I Could Swear I’ve Seen Light Of Motiram Before Somewhere

I have a hunch.

Story Highlights

  • Light of Motiram is Tencent’s newly revealed “mech-animal” action-adventure RPG.
  • The game, boasting crafting and survival mechanics, looks an awfully lot similar to the Horizon IP. 
  • The game is getting bashed by critics, players, and fans from all over for being a blatant copy of the Horizon titles.

Chinese gaming tycoon Tencent has a subsidiary called Polaris Quest — a game development studio — that just went ahead and revealed a game called Light of Motiram. On paper, it sounds like a crafting-oriented action-adventure RPG with all the bells and whistles that games of this genre come with, but I’m pretty sure there’s more to this than meets the eye.

If you’ve been around gaming much, have a look at the title’s reveal trailer and let me know if something comes to mind. The mind does linger somewhere I believe.

YouTube video

Described as a “mechanimal-ruled open world,” Light of Motiram is set in a post-apocalyptic world where humans strive to survive alongside machines, some of which are volatile in nature, but others? Not so much. It’s a free-roam game with a diversity of different biomes, a companion system, third-person combat, and what Polaris describes as “a freeform building system.” 

In this mechanical wilderness where civilization is a distant memory, primal cultures, extreme weather, and lurking Mechanimals will constantly test your survival skills. Make smart use of everything around you to stay alive and face off against formidable bosses, every step is fraught with danger and requires courage. Only by overcoming the challenges of survival can you carve out a place for yourself in this unforgiving land,” reads the RPG’s overview. 

Did Light Of Motiram See Something In Horizon Zero Dawn? 

Best games similar to show of colossus
Guerrilla Games’ Horizon Zero Dawn Is One of the Most Popular Action-Adventure RPGs Out There | Image Source: Steam

Jokes aside, the similarities here are painfully obvious. Light of Motiram takes the groundwork of Horizon Zero Dawn to a clear extent, right to the point where telling the difference between the two from a distance is difficult. 

Folks bash the Tencent-owned IP as a “shameless” copy of the Horizon titles, also criticizing it for replicating some of Palworld’s features as well, primarily the base-building part. Palworld came out this year and was coined as the game that has “Pokemon with guns.” Evidently, this concept worked a lot in Palworld’s favor, skyrocketing its popularity among the masses.

Oh, and Light of Motiram will also let you tame your own machines. “Over 100 customizable Mechanimals await your taming and training. Whether you need combat support or a boost to production, each Mechanimal possesses unique abilities and growth potential,” confirms the developer. 

The game does not have a release date as of yet, and the release platforms haven’t been confirmed as well. However, the title has a premiere event coming up on its official YouTube channel. Make sure to tune in for more details. 


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Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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