Looks Like The Silent Hill 2 Remake Is Already Being Sold A Week Early In Some Stores

The game comes out in early October.

Story Highlights

  • Silent Hill 2 is an upcoming psychological thriller by Konami and Bloober Team, reigniting a paste flame. 
  • The game is seemingly being sold in some stores across the world, as per footage obtained online. 
  • Beware of spoilers circulating various forums online—they’re bound to pop up from here on out.

The gaming world has its eyes set on the Silent Hill 2 remake coming out early next month, but it seems that some vendors have broken the street date for the game ahead of its actual launch. Images circulating on various forums such as Reddit have now come out into the open, with one particular screenshot showcasing 54% completion already. 

Do note that Silent Hill 2 will be released on October 8, 2024, but somehow, a certain player has already made past half of it. Other users on the same Reddit thread have chimed in on the discussion, saying that it’s often that some stores mess up the release times of certain titles.  


Another Redditor says that they could also secure a copy of Silent Hill 2, courtesy of Game UK. Surely, more examples should be popping up here and there, so I’d highly advise trekking with caution online in case you want to avoid spoilers and you haven’t played the 2001 classic. 

A Gameplay Screenshot For The Game Has Also Leaked


An image from the game has also surfaced, where James Sunderland — the protagonist — is seen taking on a monster. All of the latter is for an average consumer, but if you venture into the streamer department, many players have been trying out Silent Hill 2 ahead of time. “Menos Trece,” a Spanish streamer has uploaded a 40-minute-long footage, going through the title’s initial chapters. 

YouTube video

In other news, more details pertaining to the game surfaced in recent times. Talk about minimal player UI, a specialized “90s filter,” and other features to tune into the whole hardcore horror experience as you’re playing Silent Hill 2. 

Looking for the most immersive way to play SILENT HILL 2? You’ll have an option to turn off all UI elements! We’ve also created a ’90s filter’ with grain effect, color correction and screen adjustments to complete the old-school experience.” 

The Silent Hill 2 remake’s review embargo is expected to lift on October 4, which is four days prior to the game’s launch. As for its release platforms, the title is coming out on PC and the PlayStation 5 exclusively. 

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Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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