X-Men Can Make A Superb Single-Player Game, Much Like Guardians Of The Galaxy

It's unsettling that this IP hasn't gotten picked up in recent times.

Story Highlights

  • It’s been a long time since a new X-Men game. X-Men Legends 2 was a gem, but sadly never continued.
  • Single-player superhero team games have a lot of potential, just look at Guardians of the Galaxy.
  • The X-Men have made a return as an animated series; it’s about time they do in games as well

Whether you’re young or old, the prospect of superheroes is always interesting. Even more so if you’re actively controlling and playing as one. Batman Arkham series is the pinnacle of the superhero genre, Inomniac’s Spider-Man is beloved far and wide, and there’s plenty more still left unexplored. Why isn’t there a Superman game?

Speaking of unexplored potential, how long has it been since the last X-Men game? I remember back in the day when the iconic superhero team was at the center of the stage. From third-person RPGs to Fighting games, Diablo-style top-down games to 2D brawlers, there was something for everyone. But now, nothing. Isn’t it about time we got a new game featuring the iconic Mutant Army?

YouTube video

No X-Men Legends 3 Has To Be A Crime

As I’ve mentioned, there’s no shortage of variety among games featuring the X-Men. I still remember when I first played X-Men: The Official Game. Looking back, that game had a ton of problems, but for the 7-year-old me, it was one of the first 3D games I came across, and I was mesmerized. I ended up playing a lot of games featuring this iconic team, but there’s one in particular I’ll never forget, X-Men Legends 2.

The X-Men Legends series is a team-based, top-down RPG you can play with 4 characters, either switching between them if single-player or with 4 friends in local co-op. What made X-Men Legends 2 so unique for me was the massive X-Men roster, an engaging plot, and most importantly, the brilliant gameplay.

Before there was an Ultimate Alliance…there were Legends…
byu/TheeRoronoaZoro inxmen

Level design across the various regions was appreciably varied, you could unlock unique skills for your characters, Boss fights genuinely challenged you (That Mikhail fight was the bane of my existence), and there were a ton of secrets that had that extreme thrill of discovery. Toiling to unlock Iron Man and then playing as him in an X-Men game was the most wonderful moment for me.

X-Men Legends 2's complex level design was unrivaled
X-Men Legends 2’s complex level design was unrivaled

It’s truly a crime that the series wasn’t renewed for a third entry, it more than deserves it.

Single-Player Superhero Games Are A Ton Of Fun

Superhero games are fairly enjoyable, but only if they’re single-player. I have nothing but hate for the online ones, and for solid reasons. Marvel’s Avengers, and Suicide Squad, there’s nothing but malice here, while Batman and Spider-Man games are some of my favorite adventures.

By this logic, an argument can be made that solo appearance games are fun, while team-based games are not as enjoyable. Thus, a Wolverine or a Cyclops game would automatically be better than an X-Men game. To counter this, I present Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s a team-based superhero game and a pristine example of how well the concept can be translated into a single-player game.

The problem is with online games and hideous live services. If X-Men get a game like that, I’ll be the first one to hate it. However, there’s a ton of potential for a single-player or even an X-Men Legends-style local co-op game. Guardians of the Galaxy proved it, and now I want the X-Men to do the same.

After the Marvel's Avengers disaster, GOTG was a true blessing
After the Marvel’s Avengers disaster, GOTG was a true blessing

The Mutants Have Already Made One Triumphant Return

Although I’m a huge fan of the X-Men games and will demand a new one without any reason, there’s a solid reason involved too this time. What’s that you ask? Why, it’s the return of the X-Men to the TV screen

I’m sure you know this by now, but X-Men: The Animated Series, the good old friend of 90s kids is back now, and it’s just as impressive as I remember. When the new X-Men ’97 was announced, I was jumping with joy as a massive nostalgia train hit me hard. Seeing these iconic characters and their heroic exploits once again have brought back many fond memories.

X-Men 97 Nostalgia done right
byu/UpsetPhrase5334 intelevision

And I wasn’t the only one. X-Men ’97 was very well received and is currently at the height of its popularity. By extension, this means the franchise itself is currently on the minds of many people, and thus a game utilizing this popularity burst is sure to appeal to a lot of them.

The iconic X-Men are back on the stage
The iconic X-Men are back on the stage

An Insomniac X-Men Game Needs To Become A Reality

Considering how much I’ve enjoyed X-Men over the years, the new Marvel’s Wolverine game has me excited beyond belief. Especially considering how the last third-person action game featuring the character is probably my favorite one. I have no doubt Insomniac will do one hell of a job with the Wolverine game, and that’s all the more reason for me to demand an X-Men one.

The unfortunate Insomniac leak a while ago detailed an extended roadmap, which also included an X-Men game. Now I don’t know how much of that was true; it’s nothing but speculation at this point. But there’s nothing I wouldn’t give to see it become a reality. With Insomniac at the helm, we’re sure to get a good game, I just hope it’s not just an untrue leak.

Insomniac future Games roadmap leaks X-Men game
byu/CalmGameshow inxmen


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Hanzala is a dedicated writer who expresses his views as opinion pieces at eXputer. He's always been fascinated by gaming and has been an avid consumer of many different genres for over a decade. His passion for games has him eager to encounter the latest RPGs and actively look for new Soulslike to challenge. He puts forth his experience and knowledge of gaming into captivating opinion pieces.

Experience: 8+ months || Education: Bachelors in Chemistry.

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