Square Enix Hosting A Broadcast For Final Fantasy 7 25th Anniversary

The broadcast will have special guests to celebrate 25 years of the game.

Final Fantasy VII has been one of the defining games of the series. Both the original and the remake made a lot of money. FFVII has garnered the most critical acclaim out of any game in the series. The original won several Game of the Year awards and was a huge commercial success. It shaped a generation of Final Fantasy games. So, It’s no surprise that Square Enix is going big on its anniversary.

Square Enix is hosting a huge FFVII broadcast on January 31, 2022. This will celebrate the original game’s 25th birthday. This event will also have some special guests for this celebration. Director Yoshinori Kitase and artist Tetsuya Nomura will join the stream for this particular moment. 

YouTube video

Final Fantasy Union also shared this info on Twitter. The Tweet also told fans to expect news on The First Soldier. This is a mobile battle-royale game based on FFVII. There might be some new info about the game’s second season. But, there is no confirmation of this as of yet. So, take this with a pinch of salt. 

The broadcast is fascinating for the fans. The original game got a new generation into Final Fantasy and was a landmark in the series. Players love the original game a lot, and to see such a celebration is an excellent thing. So, this is a great way to celebrate an anniversary and appease fans simultaneously. 

Final Fantasy VII is one of the greatest games of all time. It recently got a current-gen remake, and players patiently wait for the next part. It even has a mobile multiplayer and a next-gen version. So, this game has held up well over the years. This is a testament to its quality. Everyone is looking forward to the broadcast, and hopefully, we will get some new info. Let us know what you think will be the special announcement in the comments below!

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By day, Umer loves writing about games and talking about them; by night, he is an avid gamer that loves playing League of Legends and RTS games. Being a massive fan of Metal Gear Solid, you'll find Umer always praising the legendary Hideo Kojima, or covering the latest news.

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