No Man’s Sky Guide: Getting A Better Ship

In a game like No Man’s Sky, where exploration and survival are depicted in an infinite generated universe. Players will want to upgrade their ships quickly to something more robust. To do that you need to be guided in the right direction with our best pieces of advice on how to get a better ship in No Man’s Sky!

Key Takeaways

There are different ways that can help you get a better ship.

  • First, the player needs to collect over a million Units in the games to purchase better and faster ships that can offer additional inventory slots.
  • You can find these ships in space stations, observatories, or trading posts.
  • Second, getting to a ship wreckage can also help you get one if you have low units.
  • All you need to do is Find an outpost with a beacon, select transmission, decode a puzzle, and you’ll see a downed ship there.
  • Clean the landscape to repair the ship, and you are good to go.

Players who have spent more than a few hours in the game have discovered the importance of upgrading and modifying their ships and equipment, but for some new players, the importance of getting a new ship can be ignored. Luckily, there are a couple of perfect ways for players to find new ships in No Man’s Sky. Players can always select which method fits their gameplay style, either they are more focused on building a hefty bank account or exploring planets for wreckage.

Here are the two best ways we find, which are the most effective when it comes to getting a better ship.

Get A New Ship With Units

At the beginning of No Man’s Sky, every player starts with the same “Rasamama S36 Starship”. The ship is very basic and mediocre, provides a good start but players will quickly get bored because of their need for a batter, faster ship with additional inventory slots.

People looking to purchase a new ship will have to first farm Units, and most likely they will need to obtain several hundred thousand or even over a million Units in order to purchase the better ships, No Man’s Sky has to offer.

As soon as players have all the necessary Units, they should head to one of the many space stations, observatories, trading posts or other locations where ships can be found.  You can then review the various ships available according to their technologies and inventory options. Once you find a ship you really like, go ahead and make an offer to purchase it.

A Wrecked Ship

The second method for acquiring a new ship is to pursue a ship wreckage on one of the planets. Even though this method takes time to complete but it’s a great way for players to upgrade their ship if they are low on Units or if they don’t want to spend time farming cash.

Finding these wreckage sites is, kind of an enjoyable task if you ask me. You will first need to find a waypoint or outpost with a beacon. Beacons consist of four options: Shelter, transmission, monolith, and an outpost. Players will want to select transmission, which will send them to base where they will need to decode a basic puzzle. After decoding the puzzle players will see the downed ship on the planet and from there they can review the ship to see if it is better than the one they have or if it is something they are interested in.

If the ship you found is what you want, then you will need to clean up the landscape for materials to repair the ship if it’s in shambles. Once the repairs get done, Feel free to take it.

The Best Ship

In No Man’s Sk,y you can only have one ship at a time, so you will want to explore various options available for your ship, also you might want to consider your preferred activities in the game when selecting a ship.

You have three starship classifications to choose from in No Man’s Sky, each of them has their pros and cons. Most likely you’re going to hop between classes as you play through the game, doing so will allow you to get the full experience of the game.

Explorer ships have greater engines and hyperdrives than any other ships, making them the top-notch choice for exploring or seeking out the center of the universe. Since explorer ships are better suited for travel than fighting, it has better capabilities of stealth than any other class has to offer, allowing players to cruise their world like a ninja.

Now if we talk about fighter starships, they are the best for combat. Players who prefer fight over flight should get their hands on a Fighter ship. Fighter ships have better guns and shield, allowing them to take more damage than any other ship type.

Lastly, The trader ships are large and meant for trading. They are massive and slow, but they do make up for their size with plenty of space and large weapons meant for holding off potential attackers.

Good Luck!

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