Danish Bukhari

Danish is an opinion piece writer at eXputer who loves sharing his takes on the industry. He is a long-time PC gamer with a passion for delving into the discussion and discourse surrounding the titles that he plays. Often eager to jump right into the fold and formulate his take on the latest topics, his noteworthy presence on gaming forums, and keen insight help him understand the gaming community in a thorough manner. This helps him provide a more nuanced look into any topic or discussion.

Writes Opinion Pieces at eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Mass Communication.

Most Played Games
  • 10,000+ Hours in World of Warcraft.
  • 1500+ Hours in Valorant.
  • 200+ Hours in Elden Ring.
  • 100+ Hours in Dark Souls III.
  • 100+ Hours in Baldur's Gate 3.
Gaming History
Danish started gaming on the PS2. Nowadays, he's a seasoned PC gamer, primarily interested in RPGs and FPS titles.
Gaming Platforms
PC (Ryzen 5 5600XT & RX 6700XT)
48 Articles