Civ 6: BEST Religion Beliefs

Take a look at some of the best religious beliefs, including Follower, Founder, Worship, and Enhancer Beliefs in Civilization 6. 

If you are one of the players looking for a religious victory, you will want to pick some of the best religious beliefs with the strongest perks and raw power. The players will get to choose from one of the best Religion Reliefs in Civ 6 after selecting a pantheon and getting a Great Prophet for their civilization. The beliefs you will choose when founding your religion will ultimately impact the benefits you will get from it. But before choosing beliefs, they need to find a new religion and have a great prophet and a pantheon to start. 

Key Takeaways
  • Choose from 4 religious belief types in Civ 6: Enhancer, Worship, Follower, and Founder.
  • Select one belief based on religion and Victory Path.
  • Each belief offers unique perks and bonuses.
Important: Before the players can select a belief, they must find their religion by getting a Great Prophet and a Pantheon.

Best Religion Beliefs

Here’s summarized information on the best religion beliefs: 

Choral MusicFollowerTemples and Shrines give Culture equal to their intrinsic Faith Output.
Feed The World FollowerIn Gathering Storm Shrines and temples provide "+3 Food and + 2 Housing"
Jesuit Education FollowerMay purchase Theatre Square District Buildings and Campus with Faith.
CathedralWorship "+3 Faith"; 1 slot for religious art.
MosqueWorship "+3 Faith" Missionaries and Apostles gain +1 Spread Religion charge.
WatWorship "+3 Faith"; "+2 Science".
GurdwaraWorship In the Gathering Storm "+3 Faith" ; "+2 Food; +1 Housing".
Cross Cultural Dialogue Founder In the Gathering Storm "+1 Science" for every 4 Followers of this religion.
TitheFounder In the Gathering Storm "+3 Gold" for each city following this religion.
World ChurchFounder In the Gathering Storm "+1 Culture" for every 4 Followers of this religion.
CrusadeEnhancerCombat units gain "+10 Combat Strength" near foreign cities that follow this Religion.
Defender Of The FaithEnhancerCombat units gain "+5 Combat Strength" near foreign cities that follow this Religion.
Religious ColonizationEnhancerCities start with this religion in place if founded by a player who has this as their majority religion.

Follower Beliefs 

Below are some of the best follower beliefs in civ 6. 

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Choral Music

In follower beliefs, many people tend to choose choral music as it will provide you with the best culture and faith output, which will ultimately lead you to both religious and cultural victory paths in Civ 6.

Civ 6 Best Religion Beliefs
Setting up Religion Belief -Image Captured By: eXputer

Every shrine and temple you set up under choral music will give you an equal amount of yield of both culture and Faith, which can be very beneficial if you are opting for an ideal civilization. With choral music, you can build a strong base for your civilization in the religious faction. It might not seem too powerful, but it is definitely one of the best follower beliefs out there. 

I recommend you use choral music if you set up civilizations like Poland, Vietnam, or even Indonesia. This is because these civilizations will need a lot of cultures early on in the game if they want to progress in the most efficient way possible.

Feed The World 

Another great belief to choose is Feed the World, which focuses basically on housing and food.

Follower Beliefs
Follower Beliefs -Image Captured By: eXputer

Feed the World follower belief grants the players +3 food and +2 housing when the shrines and temples are built. In Gathering Storm, this belief is probably one of the best ones. This is because you can use the housing and food it provides.

If you are setting up a civilization that has a lot of difficulties when it comes to food production for its citizens, then we definitely recommend choosing this belief. Civilizations like Canada or Russia will get the most benefit out of feeding the World. 

Jesuit Education

When you have obtained this belief, you will be able to set up the Theater Square District as well as campus buildings by using Faith.

Civ 6 Best Religion Beliefs
Other great Follower beliefs-Image Captured By: eXputer

Civilizations that rely most on Faith Output will benefit the most from Jesuit education.

You can also use the belief in civilizations like Indonesia or Arabia that mostly focus on religion. Also, civilizations that have their base strong on religion but are going for Victory Paths like cultural or scientific can use Jesuit education.

In case you want to go down the culture victory path, then we highly recommend using Jesuit Education as it will allow you to build theatre squared district and Campus Buildings.

Best Worship Beliefs 

When it comes to worship beliefs, almost all of them are great, but some of them have benefits and bonuses that can help out your civilization a lot.

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Most of the players will always go for the cathedral no matter what their civilization is when choosing a worship belief.

Worship Beliefs
Worship Beliefs -Image Captured By: eXputer

This is probably because it will grant the players with +3 in Faith, and it has a specified slot for Religious Art. If you are one of the players who are looking to get Cultural Victory in Civilization 6, then Cathedral is definitely the best choice to go for. It enhances Tourism Output at Holy Sites and is ideal for quick Cultural Victory with cathedrals, utilizing great works of religious Art.


This belief can allow you to get +3 in Faith, and every single apostle and missionary will obtain a + 1 Spread Religion Charge in your civilization.

If you are looking to spread your religion fast and as much as you can, then you should definitely go to Mosque. This will allow you to get the religious victory path since the religion will expand at the Maximum Rate. The best part about the Mosque is that you only need one to get Religious Victory in civilization 6.

Mosques have the most synergy with Orator Promotion as well as Hagia Sophia. Any boosters you have in your civilization will get +7 Religion Spread Charges. 


The religious building will help the players get +2 in Science and +3 in Faith. You will be able to significantly boost the scientific research of your civilization when you set up Wat. Through this worship building, your holy sites will produce maximum Scientific Research Output, which you might not find in any other beliefs in civilization 6.

You can choose this belief for every civilization you have, and it works even if you don’t have a strategy planned out for your early game. If you are playing as Arabia, then you might want to consider choosing Wat as your worship religion belief as it focuses heavily on both Science and religion in Civ 6.


With Gurdwara, the players can expect +3 in Faith, +1 in housing, and + 2 in food.

Best Religion Beliefs in civ 6
Setting up Religious Sites -Image Captured By: eXputer

By setting up the Gurdwara, you will increase not only your city’s growth but also food production. If you want to increase your housing capacity in the civilization as well, then you should definitely go for Gurdwara’s religious belief. 

If you have civilizations in areas like deserts, tundra, and plains, then you will want to set up a gurdwara as your religious belief. This is because the food production in these areas is very low and extremely scarce. So you will want to get the benefits from Gurdwara if you want to win. Furthermore, if you are interested in setting up civilizations like India, then go for Gurdwara, thanks to its housing bonus.

Founder Beliefs 

Civilizations that have found the religion themselves will benefit from the founder’s beliefs in the game. You might find the bonuses and perks from founder beliefs quite weak initially, but eventually, the bonuses will increase with each city you convert and each new follower you gain.

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Cross Cultural Dialogue

With every four followers you get for this religion, you will get a +1 Point in Science.

Founder Beliefs
Founder Beliefs -Image Captured By: eXputer

So this belief will help you get a massive output of Science and help your civilization if you want a scientific victory in civilization 6. You won’t get much benefit out of it during the early stages.

However, during the late game, you will truly benefit from its bonuses as it would allow you to get the maximum output of Science. Civilizations like Arabia, which focus heavily on religion and Science, can benefit from the cross-cultural dialogue the most.


The follower belief is great for increasing Gold Production as it will allow the players to get +3 gold for every city they convert into following their religion. It is definitely one of the best founder beliefs if you want to get an increased output of gold production for your civilization. Furthermore, in Gathering Storm, the production will be increased significantly.

Furthermore, this belief can also help civilizations like CIV 6 Byzantium and Scythia, as they require a lot of investment in maintaining their armies and other important factions. 

World Church 

With world church, you can obtain a + 1 culture point with every four new followers you obtain for this religion.

Best Religion Beliefs in civ 6
World Church -Image Captured By: eXputer

This is very similar to the Cross-cultural dialogue belief, but instead of yielding massive scientific output, it will give you a lot of cultural output.

This belief can benefit civilizations like Khmer, Poland, and even Russia. This is because these civilizations are rich in culture and religion and can go down both Victory Paths.

Enhancer Beliefs 

In Civ 6, Enhancer beliefs can increase the defense of religion and help it spread faster. Below, you will see some of the best enhancer beliefs that you can choose to amp up your gameplay experience. 

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The crusade enhancer belief will allow the players to gain +10 Combat Strength whenever a city follows their religion. You can make your military stronger by choosing this enhancer religious belief, and any foreign cities new to your civilization that except crusade will help you gain + 10 combat strength.

Defender Of The Faith 

Civilizations choosing Defender of the Faith as their enhancer belief will ultimately gain +5 Combat Strength for any friendly cities following the religion.

Best Religion Beliefs in civ 6 guide
Defender of The Faith Belief -Image Captured By: eXputer

While the boost that Defender of the Faith offers is not as big as a Crusade, it is still great for making your combat units stronger in the game. You can choose it if surrounded by more Friendly cities than Foreign.

Religious Colonization 

If a player has this religion as their main religion, then the cities will start with religious colonization if they reside in the same place founded by the player.

Best Religion Beliefs in civ 6 to choose
Enhancer Beliefs -Image Captured By: eXputer

While not the best option, it outperforms other enhancer beliefs. It aids rapid religious expansion and city conversion.

For a stronger military and civilization expansion, opt for a crusade for a +10 combat strength boost. However, be aware that this increases military maintenance, which may harm gold-focused civilizations. So, I recommend Defender of the Faith for optimal military and combat strength improvement.

With this, we conclude our detailed guide on the best religious beliefs in Civ 6. While at it, don’t forget to check out our Civ 6 tier list, where we rank all 53 civilizations and leaders.

We have also formulated a Civ 5 tier list that you can check out. Check out our guide on secret societies as well, where we list all of them and their role in the game.

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Kashaf is an RPG and Battle Royale enthusiast and can be seen spending most of her time battling other players in Naraka Bladepoint or improving her skills in Diablo 4. She loves to curate builds based on her own expertise and writes guides to help the audience become pros in no time. She kicked off her writing career on eXputer with several years of experience. You can follow Kashaf's gaming activity on her Steam profile.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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