Wo Long Fallen Dynasty: How To Beat Zhang Rang

Clones, Lightning Attacks & what not - Zhang Rang has got tons of attacks up his sleeve!

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty portrays Zhang Rang as a boss character of great power, who the protagonist and their team must overcome. To take down Zhang Rang, Cao Cao NPC joins the player in the critical mission of the Fall of the Corrupted Eunuch, where they confront and defeat him.

In the course of the boss battle, Zhang Rang displays his supernatural capabilities by dividing into multiple phantom versions before launching attacks on his adversaries. The battle also reveals that Zhang Rang has already transformed into a non-human entity as a result of his unquenchable thirst for power and riches due to his use of the Elixir.

Key Takeaways
  • Zhang Rang in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty occurs in the mission “Fall of the Corrupted Eunuch.”
  • One of the unique aspects of the boss fight is the presence of clones.
  • He summons these clones at the start of the fight, and when his health is around 50%, the clones give Zhang Rang a buff and can use some of the same attacks as him.

When Do You Encounter Zhang Rang Boss Fight?

Zhang Rang

Similar to the Zhang Liang boss fight, you can’t advance through Wo Long without first defeating Zhang Rang, a mandatory boss. In the quest “Fall of the Corrupted Eunuch,” players will square off against Zhang Rang. He has many attack patterns, such as sword rushes, lightning assaults, and clones that may buff him, making this boss battle difficult. Defeating Zhang Rang is a major milestone in the game’s progression and the story’s development.

Zhang Rang All Attacks 

Zhang Rang Clones [Images Credits: FP Good Game]
Sword Rush Rushes at the player with his sword. Can be dodged or parried.
Triple Attack Attacks the player three times. Can be dodged or parried.
Lightning Swirl Zhang Rang summons purple lightning around him for an AOE attack. Can be dodged.
Lightning Crash Stabs the ground, dealing lightning AOE damage. Can be dodged.
Lightning Orb Shoots a slow-moving orb of lightning. Can be dodged or parried.
Lightning Rush Zhang Rang hurls a fast lightning bolt towards the player. Can be dodged.
Flying Spin Spins towards the player while in the air. Can be dodged or countered.
Lightning Barrage Summons a clone that shoots lightning orbs in random directions. Avoid by moving behind the clone.

Best Strategy To Defeat Zhang Rang

Attacking Boss

If you’re just starting in Wo Long, defeating Zhang Rang might be a real challenge.

To assist you to prevail against him, consider the following:

  1. Take out clones first: Prioritize eliminating Zhang Rang’s clones to prevent an early advantage.
  2. Use companions to aggro enemies: Utilize allies to attract the clones’ attention and reduce distractions.
  3. Use spirit attacks on clones: Speed up Zhang Rang’s Spirit Gauge depletion by using spirit attacks on clones.
  4. Use dodging or parrying: Avoid Zhang Rang’s attacks by mastering dodging and parrying.
  5. Focus on Zhang Rang after clones: Shift attention to Zhang Rang after successfully defeating the clones.
  6. Use Tiger Seals for aggro and stun-lock: Employ Tiger Seals to summon allies, providing aggro and stun opportunities.
  7. Repeat the process: Iterate through the strategy until Zhang Rang is defeated, practicing and refining your approach.

It’s important to remember that the best way to defeat Zhang Rang is to eliminate his clones first, then employ spirit assaults, and last, to avoid or parry his strikes. You will eventually be able to overcome him and advance in the game with enough time and effort spent practicing.

Mistakes To Avoid During The Zhang Rang Boss Fight

ZHANG RANG – Acid Pool

If you wish to win your battles against Zhang Rang in Wo Long, it’s crucial to avoid making these typical mistakes:

  • Refrain from going straight for the actual Zhang Rang as the battle begins.
  • Rather, you should concentrate on eliminating the clones first.
  • With them gone, Zhang Rang’s defenses will be weakened, making him easier to destroy.
  • Do not underestimate the clones’ potential impact on the battle; despite appearances, Zhang Rang benefits from the clones’ presence.
  • You should try to eliminate them as soon as possible to ease the pressure throughout the battle.
  • Make use of spirit strikes; they might weaken Zhang Rang’s defenses and leave him open to your physical assaults.
  • Make heavy use of them in battle; they will make your life much simpler.
  • You should try to avoid Zhang Rang’s strikes, since they may sometimes have catastrophic effects.
  • Avoid taking too much damage by dodging or parrying them.
  • Having allies who can assist you in diverting attention from the clones and dealing with them is a huge advantage, so make sure you use them effectively.
  • You may put them to good use in the battle if you use a little strategy.
  • It’s important to use your surroundings to your advantage since there may be openings through which you may avoid or deflect Zhang Rang’s blows. Make good use of cover and other obstructions.
  • Watch your health bar and utilize healing items as needed; Zhang Rang’s assaults may be rather damaging.

While it may take more than one try to beat Zhang Rang, you shouldn’t give up on your goal too quickly. Don’t give up; keep trying, and improve as you go. Instead, keep reevaluating your approach as you go. With these strategies, you may increase your chances of winning the Wo Long Fallen Dynasty boss fight against Zhang Rang.

Boss Fight Rewards

Here are the potential rewards that you can get after defeating Zhang Rang in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty:

  • Wuhuan Cavalry Hat
  • Wuhuan Cavalry Armor
  • Wuhuan Cavalry Gauntlets
  • Wuhuan Cavalry Greaves
  • Yellow Turban Commander Helmet
  • Yellow Turban Commander Armor
  • Yellow Turban Commander Gauntlets
  • Yellow Turban Commander Greaves

Based on the lore information that you must have read above, you will get Wuhuan Cavalry or Yellow Turban Commander set pieces along with a few random drops. 


That is pretty much everything I had to entail about Zhang Rang’s boss fight in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty. You now have complete information regarding Zhang’s attack patterns, what incoming strikes to avoid, deflect, or guard, and the series of mistakes you should avoid. So, this should be enough for you to defeat Zhang Rang in the game and progress the story further. 

In any case, if you’re done with the boss guide, why not read our Best Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Builds, Best Spells For Virtue Tree, and Dynasty Divine Beasts guides before you leave? 


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Irfan Ansari is a Senior Editor and Guides Writer on eXputer. He has seven years of Video Game Journalism experience and has been gaming for more than 22 years. Over his editorial career, he has gained experience at multiple sites, including TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming. Irfan has also earned a degree in Writing and Editing from the University of Michigan. Learn some more about Irfan's gaming journey on his Steam, PSN, and Xbox profiles.

Experience: 7+ Years || Worked for TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming

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