Capcom Needs To Focus More On Forgotten Franchises

They are only focusing on resident evil and monster hunter.

Story Highlights

  • Capcom’s focus on Resident Evil and Monster Hunter has driven record profits but sidelined other franchises.
  • Fans express frustration over neglected series, calling for revivals and new content for classic titles.
  • Balancing support for blockbuster hits and older franchises could expand Capcom’s fanbase.

Capcom has gradually switched focus to the Resident Evil and Monster Hunter series alone in recent years. This brought huge profits but made them put many of the older, fondly remembered series on the back burner.

While such a focus managed to solidify Capcom’s position in the gaming world, one cannot deny the fact that other franchises like Mega Man, Dino Crisis, and Devil May Cry were torn apart at a very high cost for this outcome alone, so much so that fans of those series felt ignored and angry.

The Success Of Resident Evil And Monster Hunter

Now, with overwhelming commercial success, Capcom can focus more on Resident Evil and Monster Hunter. In 2023, the company saw the highest net sales and profits, which were driven at the front by these two franchises.

The Resident Evil series has surmised gamers by fusing elements of horror and action, especially in the past couple of years or so with titles like Resident Evil Village and remakes of its older games like Resident Evil 2 and 3. Monster Hunter, especially with the titles Monster Hunter: World and Monster Hunter Rise, was again widely associated with success at Capcom for injecting significant revenues.

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Neglected Franchises 

Witnessing this success, Capcom has invested heavily in these flagship series, and several of their other franchises languish. Mega Man, a series that formerly defined what Capcom was about, has only sporadic releases with very little new content. The last primary entry would be the 2018 Mega Man 11; it received good reviews but failed to reinvigorate long-term interest in the franchise on Capcom’s part.

Why is Capcom failing their IPs?
byu/Nelword2 incapcom

Another example would be Dino Crisis, a survival horror series with a small but dedicated fanbase that has not seen any new installations since 2003. While many fans have requested a remake or simply a new installation, Capcom has remained tight-lipped about where the series goes from there. Another iconic series, Devil May Cry, did resurrect with Devil May Cry 5 in 2019, although continued support and updating has been very minimal compared to Resident Evil and Monster Hunter.

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Community Reactions

The gaming public reacted somewhat mixed. Many gamers feel angry and frustrated in forums about Capcom’s supposed ignorance towards their favorite series. Very often, one can see from the discussions a kind of wish to see the revival of series such as Dino Crisis and Mega Man. Some fans noted that the current strategy runs the risk for Capcom that long-present, longtime supporters who have been with the company since its first days end up shedding bulk.

capcom focusing on games twitter
A Fan’s Opinion On Twitter About Capcom (Source: McJunegrand)

This feeling is reflected in places like Steam, where fans continually bemoan that Capcom does not appear to be creating anything new for its older titles. If one listens to the desires of the community, many wants for remakes or sequels to IP like Breath of Fire and Darkstalkers further drive home the point that there should be a far greater sense of rebalance age in how Capcom administers its portfolio.

Capcom’s Response

Although Capcom has acknowledged the calls for reviving older franchises, it seems that little concrete action has been realized. There have been nudges by way of crammed statements across a number of these projects, hinting at revisiting some dormant series, but nothing substantial enough to come from these plans. The company is instead driven by the current financial riding on blockbuster franchises but leaving less for the older ones that built them.

My Final Words 

capcom dmc also bein forgotten
Dante vs Vergil On His Plastic Chair (Image by eXputer)

While the focus on Resident Evil and Monster Hunter has strengthened Capcom’s financial position, it has decidedly pushed many old-school franchises into limbo. Revisiting some of the tried and tested, much-loved series would be the need of the hour to expand the fanbase further and help the company continue its legacy. 

It can guarantee a more inclusive, diversified future with the balance of its portfolio between current hits and classic titles. This could be the shift that reins in renewed interest in Capcom’s extensive library and serves as a reaffirmation of its commitment to the vast diversity of games that have defined its storied history

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Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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