Capcom Will Continue Producing Physical Media Amid Rise Of Digital Sales

The Japanese giant won't eliminate the medium anytime soon.

Story Highlights

  • Capcom wants to continue selling physical titles and has no plans to abolish the medium.
  • The studio thinks a significant amount of players demand physical games.
  • In 2023, over 90% of the studio’s game sales were digital and the method also allows longer sale periods.

In a new shareholder meeting, Capcom unveiled that it has no plans to cease physical media production any time soon. According to the document, the Japanese gaming giant has no immediate plan to switch completely to digital means as a significant percentage of consumers still prefer buying physical discs.

Given that a significant number of end users demand physical games we currently do not expect to eliminate physical products.”

Considering how some of the recent AA titles from the studio have been digital-only, many think this quote only applies to AAA titles. For example, the upcoming Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster from Capcom is available for sale digitally and in retail while its Deluxe edition has no physical version.

Digital methods have also changed the way the company prices its titles. During the Q&A session with investors, Capcom revealed that digital stores let them retail games for a long period. When a new title releases, the gaming giant sells older games in the same series at a lower price, for example, Resident Evil 7 dropped in price after Resident Evil Village came out. On the other hand, the company retails physical editions for around 6 months in stores.

Resident Evil 7 Was A Terrifying Horror Adventure | Image Source: PSprices
Resident Evil 7 Has Racked Up Commendable Online Sales | Image Source: PSprices

Digital Sales Are Taking Over

According to the Capcom FY2023 financial report, over 90% of the company’s software sales were digital and this number is only predicted to see an increase this year. In addition, 94% of all game sales in 2022 were digital, giving the medium a major advantage over physical titles. But, as Capcom say, a huge number of players still like buying titles physically, so eliminating them isn’t a good idea.

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Capcom Shareholder Meeting

Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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