Guess The Video Game By Its Logo Quiz

Take part in eXputer's extensive guessing quiz; identify every game using the logo attached.

You have 2 minutes 15 seconds to complete this quiz!

Your time is up, GAME OVER!

Can you guess the video game from its logo?

1 / 30

video game logo 4

Which game is this?

2 / 30

Video game logo 1

Which game is this from?

3 / 30


guess the logo

Which game is this?

4 / 30

video game logo 3

Which video game's logo is this?

5 / 30


guess the video game logo

Which game is this from?

6 / 30

guess this video game from its logo

Which game is this?

7 / 30

guess the video game

Which popular game series is this?

8 / 30

guess the video game

Which game is this from?

9 / 30

video game logo guess

Which game is this from?

10 / 30

guess the video game logo

Which game is this?

11 / 30

video game logo quiz

Which game does this logo belong to?


12 / 30

video game logo

Which game is this?

13 / 30

guess the game

Which game does this artwork belong to?

14 / 30

which video game is this?

Which game is this?

15 / 30

guess the video game

Which game is this?

16 / 30

Guess the game

Which game does this logo belong to?

17 / 30

logo quiz

Which game does this belong to?

18 / 30

video game logo quiz

Which game is this?

19 / 30

guess the video game logo

Which game is this?

20 / 30

video game logo guessing quiz

Which game does this logo belong to?

21 / 30

video games guessing

Which video game does this logo represent?

22 / 30

which video game is this?

Which video game is this?

23 / 30

guess the game

Which games is this?

24 / 30

guess the game

Which game is this?

25 / 30

which game is this?

Which game is this?

26 / 30

guess the video game

Which game is this from?

27 / 30

video game guessing quiz

Which game is this from?

28 / 30

which game is this?

Which game is this?

29 / 30

Which game is this?

Which game does this logo belong to?

30 / 30

Which game is this?

Which game is this?

Your score is

The average score is 48%

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The video gaming industry has grown beyond expectations in the last decade. With so many blockbuster games, it gets hard to play them all. However, a true gamer can identify games just by looking at their logo, and that’s what we’ll test today.

Our “Guess the Logo” quiz consists of 30 questions. Each question contains an image, using which you’ll identify the video game. For every correct answer, you will gain one point. Try your luck and see how well you fare in our logo quiz.

If you’re enjoying the quiz and trivia by eXputer, please bookmark eXputer’s gaming hub page to try out all the latest games we release.

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Community Feedback

this is so good. I got 27 right woohoo


am i a full nerd cuz i got 30/30 on my first try

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