The Witcher 3: Surviving Death March [Tips & Tricks]

Planning to grind as Geralt again? Why not try out the Death March difficulty in Witcher 3 after reading through some important tips!

Surviving as a Monster Hunter in the medieval era of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is difficult itself and to top it all off, opting into the ferocious ‘Death March’ difficulty is a very brave gesture. Surviving in the ‘Death March’ difficulty is almost impossible without some tips and tricks.

So to make things easy for beginners that are interested in Death March, we’ve found some tips that might help them, and it would also save some time for the players, you can go straight into Death March, if you intend to follow our tips.

Key Highlights
  • Death March difficulty in Witcher 3 is exceptionally challenging.
  • All enemies, even rats and monsters, can kill Geralt quickly (2-3 hits).
  • Preparation is key: keep armor and weapons in good repair.
  • Brewing potions and decoctions, especially Swallow, is vital for survival.
  • Reading the Bestiary helps identify monster weaknesses and resistances.
  • Visit places of power for extra ability points and sign buffs.
  • Assign ability points carefully, prioritize abilities like parrying arrows, whirl, and rend.
  • Match Mutagens with abilities for added benefits (e.g., red mutagen with physical abilities).
  • Master dodging with quickstep over dodge roll for faster recovery.
  • Craft Witcher gear, Wolven or Viper gear is recommended.
  • Upgrade Quen and Yrden signs; Axii and Igni are less useful.
  • Avoid overly strong enemies in open-world; running away is sometimes the best option to avoid unnecessary deaths and loading screens.

If you’ve already played through Witcher 3 once or twice in a lower difficulty, chances are you’d fare better in the Death March. However, for beginners, the Death March could pan out to be a pure nightmare. Hence, for that here are all the things you need to keep in mind for the Witcher 3 Death Match difficulty.

Prepare For The Worst

witcher 3 death march difficulty
Witcher 3 Preparation

In The Witcher 3, there’s no such thing as an easy fight, at least not when you’ve opted for the Death March. Even basic enemies will take half of Geralt’s (Protoganist) health in a single swing, resulting in a harsh start for the beginners. Preparation is key:

  1. Gear Maintenance: Ensure your weapons and armor are in good condition by repairing them. This is crucial as even basic enemies can deal significant damage.
  2. Stock Up on Potions: Have a full stock of potions on hand. After crafting a potion for the first time, you can refill it using a single bottle of alcohol by meditating.
  3. Decoctions: Consider using decoctions, which are powerful but increase toxicity. They can be invaluable for tough battles.
  4. Monster Knowledge: Consult the bestiary before monster hunts. Create appropriate sword oils to boost your damage against specific foes.
  5. Places of Power: Before facing a boss, visit known Places of Power to enhance your signs. Every advantage matters on Death March.

Remember, in The Witcher 3, survival depends on both knowledge and combat skill

Don’t Miss The Ability Points

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Ability Points in Witcher 3 [Screenshot by eXputer]
Talking about Places of Power, the very first time you reach one, it will give you an ability point. Considering that on higher difficulties, Geralt will gain fewer ability points per level-up. Also, it’s very important to not miss these extra goodies. Keep an eye on their distinctive “hum” sound while exploring, and consider making sure that you’ve cleared each map marker before moving to the next region.

Learn To Dodge

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Dodge and Roll [Screenshot by eXputer]
The Witcher 3 gives Geralt not one, but two dodge moves; a roll, and a new quick step that takes much less ground, but can be implemented far more quickly.

  1. Quick Step: This is a fast, short-distance dodge that’s extremely useful, especially in challenging battles. It’s effective against most enemy attacks that aren’t overly long or sweeping. The quick recovery time allows Geralt to counter quickly. Use it to avoid damage and seize opportunities to strike back, but avoid getting too greedy. Slash a few times, then dodge again.
  2. Roll: The long roll is handy for evading attacks from large enemies with extended reach, like griffons or giants. It’s also useful for avoiding being surrounded by smaller foes. However, avoid using it to dodge attacks from human-sized enemies like humans or drowners. Instead, use it to position yourself so enemies are never behind you, as attacks from behind deal double damage.

Utilizing the dodges perfectly and tackling fights with patience will make the Death March a lot easier in Witcher 3.

The Crafting

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Crafting [Screenshot by eXputer]
Similar to potions, it’s important to keep up with the crafting in The Witcher 3, especially on higher difficulties. The best gear you can get is found incomplete usually but in the form of schematics, which lists the materials needed to create a piece of equipment.

After you find the materials, you can bring the schematic to a craftsman of sufficient caliber – some might not be skilled enough for your crafting needs, and then you can complete the equipment. However, if you’re having trouble locating some of what you need, make sure you’re aware of the dismantle feature too. Everything can be broken into its base components, which can provide otherwise difficult-to-find components.

Witcher Signs

When you’re messing around here and there on Normal difficulty, you’ll find it very easy to get through most encounters with just quick dodges and combos; However, that isn’t the case on Death March. A Witcher’s sign comes from his source of magic, and you will need to use yours well if you want to survive.

Here’s a brief overview of the Witcher Signs and their uses:

  1. Quen (Shield): Creates a protective shield, absorbing damage.
  2. Igni (Fire): Projects flames, dealing fire damage and setting foes on fire.
  3. Aard (Telekinesis): Sends a shockwave to stagger or disarm enemies.
  4. Yrden (Magic Trap): Slows and damages foes in its area, with alternative forms available.
  5. Axii (Mind Control): Influences or stuns enemies, with an alternative form for combat.
  6. Heliotrop (Quen Variant): Converts stamina into health when Quen is active.
  7. Pyromaniac (Igni Variant): Increases the chance to ignite targets.

Each Witcher Sign has its unique advantages and can be situationally useful. Players can invest in the corresponding sign skills within the Character skill tree to enhance their effectiveness.

Run, Run, And Run

witcher 3 exploration death march
Keep Moving [Screenshot by eXputer]
One of the obvious things about The Witcher 3 is it’s open-world, and you can use it to your advantage pretty well. You have a lot of space to move here and there. If you’re struggling with a specific tough battle, just run away. Prepare yourself a little better, gain a couple of levels if you have to, and come back later. Playing in the Death March difficulty is a time-taking task and you’d have to try and kill a particular enemy many times, don’t get hopeless keep trying and you’ll be the next Geralt of Rivia in your imaginary life.

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Martin Bell is a News Writer on eXputer who’s been invested in the latest technology and games since the very early years of his childhood. He’s clocked in several hours into CS:GO and other eSports games and is enthusiastic about PC hardware. His passion for gaming and PC hardware shows in the News stories that he breaks for his audience. He is a professional journalist who loves networking with people in the industry to catch the latest scoop before it hits the mainstream media. Experience: 5+ years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Broken 250+ News Stories || Mainly Covers News Articles on eXputer

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