“No One Needs Xbox,” Says Phantom Blade Zero Developer

The game is not coming to Xbox as of right now.

Story Highlights

  • Phantom Blade Zero dev has explicitly stated that no one “needs” Xbox.
  • The platform is not very popular in Asia so releasing games on it does not make sense.
  • PlayStation lends a major helping hand to studios basically publishing the game for them.

As per a new report by Game Plays Cassi, which attended this year’s ChinaJoy, a developer from Phantom Blade Zero’s team, said that no one needs Xbox while answering a question regarding the game’s availability on the platform. 

S-Game, the developer of Phantom Blade Zero, was also at this event and mainly used the PlayStation to showcase its titles.

When asked why, the Phantom Blade Zero devs responded by saying Xbox isn’t really that popular in Asia so the studio doesn’t need to release their game on this console. Furthermore, PlayStation helps developers optimize their games with special debugging tools and even sends its own engineers which is a massive boost for these studios.

On the other hand, the Xbox ecosystem is very overloaded so developing games for them is very hard.

PlayStation Helps In Publishing Games

A ninja-looking man about to pull out his sword from the back
Phantom Blade Zero Is the Next Big PS5 Game Everyone’s Waiting For | Source: S-Game

Similarly, the highly anticipated Black Myth: Wukong from Game Science was also at ChinaJoy and presented its title via PlayStation. Just like Phantom Blade Zero, the studio has no exclusive partnership with Sony or PlayStation and is even releasing the game on Xbox Series consoles.

The developers explained to fans that PlayStation extensively helps them in publishing games but they still can choose what platforms the titles land on.

Hence, the lack of popularity of Xbox consoles in certain areas is the major precursor behind many studios not picking them and not exclusivity deals as explained by devs of Phantom Blade Zero and Black Myth Wukong. The latter releases worldwide on August 20, 2024, for PlayStation 5 and PC with an Xbox Series version set for later.

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Game Plays Cassi

Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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