location to find scripture in Warhammer 40k Darktide would be insane. However, the tip here is that search every dark corner of the map. These items are not found in the way, and you need to grind for them.

It is recommended to look for scriptures/grimoires in the following spots:

  • In the left/right areas of doorways.
  • In the large open containers.
  • Next to boxes.
  • In corners especially.
  • In corners of elevators.
  • On tables.
  • Any spot that looks miserable.
Scripture/Grimoire lying in a corner in Darktide
Scripture/Grimoire lying in a corner in Darktide [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
Every spot on a map that is sort of hidden or dark might have the scripture. The maps in Darktide are now divided into several sections. Each section contains only one scripture or grimoire. So, it is advisable to narrow down the search to the sections. 

Search each section and then move to the other. If you have found a scripture in one section, there is no point in going further in the same section. You and your teammates always need to be scouting very carefully because if you miss a scripture once, you may not be able to find it again.

But the chances of missing them are rare. When you get near the scripture/grimoire, you get a notification that you have a scripture/grimoire somewhere nearby. The notification has a ‘hand’ sign, from which you must know that you have the item you’re searching for in close vicinity. 

Darktide: notification about nearbt scripture/grimoire
Darktide: notification about nearby scripture/grimoire [Image Captured by us]
  • Scriptures/Grimoires in Darktide spawn in different locations each time.
  • No fixed spawn pattern is known yet; locations vary with each playthrough.
  • Explore every corner and section of the map to find them.

Wrap Up

It has only been a few days since the game has released, and it is in the testing stage yet. As for the scripture locations, not just us but all of the players experienced the random spawning of the subject item. This means, for now, it is just you on your own.

The tip here is that in case you have found a scripture and you need to pick ammo or a health kit as well, just mark the location of the scripture so that your teammates can pick it up for you. Or, you can come back for it later. You need good teamwork to find these since a player can only pick one book at a time. So, to find 3 scriptures, three players will be serving.

If you die, the scripture will be lost. That is the only condition to lose a scripture. In contrast, a grimoire can be lost as soon as you drop it. Also, grimoires have negative as well. So, they are a little hard to carry than scriptures.

So, this is all about scriptures, grimoires, and their locations in Warhammer 40k Darktide. 

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Sulaymaan Ahmad is a Senior Writer on eXputer who covers all the latest and greatest games. He has an engineering background and a knack for decimating players in First-Person Shooter games. He also enjoys narrative-driven games with characters he can emotionally invest in. Sulaymaan's love for gaming has been going strong for several years which is evident on his gaming profiles at Steam and PSN. Experience: 3+ Years || Written 150+ Guides || Mainly Covers Strategy Guides on eXputer

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