Watch: Astro Bot’s Launch Countdown In Astro’s Playroom Is Genius Marketing

The game is now out, but not without a proper bang.

Story Highlights

  • Astro Bot is one of the most anticipated PlayStation exclusives to release this year. 
  • Celebrating the game’s launch, the devs held a special countdown inside Astro’s Playroom.
  • Astro Bot is now out for the PlayStation 5 exclusively, with the devs possibly looking into a sequel already.

Astro Bot, the exceptionally sought-after PS5 exclusive that the world has had its eyes on for a while now, is finally out today. Ahead of its global launch, however, Team Asobi decided to hold a celebratory countdown inside Astro’s Playroom—the game’s predecessor—and the entire occasion couldn’t be pulled off any better. Credits to Redditor PandaKid for capturing the moment.

In all fairness, Team Asobi did say late last month that it’s going to add a cheeky little update to Astro’s Playroom, but it’s the execution of it all here that’s genuinely kicked Astro Bot’s marketing up a notch. 

And in the last few hours preceding the release of Astro Bot, we will hold a special celebration countdown inside Astro’s Playroom. Please come and check it out,” said Nicolas Doucet, the studio head. 

I currently cannot confirm if there’s a way to relive this event held by all the bots inside Astro’s Playroom in case you missed the thing the first time, but it’s probably less than likely. I recommend tuning in the next time around for Astro Bot’s sequel’s launch because as per a recent story, another iteration in the franchise has a good chance of happening. 

Is Astro PlayStation’s New Mascot?

Astro Bot Has Over 70 Different Character Cameos
Astro Bot Features Over 70 Different Character Cameos | Image Source: PS Blog

It’s not official yet, but I definitely see it coming true, considering the popularity and the liveliness of Astro, and how it’s won over hearts with its playable titles on the PlayStation 5. 

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As for now, you should prepare to get your hands on the free post-launch DLC that Team Asobi has prepared for Astro Bot fans. Outside of the extra goodies, there are going to be some wild cameos in this game that I personally cannot wait to get into myself. 

Let me know in the comments ahead how you’re finding Astro Bot so far.

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Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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