How To Get Better At Rocket League? [Tips & Tricks]

It's never too late to get good at Rocket League!

There is a lot of competition out there in the realm of Rocket League, The limit to enter Rocket League is low, but establishing the game down once you start is an exertion. Matches are short, fast-paced, and addictive. Once you start picking up the initial quirks of the game, you’ll get obsessed with Rocket League. If you wish to get good at Rocket League, then continue reading to learn some great Tips and Tricks!

Key Takeaways
  • Master basic and complex driving mechanics: Ball control, shooting, jumping, and ground climbing through practice.
  • Spend time in training before multiplayer or competitive games.
  • Experiment with different camera settings in practice mode for personal comfort.
  • Rotate efficiently and observe enemy team rotations for goal-scoring opportunities.
  • Utilize the handbrake for unexpected goals.
  • Don’t always chase the ball; be ready to defend and support teammates.
  • Practice defense and goalkeeping for success in Rocket League.
  • Play with familiar teammates to improve teamwork.
  • Utilize boosts and the ‘lunge forward’ mechanic for speed.
  • Focus on learning basic skills before advanced ones like air dribbles and aerials.
  • Ignore toxic players and report them when necessary.
  • Choose your vehicle based on playstyle and preferences due to varying attributes and stats.

Train Yourself

Training Arena [Image by eXputer]
In every game, preparation, training, and discipline are a must. And in Rocket League there’s absolutely no exception. Aside from the central driving mechanics – the game emphasizes other factors that include jumping, scoring, ground climbing- are considerably difficult to master.

Since these elements are essential for winning, it is highly advised you give the in-game practice and training assembly a run before you get into the actual multiplayer part of the game. This is a very important Rocket League tip and every player should follow this.

Tweak Your Camera Settings

Camera Settings [Image by eXputer]
Before you hit the arena, invest your time in practice mode not only getting chummy with the mechanics of the game but also setting up your camera. In the Rocket League Camera Settings, you can adjust the distance of the camera from your car, your field of view, the angle of the camera, and much, etc.

All of these things will alter what you can see in-game. And each and every person has a somewhat separate preference for how it should look. The more you can see, the better your game will be.

Rotation Is Key

Rotating [Screenshot by eXputer]
When you’re a novice rising star in Rocket League, positioning is the most critical thing to pay attention to. It may appear like everyone is storming after the ball flat-out all the time — it feels like pure mayhem for a time.

But once you play the game for a while, you may begin to discern a pattern, appropriately called “rotating.” When you and your teammates are accurately rotating, whether you’re in a 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4 situation, the goal should never be disregarded.

When one or two players advance up for an attack, one should remain back on defense. This becomes extra complex when you’re playing 2v2, but you’re obligated to adopt the same policy to make sure someone is always keeping an eye on your goal.

Use Handbrake

Rocket League Gameplay [Image by eXputer]
A handbrake is a mechanism you should use as much as you use the boost and jumping functions. It provides you to drift and whisk your car around instantly to get into position, and it’s helped me score a lot of unexpected goals. Get bold with it and use it to your favor.

Chasing The Ball Won’t Get You Anywhere

Ball chasing [Screenshot by eXputer]
Your intuition will advise you to strike the ball anytime it comes close to you. It occurs, and sometimes your senses just take over. In several cases, you will discover that it’s your turn to fall back and defend. Even if it’s not, falling back to defend is commonly the reliable and better choice.

Even if you’re accurately rotating and you’re going behind the ball, your teammate may have a better angle. Instead of crashing the ball, back off and let your teammate with the better angle go for the strike. Usually, sometimes, this will let them set up a conforming pass and maybe even earn you an easy goal.

The philosophy of “leaving the ball” is a worthy lesson to learn.

Defense Is Crucial

If you have ever observed or played sports games in real life, you would have presumably heard the term “Attack is the best defense.” Well, this is certainly accurate when it comes to a game like Rocket League. If you intend to win games after games, it is necessary that you practice playing as a defender or more importantly, as a goalie.

We’re saying this because scoring a goal is easy and everyone can score goals. But protecting them is the skill you need to vanquish. With this strategy, you can save a lot of goals and talk about saving goals, an additional pro tip for you is to always go for freeing the ball rather than boost. All in all, staying defensive is key to winning games. This is the most genuine Rocket League tip we can give you.

Play With Friends

Team Game [Screenshot by eXputer]
Playing with a teammate whose skill set is similar to yours is one of the best things you can do to increase your game sense in Rocket League. Whether you queue for ranked or casual matches.

Not only will this lower the chances of one of you rage quitting when things get unfortunate, but you will also learn to predict each other’s moves much better than some random teammate. This alone will increase your odds of winning.

When queueing without a teammate, you venture getting paired with teammates who are still disconcerted from their last loss, in a bad mood, or who don’t know how to rotate accurately. And it doesn’t just have to be one of those things.

Everyone’s play style is varied, and being able to read your own teammate and expect their next move will go a long way toward your own improvement.

Keep The Boost

Boost is a valuable source in Rocket League. Even though it restores quickly, you will often find yourself without any, coping to get back and defend your goal with the help of the boost.

Preferably, using boost all the time, you can “lunge forward” by pressing the joystick forward and double-pressing the jump button. If you do this several times, you can reach the corresponding top speed as you can with a boost.

Learn to use both effectively in various situations to decrease the number of times you get stuck without the boost.

Stealing a boost from opponents is also a solid strategy, so long as you’re not going out of your way or breaking rotation to do so.

Don’t Get Worried About Aerials & Air Dribbles

Aerial Shots in Rocket League [Screenshot by eXputer]
As you rank up by time, you will face players in competitive matches that take to the sky to catch the ball. You’ll also observe them taking the ball up the wall, bouncing off, and “air dribbling” sliding into the goal. It adds a whole new factor to the game as you rank up and begin playing with higher-skilled players.

Both of these are skills that will take a lot of training and devotion. Being capable of boosting in the air to hit the ball is something anyone who hopes to improve at Rocket League should learn. But don’t get too snagged upon learning these skills early on, just get the basics down first.

Ignore The Toxic Opponents

You will find toxic players in almost every match of Rocket League, both in ranked and unranked matches. You can’t do much about a teammate who enters the game already tilted, short of not battling them and sticking to the game plan. But if things intensify, you can always use the report tool and just hope for a better game next time.

The genuine tip here is to pay attention to your own behavior.  Some sarcastic “What a save!” messages in active chat won’t usually tip the scales. But it’s easy to get absorbed into the toxic minefield — even I struggle with it at times. When I notice myself getting heated, it’s normally followed by some down-ranks and even more terrible play. It’s sufficient to just walk away or disable chat altogether.

Vehicles Aren’t Just Cosmetic Items

Car Cosmetics [Screenshot by eXputer]
Rocket League comes stuffed with quite a large roster of vehicles, ranging from sports cars to trucks. You might believe that these cars are only there for cosmetic fancy reasons, but that is not the case. The cars available in the game have mixed hitboxes, turning speeds, and boosting capabilities.

Hence, with each car – you choose to play – you will have to grow up with a different strategy. Therefore, it is recommended to check out different vehicles and see which one you are most comfortable with. This is an additional Rocket League tip, no player would ever tell you.

That’s about it on How to get better at Rocket League, we included all the major tips and tricks which can guarantee a boost in your gameplay. Good Luck!

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Martin Bell is a News Writer on eXputer who’s been invested in the latest technology and games since the very early years of his childhood. He’s clocked in several hours into CS:GO and other eSports games and is enthusiastic about PC hardware. His passion for gaming and PC hardware shows in the News stories that he breaks for his audience. He is a professional journalist who loves networking with people in the industry to catch the latest scoop before it hits the mainstream media. Experience: 5+ years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Broken 250+ News Stories || Mainly Covers News Articles on eXputer

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