FromSoftware Plotting Elden Ring: Nightreign To Be “The Complete Package”

No live service ahead.

Story Highlights

  • Elden Ring: Nightreign is an upcoming standalone Elden Ring expansion, with a focus on multiplayer.
  • It’s one of the major announcements of The Game Awards this year around, with no one seeing it coming.
  • Game director Junya Ishizaki spoke at length about the project and FromSoft’s ambitions in relation to it. 

Talk about dropping one solid surprise. FromSoftware coming hot off the heels of Shadow of the Erdtree’s success has just revealed what it’s been cooking behind the curtains since long. Turns out, the legendary Japanese developer has been slaving away on a multiplayer-focused, standalone Elden Ring expansion that it plans on pushing out next year. And not just that, it’s got big hopes from the game itself. 

Speaking to PC Gamer in an interview, director Junya Ishizaki expressed his belief that Nightreign is far from being a live service title. Instead, you won’t have to pay to win, nor will you need to purchase any in-game currency to acquire better loot—this (microtransactions) is pretty much the bread and butter of traditional live service titles, including Fortnite and PUBG. 

With Nightreign, we wanted to have a game that felt like a complete package out of the box on the day of purchase, so everything is unlockable, everything is contained with that purchase. It’s not what we’d consider a ‘live service’ game.” 

Junya also talked about post-release plans for Nightreign that FromSoftware may have. The team doesn’t have anything specific in mind, other than maintaining the upkeep of the expansion in the immediate future.  

Is FromSoftware Turning To The Live Service Format As Well? 

YouTube video

Good God, no. It’s best not to jump the gun at this point, considering FromSoftware’s legacy and the type of quality it’s produced in the industry so far. People have been showing concern ever since Nightreign was revealed, saying that perhaps the dev we all know and love is now considering shifting to the dark side, but it bears mentioning that FromSoftware hasn’t done anything yet to break player trust. 

Related Content to Check Out: 

Elden Ring: Nightreign does not have a release date at the moment, but is expected to come out sometime in 2025. 

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PC Gamer

Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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