For Honor Tier List: Ranking All Heroes [Tested & Ranked]

We are going to talk about every hero that is available in the game to help you choose the right one.

For Honor is a game that lets you choose from a wide range of different characters. At the time of writing, there are a total of 33 Heroes in the game. Players often get confused about which one to choose. If you don’t choose the right hero, then no matter how much you practice or how skilled you are, you won’t be able to make any serious progress. Hence, it is important to go through a well-constructed For Honor Tier List.

Update: We’ve carefully reviewed our Tier List to make sure it matches all the hero changes in the newest Update 2.50.1.
Key Highlights
  • For Honor keeps 33 different heroes at its just-starting players’ disposal. 
  • The For Honor Heroes collection is divided into multiple factions, namely Viking, The Outlanders, Samurai, Wu Lin, and Knights.
  • Moreover, four distinct types also define each For Honor character. The types are Heavy, Assassin, Hybrid, and Vanguard.

  • The top high-performing units of For Honor are as follows: 
    • Jiang Jun of the Wu Lin faction
    • Nobushi from Samurai
    • and Conqueror, Warmonger, and Gryphon from the group of Knights. 

  • Aramusha, Shinobi, and Peacekeeper are, however, the current worst heroes in For Honor. 
  • Characters with a daunting learning curve are ranked lower than the rest and are not recommended for competitive gameplay.

Comparison Between All Heroes

Check out the comparison of each Hero in For Honor:

HeroTierFactionHero TypeHealthStamina
Jiang JunSWu LinHeavy140.0120.0
MedjayAThe OutlandersHybrid130.0120.0
ShaolinAWu LinHybrid120.0120.0
NuxiaAWu LinAssassin120.0120.0
Black PriorAKnightsHeavies130.0120.0
OcelotlAThe OutlandersHybrid130.0120.0
PirateBThe OutlandersHybrid130.0120.0
TiandiCWu LinVanguard125.0120.0
ZhanhuCWu LinHybrid125.0120.0

For Honor Tier List 

Keep in mind that the following list is based on personal preference, and you might find some heroes not belonging to a particular tier. We will include five heroes in each tier, while the weakest three will go in the last tier. Here is the summary table. 

Tier List Table
Faction S-Tier A-Tier B-Tier C-Tier D-Tier E-Tier
Knights Conqueror, Warmonger, Gryphon Black Prior Warden, Gladiator Centurion,  Lawbringer Peacekeeper
Samurai Nobushi, Kyoshin Hitokiri Shugoki, Kensei Orochi Aramusha, Shinobi
Wu Lin Jiang Jun Shaolin, Nuxia Tiandi, Zhanhu
The Outlanders  Medjay, Ocelotl Pirate, Afeera
Viking Warlord Raider, Berserker, Highlander Jormungandr Valkyrie, Shaman

S-Tier Heroes 

These are top-tier characters in our opinion which is why they have been placed in S-Tier.

A-Tier Heroes

Slightly weaker than the S-Tier units, we have the A-Tier heroes. These heroes are amazing and can easily make it into the S-tier depending on the player’s playstyle!

B-Tier Heroes

The B-Tier Heroes are the bang-average characters in For Honor. These are not the worst but neither are they the best. Players can feel adamant with them in the early stages of the game.

C-Tier Heroes

Here on, we will start reviewing some Heroes which are best avoided. The C-Tier For Honor Characters are below average in our eyes.

D-Tier Heroes

Below C-tier we have the D-tier which should be overlooked. These heroes do not fare well against the ones we have mentioned above.

E-Tier Heroes

Before we proceed with E-Tier heroes, we’d like to mention that these are the worst heroes available in the game. Compared to the heroes mentioned above, these ones don’t offer any unique skills and are not able to handle critical situations. Therefore, there isn’t any reason why you should pick them.

That was all regarding our For Honor Tier List. We hope that it will help you with choosing the right hero.

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Haddi is a Senior Writer at eXputer who loves to play games and talk about them like a fanatic. Hadi's years of experience in this industry let him provide a unique and critical perspective on games to share with his audience. His work is also featured on several other websites. You can hit him up on his gaming profile at Steam!

Experience: 5+ years || Previously Worked At Gamepur, Gear Siege, GearNuke

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