PlayStation 4 Has The Most GTA 5 Players In 2024 According To Analysts

The decade-old console is still the prime host of one of the best-selling titles in history.

Story Highlights

  • Most of GTA 5’s active player base is on PlayStation 4, as per analysts.
  • The last-gen console is home to most of the 20 million+ active GTA Online players.
  • GTA 6 is only going to launch on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series consoles.

According to a new report by, Ampere analysts have found out that PlayStation 4 has the highest percentage of GTA Online players around the globe. Per the research, most of the 20 million+ GTA Online players are on the PS4, making it the most active platform for the game by some distance. Hence, the 2013 console is still knocking it out of the park when it comes to MAUs.

Such a figure raises some interesting questions as the upcoming GTA 6 is only going to be released on next-gen consoles when it comes out next year. Therefore, with 50% of the PlayStation player base still on the older PS4, will the iconic franchise’s next entry finally make people upgrade their consoles?

GTA 6 Will Mark The Return Of Vice City | Source: GamesRadar

GTA 6 Has Unmatched Hype

Unsurprisingly, the hype around GTA 6 is unlike any other, and if its trailer is any indication of quality, the anticipation is more than justified. Set in Leonida, which is the fictional version of Florida, the upcoming action-adventure game will follow Lucia (GTA’s first female lead since 2000) and her partner Jason as they venture through the criminal world of Vice City. 

GTA 6 was only confirmed to be in development in 2022 after years of speculation about the game’s state and whether it even existed or not. Then later that year, Rockstar fell victim to a leak when a hacker disclosed tonnes of information including videos, alpha gameplay footage, and much more about the game, affecting the development negatively. But, nothing stopped the GTA 6 hype train, not even really bad testing footage.

Rockstar finally revealed the game in December 2023, with its first teaser trailer doing numbers never seen before in the entertainment industry. The trailer for GTA 6 broke the record for most views in 24 hours for a non-music video in just half a day and is 3rd in all-time rankings for the most viewed music videos in 24 hours.

YouTube video

As per Take-Two, GTA 6 is set to launch in late 2025 for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

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GI Biz

Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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