Mythic Heroes Tier List: Ranking All Characters

Dominate the PVE, PVP, and Boss Fights with these characters

Mythic Heroes is a unique idle RPG game where dark forces threaten the world’s fate. The game is about forming an army of Gods and Heroes to defeat enemies and save the world. Players can enhance their abilities and use them to their full potential, but there’s always confusion about which characters to choose in such games. That is why we have organized the Mythic Heroes tier list, where each character will be ranked according to their abilities.

Our list of character rankings precisely aligns with the changes introduced in the latest patch, update 1.27.001.

Our Tier List Picks And Comparison

TierMythic Heroes Fighter (PVE)Mythic Heroes Fighter (PVP)Mythic Heroes Fighter (Boss Fights)
SLuciferLucifer, SusanooArtemis, Lucifer, Susanoo
ASusanoo, ArtemisArtemis, MedusaMedusa, Lu Bu
BMedusa, Oberon, ArchimedesLu Bu, ArchimedesArchimedes
CLu BuOberonOberon
Mythic Heroes Mage (PVE)Mythic Heroes Mage (PVP)Mythic Hero Mage (Boss Fights)
SGanjiang & MoyeGanjiang and Moye, Izanami, Tamamo No Mae, LilithPersephone
AIzanami, Tamamo No Mae, Flora, Persephone, LilithFlora, Zeus, Cleopatra, PersephoneGanjiang and Moye, Izanami, Tamamo No Mae, Cleopatra, Flora, Zeus
Mythic Hero Tank (PVE)Mythic Heroes Tank (PVP)Mythic Heroes Tank (Boss Fights)
SAthenaAthena, PoseidonTyphon
ATyphon, Hercules, Poseidon, Thor, GaiaTyphon, Hades, Thor, Hercules, GaiaHades, Poseidon
BHades, AnubisAnubisThor, Hercules
CAthena, Gaia, Anubis
Mythic Heroes Support (PVE)Mythic Heroes Support (PVP)Mythic Heroes Support (Boss Fights)
SNuwaNuwa, IdunDionysus
AJoan of Arc, Idun, Nagakayna, Cassandra, Hela, IsetIset, Joan of Arc, Cassandra, Hela, Faust, NagakaynaIdun, Nagakayna, Nuwa, Iset, Cassndra, Hela
CDionysus---Joan of Arc

Fighter Tier List For PVE

Fighters in Mythic Heroes deal the most damage through bursts or consecutive and quick attacks. Almost every gamer knows that these types of characters should be placed on the front line of the battlefield so they can shine in battle.

Tier Fighter OUR VERDICT
S Lucifer Lucifer stands out as one of the best damage dealers in the game, with insane abilities. He’s a top priority for PVE teams.
A Susanoo Susanoo can carry the team as an assassin with unique tools, making him a formidable damage dealer. He requires a balance of damage and survivability in his build.
A Artemis Artemis is a potent single-target DPS fighter, often overlooked by gamers. With the right setup, she can unleash her full potential and deal massive damage.
B Medusa Medusa, primarily used as support despite being a DPS character, can fulfill the DPS role effectively with the right equipment.
B Archimedes Archimedes is overshadowed by other carries but can deal significant damage with a well-built team.
B Oberon Oberon serves as a hybrid DPS/Tank character, offering remarkable damage output. With sufficient investment, he becomes a viable main DPS option.
C Lu Bu Lu Bu can deal significant damage but requires proper support to function effectively. While there are better options, players can still utilize him with a focus on single-target damage.

Fighter Tier List For PVP

TierMythic Heroes Fighter
SLucifer, Susanoo
AArtemis, Medusa
BLu Bu, Archimedes

We won’t be discussing the characters again as the fighters in the list are already ranked above, so just check the table and choose the characters accordingly. The same is the criteria for the Mythic Heroes tier list for Boss Fights too, which we will discuss now.

Fighter Tier List For Boss Fights

TierMythic Heroes Fighter
SArtemis, Lucifer, Susanoo
AMedusa, Lu Bu

Mage Tier List For PVE

Now we will discuss the mages in our Mythic Heroes tier list as they are the other type of damage dealers in the game. Their damage will not be the same as the fighters, so they should not be positioned on the front lines. So, let’s see the ranking of mages in our tier List for PVE.

S Ganjiang & Moye A powerful mage with a nuke-style ultimate (Twin Souls), dealing double damage to all nearby enemies.
A Izanami Versatile carry capable of tanking, healing, and dealing damage, with an ultimate (Breath of the Dead) that deals damage and recovers health.
A Tamamo No Mae Excellent mage focusing on single-target burst DPS, with an ultimate (Wrath of Nine-tail) that summons 10 Fox Fires and active abilities for damage output.
A Flora A strong damage dealer with an ultimate (Flowery Implosion) that summons petals circles around enemies and active abilities for dealing damage.
A Persephone A sub-DPS hero specializing in applying debuffs with an ultimate (Bitter Blossoms) that deals damage to enemies within range and active abilities for targeting enemies with buffs.
A Lilith A hero with dual forms and complicated mechanics, dealing damage based on her current form with an ultimate (Dual Shadows) that deals high damage and active abilities for both forms.
B Zeus Capable of dealing high damage with an ultimate (Wrath of God) that casts lightning bolts on all enemies and active abilities for damage and shielding.
C Cleopatra Possesses AoE abilities but lacks versatility, with an ultimate (Poisonous Wave) that deals damage to all enemies and active abilities for summoning totems and casting poisonous fog.

Mage Tier List For PVP

TierMythic Heroes Mage
SGanjiang and Moye, Izanami, Tamamo No Mae, Lilith
AFlora, Zeus, Cleopatra, Persephone

Mage Tier List For Boss Fights

TierMythic Heroes Mage
AGanjiang and Moye, Izanami, Tamamo No Mae, Cleopatra, Flora, Zeus

Tank Tier List For PVE

Tanks help Fighters to shine on the frontlines, as their job is to protect the team. While the main job of a tank is to protect the allies, it can also deal some massive damage to the opponents. Now, let’s rank the tanks in our Mythic Heroes Tier List.

S Athena Athena excels as a tank and has been voted as the best tank in a subreddit poll. She provides excellent protection for the team.
A Typhon Typhon serves as a tank while dealing potent damage to enemies. He’s a strong choice but may be avoided due to complexity.
A Hercules Hercules deals significant damage as a tank, holding the frontline for his team. Known for resilience, often being the last hero standing.
A Poseidon Poseidon, though lacking some traditional tank qualities, can still turn the tide of battle as an off-tank. Building him correctly enhances his effectiveness.
A Thor Thor exhibits strong tank qualities but falls short of being the best. Placed in A tier for PVE due to overall performance and capabilities.
A Gaia Gaia excels at disrupting enemy teams while drawing attention as the primary target. Effective in prolonged battles but may have limited build options.
B Hades Hades possesses offensive potential but is overshadowed by other offensive characters. His ultimate (Death Scythe) deals damage to enemies, and active abilities summon a hellhound and absorb damage with a shield.
B Anubis Anubis applies debuffs to minimize damage taken but lacks enough utility to excel. His ultimate (Abyss Domination) increases max health, and active abilities reduce enemy crit and summon mummies.

Tank Tier List For PVP

TierMythic Heroes Tank
SAthena, Poseidon
ATyphon, Hades, Thor, Hercules, Gaia

Tank Tier List For Boss Fights

TierMythic Heroes Tank
AHades, Poseidon
BThor, Hercules
CAthena, Gaia, Anubis

Support Tier List For PVE

In every team, there should be a support hero unless your team can one-shot any team, which is pretty rare. Support heroes are essential as they heal or buff their allies and can even use magic to damage enemies. Some of the support heroes we will discuss in this Mythic Heroes Support Tier List can survive on the front lines.

Tier Support Hero OUR VERDICT
S Nuwa Nuwa shines as the top support hero for PVE, providing powerful boosts to all hero types.
A Joan of Arc Joan of Arc functions as both a support and a tank, offering frontline support while absorbing enemy damage. She excels at bolstering teammates and mitigating enemy assaults.
A Idun Idun excels as a support hero, providing healing and energy restoration to enable her allies to consistently unleash their ultimate abilities. She is invaluable for sustaining team momentum.
A Nagakayna Nagakayna is a versatile support character, equipped with various tools to assist her team. Her adaptability allows her to seamlessly integrate into any team composition.
A Cassandra Cassandra is a resilient healer capable of enduring prolonged battles, making her a solid choice for the early stages of the game. Her healing prowess ensures her team’s longevity in combat.
A Hela Hela is a hybrid support hero ideal for the game’s later stages, offering a blend of buffs and debuffs to enhance her team’s performance. Her versatility allows her to complement any team setup.
A Iset Iset is a game-changing support character, capable of turning the tide of battle in the late game. Her strategic use can lead to decisive victories for her team.
B Faust Faust offers flexibility in builds and ease of use, with the ability to remove a hero at the start of the fight. However, he may not always be reliable in all situations.
C Dionysus Dionysus is the weakest support in PVP but excels in boss fights with his single-target debuffs. While he may not be reliable in all scenarios, he can still be valuable in certain situations.

Support Tier List For PVP

TierMythic Heroes Support
SNuwa, Idun
AIset, Joan of Arc, Cassandra, Hela, Faust, Nagakayna

Support Tier List For Boss Fights

TierMythic Heroes Support
AIdun, Nagakayna, Nuwa, Iset, Cassndra, Hela
CJoan of Arc

Ranking Criteria

We will discuss the best picks for PVE, PVP, and even Boss Fights, so the ranking will depend on three of them. With this guide, you will be able to achieve victory every time, as we have been playing the game for a long time now and decided to rank the characters based on their abilities.

As we have played this game, this guide will consist of our experience and what some pro players have been picking for PVE, PVP, and Boss Fights. Moreover, you should keep in mind that in this tier list, we will only discuss the character’s active ability and Ultimate, as the passive ones will activate on their own. You can still see what they do online if you want to, but they will be triggered on their own, so you won’t have to do much.


That’s almost everything you would want to know to form a perfect team in Mythic Heroes if you want to dominate in PVP, PVE, and Boss Fights. Passive Skills are not discussed characters, so you can search for them online if you definitely want to know; otherwise, it is not necessary. Odin, Loki, and Amaterasu are yet to be ranked in our Mythic Heroes tier list for PVP, PVE, and Boss Fights, as they are not yet available in-game. 

Some users might be confused about which SSR hero to use for the late game. According to this subreddit, there are many good choices which we also explained in the tier list, and they include Archimedes, Medusa, Odin, and more.


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Tehreem is a Tier List Writer on eXputer who loves playing, researching, comparing, and writing about games that she enjoys. She’s a Pokemon-obsessed, high-on-caffeine kind of gal. She’s got several years' worth of experience writing about the games she loves. When she’s not playing or writing about RPGs, she can be found binge-watching her favorite shows. Feel free to get in touch with Tehreem or even game with her on her Steam profile.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Studying English Literature.

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