Much Like GRIS, Neva Is A Beautiful Piece Of Art Transcending The Medium

Games that establish themselves as a gorgeous painting are highly underrated.

Story Highlights

  • From the developers of Gris, here’s Neva, another sublime painting taking you on a serene journey.
  • Filled with a tragic tale of self-discovery and emotional growth, Neva looks extremely promising.
  • Games that transcend the medium to become genuine artworks deserve high applause and recognition.

The boundary between a video game and a piece of art is pretty thin. Games have often crossed this threshold, and have rightfully earned their place. A good example of this is Katamari Damacy, forever crowned as a beautiful work of art.

To quote a more recent example, just take a look at GRIS. Few games are as artistically beautiful and serene. If you haven’t yet played it, I implore you to give it a try, you’ll be singing its praises, too. And now, the GRIS devs have presented another game, one in no way inferior to its predecessor: Neva.

YouTube video

Neva, A Tragic Tale

Before I begin discussing the game, let’s take a look at what it is about. Neva follows a peculiar duo, the human girl Alba and a wolf bound to her. The game tells an emotional and tragic tale of finding oneself, overcoming grievous losses, and forming a bond that can even conquer the toughest of obstacles.

After going through a series of traumatic events and being forced to watch the world around her crumble, Alba encounters a wolf cub and they depart on a heart-wrenchingly beautiful journey as they both undergo emotional growth and build trust as they overcome this dying world and look for salvation that might not exist, but it’s worth trying.

Prepare to cry once again with Neva | Source: PlayStation (YouTube)
Prepare to cry once again with Neva | Source: PlayStation (YouTube)

At its core, Neva is all about overcoming trauma and emotional development, a tale of companionship that can withstand the test of time.

Nothing Short Of A Majestic Painting

Neva is not something you cannot look at as a conventional game. More so than a game, it’s a visual tale first and foremost. It may lack profound gameplay depth and mechanical versatility much like GRIS, but it will more than make up for it with its serene world and awe-inspiring presentation.

If you look at the trailer, you’ll see what I mean. The two things it focuses on are the story, and then the beautiful art direction and cinematic appeal. The game outright establishes that it’s gunning for the “A beautiful piece of art” title. It might not be for everyone, but considering how short but majestic GRIS was, you can’t go wrong with giving it a try.

I am very much looking forward to Neva.
byu/TheGamingVamp1re ingris

Besides, Neva might have a little more pronounced gameplay than its predecessor. You have a protagonist duo this time, and the entire narrative is centered on their teamwork and learning to trust and rely on each other. This will be manifested in the gameplay mechanics as well. Thus, you’re not only getting a fabulous painting to fawn over but also a heartfelt story and engaging gameplay to back it all up.

Neva's no less than an interactable painting | Source: PlayStation (YouTube)
Neva’s no less than an interactable painting | Source: PlayStation (YouTube)

“Games As An Art Form” Should Be Encouraged

Ever since I played Katamari Damacy for the first time, I’ve fallen in love with the concept of creating games as a gorgeous work of art. Minimal gameplay, and sometimes even the story’s missing, but the soothing environments, awe-inspiring art direction, picturesque locations, and a pleasing art style are all you need to calm your soul and go on a journey of serenity.

Recently I tried Katamari Damacy for the PS2 and I am so in love with the game that I made this wallpaper!
byu/FelpaCriolla inkatamari

GRIS was one such game, and so will Neva, mark my words. You forget you’re playing a game and just get lost in appreciating the amount of care put into designing such an exquisite world. With a compassionate story, the dynamic of two protagonists, creative gameplay, and a stunning painting as a setting, Neva is a pristine example of why games bordering on a piece of art deserve more recognition and encouragement.

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Hanzala is a dedicated writer who expresses his views as opinion pieces at eXputer. He's always been fascinated by gaming and has been an avid consumer of many different genres for over a decade. His passion for games has him eager to encounter the latest RPGs and actively look for new Soulslike to challenge. He puts forth his experience and knowledge of gaming into captivating opinion pieces.

Experience: 8+ months || Education: Bachelors in Chemistry.

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