Persona 3 Reload: All Rare Shadow Hand Weaknesses [Our Expert’s Opinion]

I am giving you the weaknesses of all of the Rare Shadow Hands so that you easily beat-em!

Rare Shadow Hands are exactly what they sound like and are rare forms of shadow enemies. Rare Shadows are harder to defeat, but they grant better rewards. You can find them on various blocks of Tartarus Tower. I was able to conquer some of the Rare Shadow hands by exploiting their weaknesses in Persona 3 Reload and building a party good enough to take care of these Rare Shadow Hands!

Key Takeaways
  • Rare Shadow Hands are better and stronger bosses than normal shadows in Tartarus Tower.
  • In Persona 3 Reload, you can find rare shadow hands on different blocks and floors.
  • You must hit them before they escape after seeing you.
  • Exploit their weak affinities to defeat Rare Shadow Hands.

All Shadow Hands Weaknesses

spotting rare shadow hand in game
Fight Starting With A Rare Shadow Hand In Persona 3 – (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)

These are all 7 Rare Shadow Hands that I have encountered, along with their weaknesses!

How To Defeat Rare Shadow Hands

rare shadow hand in p3r
A Rare Shadow Hand Performing A Lethal Wind Attack At Me – (Screenshot Grab: eXputer)
  • Be Quick To Catch: Hit the Rare Shadow Hands when you see them, as they will disappear upon detection.
  • Engage In Battle Quickly: Exploit their weaknesses for a chance to defeat them before they escape.
  • Utilize All-Out Attacks: To deal with good damage and increase your chances of victory, perform All-Out attacks.
  • Exploit Weakness: Rare Shadow Hands often have specific elemental weaknesses that can be exploited.
  • Prioritize Buffs And Debuffs: This will help maximize damage output and minimize damage received.
  • Attack Patterns: Look at the different attacks of the Shadow Hands and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Be Versatile: Use different attacks and skills to exploit the boss’s weaknesses.
  • Have Coordination: Team up with your party members to unleash powerful combination attacks. 

So these were all the ways you can defeat the Rare Shadow Hands in Persona 3 Reload. It can become a hefty task to defeat all of these Shadow Hands, which is why I recommend that you level up before fighting them. As long as I have played the game, it has been really hard for me to find these rare Shadow Hands, while for some players, it has been really easy

Do check out our recently published review of Persona 3 Reload, written by Hammad Ijaz. Check out our recently published guide over the top choices for Magician Social Link in Persona 3 Reload


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Atik Younas is a Junior Guides Writer on eXputer with decent experience writing about games. He’s an avid 3D designer and a coding wizard who gets fascinated by the technical aspects of the latest games. He’s got a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and loves enjoying well-written stories and combat mechanics in games. Atik has been playing games for more than 10+ years now. Most notably he has spent 1,000+ hours on GTA V Online and Minecraft! Feel free to get in touch with Atik on his gaming profile at Xbox and PSN. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Computer Science || Written 200+ Guides || Mainly Covers Game Strategy Guides on eXputer

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