There are a few of the best weapons that will almost certainly make any decent Fallout New Vegas list. But even apart from these select few, the game features an absolute plethora of unique and creative weapons that can suit almost any style of play. From shotguns to assault rifles to grenade launchers, there’s something in New Vegas for everyone.
But with this article, we will attempt to list some of the absolute best weapons in the entire game. We would also like to mention that this list is based on our own personal preferences. You might not agree with every entry, and that’s okay.
First of all, check out the comparison between the Best Fallout New Vegas Weapons:
No. | Weapons | Type | DPS | Crit Damage | Attack per sec | DMG/Attack |
1 | That Gun | Pistol | 90 (70.5) | 30.0 | 3 (4.2) | 30 (43.2) |
2 | Paciencia | Rifle | 65.1 (108.5) | 110.0 | 1.2 (1.7) | 55 (65.5) |
3 | Big Boomer | Shotgun | 309.4 (441.8) | 9.0 | 2.6 (3.1) | 120 (142.8) |
4 | A Light Shining In Darkness | Pistol | 144.4 (291.1) | 33.0 | 4.4 (6.1) | 33 (47.5) |
5 | Ranger Sequoia | Revolver | 104.2 (210.9) | 62.0 | 1.7 (2.4) | 62 (89.3) |
6 | Medicine Stick | Gun | 108 (217.7) | 78.0 | 1.4 (1.9) | 78 (112.3) |
7 | AER14 Prototype | Rifle | 105 (197) | 35.0 | 3 (4.2) | 35 (46.9) |
8 | Survivalist’s Rifle | Rifle | 187.2 (377.4) | 48.0 | 3.9 (5.5) | 48 (69.1) |
9 | Anti-Materiel Rifle | Rifle | 49.3 (82.1) | 110.0 | 0.4 (0.6) | 110 (130.9) |
10 | YCS/186 | Rifle | 420 (699.7) | 70.0 | 3 (4.2) | 140 (166.6) |
Best Weapons

There are dozens of different weapons in Fallout New Vegas, and they come in various shapes and calibers. A significant number of these weapons are already available in the base game, but a large amount of them are also exclusive to each of the six DLCs for the game. The Gun Runners’ Arsenal add-on, in particular, introduces a large number of new guns, ammo types, and weapon mods to the experience. So if you can’t locate a weapon we mention in this list in your own game, you might not have the relevant DLC installed
A majority of these weapons are also unique variations of existing models that already exist within the game, but they function in ways that make them more powerful and valuable to the player. Talking about some of these may be considered minor spoilers, so we’ll try to mitigate them as much as possible.
That Gun

30 | 3 (4.2) | 1 | 30 (43.2) | 90 (70.5) |
This is actually one of the first unique weapons that you come across in the game, and it’s one that is useful for a long time afterward. Comically named ‘That Gun,’ this 5.56mm pistol is among the best non-energy one-handed guns when it comes to critical hit chance.
Compared to a regular 5.56mm pistol, this weapon’s damage, reload speed and item HP are also noticeably higher. Unlike the standard variation, however, the unique ‘That Gun’ is not considered an improved holdout weapon. This means that it cannot be taken into areas where weapons are normally forbidden.
Location: That Gun can be found inside the Dino Bite gift shop in the town of Novac. It can either be purchased from the shopkeeper Cliff Briscoe, or stolen from the locked storage room next to him. To unlock the room, players can either pickpocket the key from Cliff or pick the Very Easy lock by themselves.

110 | 1.2 (1.7) | 1 | 55 (65.5) | 65.1 (108.5) |
If you have the Gun Runners’ Arsenal DLC installed, the unique Paciencia rifle can also be acquired almost as soon as ‘That Gun.’ This is an extremely powerful hunting rifle that deals a base damage of 55, but then it also has the ‘Bonus Critical Damage’ effect. This lets it crit twice as frequently as normal weapons to deal a staggering 110 damage per shot.
With this weapon in your inventory, few combatants should be able to stay standing after a well-placed headshot. In fact, the Paciencia is one of my favorite weapons in the entire game, and I carried it with me for the entire duration of my most recent playthrough. Trust me, it’s useful in almost any situation.
Location: The Paciencia can also be found in the Dino Bite gift shop. Unlike That Gun, however, it can only be purchased from Cliff Briscoe and not stolen. The weapon also has a massive price tag of 12000 caps, which most players should not be able to afford so early in the game.
Big Boomer

9 | 2.6 (3.1) | 14 | 120 (142.8) | 309.4 (441.8) |
Now this gun on our Fallout New Vegas Weapons list may not rank particularly high with a lot of players, but it’s one that I never play through the game without. The Big Boomer is an explosive sawed-off shotgun that eviscerates enemies at short range. It’s basically useless at mid or long-range, but if you walk up close to someone and let it loose, few foes should be able to survive.
Unlike regular Sawed-off shotguns, the Big Boomer has a much tighter spread, a faster rate of fire, and lower AP cost. It also deals an additional 20 points of damage. However, unlike the standard version of this weapon, the Boomer is not considered a holdout weapon. So you cannot sneak it into restricted areas.
Location: If you keep going north from the town of Novac, eventually, you should reach a location called Gibson Scrap Yard. An NPC named Old Lady Gibson resides here with her pet dogs. You can kill her to loot the gun from her body, or you can place a more powerful weapon into her inventory. NPCs automatically equip the strongest weapon in their arsenal, so this should allow the Big Boomer to be pickpocketed.
A Light Shining In Darkness

33 | 4.4 (6.1) | 1 | 33 (47.5) | 144.4 (291.1) |
While the Honest Hearts DLC is far from the best New Vegas story expansion, it does feature one of my favorite NPCs in the form of Joshua Graham. This character also wields a unique .45 Auto pistol that goes by the name of ‘A Light Shining In Darkness.’ It is a powerhouse of a gun.
On top of being one of the best-feeling guns in the game, it deals more damage than a standard .45 Auto pistol. Combine this with its greater critical hit chance and better rate of fire, and you have a weapon that can quickly down enemies. It is also considered to be an improved holdout weapon, so players can take this into otherwise restricted areas with a Sneak skill of at least 50.
Location: To get this weapon, players must start the Honest Hearts expansion and head to Zion Canyon. Once here, they can either kill Joshua Graham to get the gun or play through the entire storyline to get it at the end automatically.
Ranger Sequoia

62 | 1.7 (2.4) | 1 | 62 (89.3) | 104.2 (210.9) |
This gun is a rare variant of the Hunting revolver, minus the scope, but it deals more damage than the standard variation.
At 62 base damage per shot without any perks and an x1.5 critical chance, few enemies can stand up to the force of a single headshot. And if that alone doesn’t work, I can assure you that unloading the full 5-bullet chamber definitely will. There isn’t much else to say about this gun except that it deals massive damage and that it looks absolutely beautiful.
Location: A Ranger Sequoia can be pickpocketed from Chief Hanlon in Camp Golf, or looted from his dead body. If that isn’t an option for players, you can always find them on NCR Veteran Rangers after you hit level 16.
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How can we make this post better? Your help would be appreciated. ✍
Very helpful. Clear and concise. My thanks to the author.
needed it to fins weapons againnst the legion the anti matter sniper is op if u have good aim
Well done !