Why Dragon Ball Legends Needs A Better Pity System

The current state of "pity" is awful.

Story Highlights

  • Dragon Ball Legends faces heavy criticism for its current pity system, leaving players feeling unrewarded.
  • Genshin Impact’s more generous pity system highlights the need for Dragon Ball Legends to improve their system.
  • Implementing a better system could increase player satisfaction, loyalty, and long-term success.

Of the two major mobile games within the Dragon Ball franchise, Dragon Ball Legends has been skyrocketing in terms of getting criticized by its player base regarding the current pity system. The idea behind it is to ensure players get a rare character or item after a certain amount of tries, but most of the time, it leaves the player feeling frustrated and unrewarded.

Comparisons to Genshin Impact’s more generous Gacha only underline how much Dragon Ball Legends has still to improve in this regard to retain players.

Current Gacha System Of Dragon Ball Legends

The Dragon Ball Legends pity system involves collecting certain coins through multi-summoning. This often is unsatisfactory for many players, most notably the heavy investors. Many players have reported Chrono Crystal spending in hundreds without insightful returns regarding characters or items they had in pursuit. 

The thing that is wrong with Dragon Ball Legends’ current system is that it lacks a guaranteed mechanism that would grant players rare characters or items after a set number of pulls. Instead, players are left to chance alone, and for most, this might be investments of hundreds of hours and dollars with little to show for it. 

YouTube video

Genshin Impact’s Summoning System

On the other hand, Genshin Impact has quite a prestigious pity system, although not the best, it assures players that they will obtain a particular 5-star character or item after a specific number of pulls. “soft pity” and “hard pity” are underlying mechanisms in this system. From the threshold, usually between 75 and 90 pulls, soft pity increases the probability of Obtainment of a 5-star character or weapon while getting closer to a guaranteed threshold.

dragon ball legends genshin pity
Player Supporting Genshin Pity System (Source: Tweet by CEOofMelusine)

Hard pity guarantees a 5-star item at the 90th pull for character banners and the 80th pull for weapon banners in what seems to be a T-tier structure ensuring safety and fairness to drive further engagement and spending by players.

The Genshin Impact Gacha system is in place to ensure that players are rewarded well for their efforts and investments. At this hard pity threshold, once players reach it, they are guaranteed a rare character or item; hence, the experience is more rewarding and less frustrating.

Community Feedback

Specifically, people want a better summoning system in Dragon Ball Legends. It’s often said on online platforms that the current system is terrible. Some YouTube content creators and gaming communities, want to shift toward a better model to solve such issues.

dragon ball legends chrono crystals
Another Player Facing Disappointment After Spending 10k cc (Source: Tweet by SpBardock96)

Players have made their way onto to share their disgust regarding the current pity system in Dragon Ball Legends. A very massive portion of the tweets demonstrate that a kinder and more transparent one should be implemented. To sum it up, players believe that if the game doled out an advanced form of the current pity system, that would make it far more enjoyable on both ends since it would attract and pump fans to spend more time and money in-game.

Potential Benefits For Dragon Ball Legends

A better pity system would bring real benefit to Dragon Ball Legends. A game that somewhat gives players value for their time and money to be played often creates player loyalty. Positive word-of-mouth on a fair and rewarding system attracts new players, while consistent spending can secure stable revenue streams for the developers. 

db legends better pity system
Legends Players Wanting A Better System (Source: SinnyBd)

As such, this change would work towards not just improving player satisfaction but also long-term game success. A pity system, as implemented in Genshin Impact’s game design, would enable players to feel security and fairness; the knowledge of definitely getting a specific rare character or item after a certain amount of pulls will make the entire game sound more repetitive but less frustrating. 

My Final Thoughts On This Problem

db legends pity system tweet
Player Not Getting Character After Spending 10k CC (Source: Tweet by princesalunaaaa on Twitter)

It could be that the shift to a more player-friendly pity system would refresh interest in this game and confirm its commitment to ensuring a fair and fun gaming experience for all. By applying a more generous and transparent system, Dragon Ball Legends can increase players’ satisfaction and prolong their retention period in the game.

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Najam Ul Hassan is a News Reporter on eXputer who enjoys investing hours in his favorite video game titles. When he’s not playing games, he’s practicing Journalism. He began his career on eXputer after combining his limitless love of video games and all things geek with his considerable writing experience. He has been cited numerous times by several noteworthy publications and sites such as Game Rant, Yahoo, PlayStation LifeStyle, VGC, VG247, TheGamer, among others. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Masters in Mass Media Communication || Written 300+ News Stories.

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