Skyrim – All Dragon Priest Mask Locations

Fights Against Dragon Priests Are Not Easy.

Hunting down Dragon Priest Masks in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is one of the most rewarding activities the player can engage in. Not only do these pieces of gear look cool, but they also provide players with powerful buffs that can help them with a variety of different tasks.

Key Takeaways
  • Valdar’s Quest (Valthume): Grants immunity to disease and poison.
  • Krosis (Shearpoint Dragon Lair): Mask provides a 20% buff to Lockpicking, Archery, and Alchemy.
  • Morokei (Labyrinthian Ruins): Doubles Magicka Regeneration.
  • Nahkrinn (Skuldafn): +50 Magicka, 20% decrease in Restoration and Destruction costs.
  • Otar (Rognvlad Ruins): Provides a 30% buff to Fire, Frost, and Shock resistances.
  • Rahgot (Forelhost Ruins): Grants +70 Stamina.
  • Vokun (High Gate Ruins): Reduces Alteration, Conjuration, and Illusion costs by 20%.
  • Volsung (Volskygge Ruins): +20 carry limit, 20% price reduction, and underwater breathing.
  • Wooden Mask (Labyrinthian Ruins): Used to access the Dragon Priest Shrine.
  • Konahrik (Dragon Priest Shrine): Heals and damages enemies when low on health (requires placing all masks).
  • Dragonborn DLC Masks (Ahzidal, Zahkriisos, Dukaan, Miraak): Each provides 50% resistance and 25% attack buffs to Fire, Shock, and Frost, respectively.
  • Ahzidal, Zahkriisos, Dukaan (Kolbjorn, Bloodskal, White Ridge Barrows): Obtained by defeating the priests.
  • Miraak (Dragonborn DLC Main Questline): Buffs Magicka by 40-70 points.

Here’s a quick look at the comparison between all Dragon Priest Masks:

Dragon Priests MaskBase ArmorWeightBase ValueClassLocation
Hevnoraak23.09.0891.0Heavy ArmorValthume
Krosis21.05.01615.0Light ArmorShearpoint dragon lair
Morokei5.04.0637.0Light ArmorLabyrinthian ruins southeast of Morthal
Nahkriin23.09.02173.0Heavy ArmorSkuldafn
Otar23.09.01527.0Heavy ArmorRognvlad ruins northeast of Markarth
Rahgot23.09.0962.0Heavy ArmorNear the Forelhost ruins southeast of Riften
Vokun23.09.02182.0Heavy ArmorHigh Gate ruins
Volsung21.05.04611.0Light ArmorVolskygge ruins
Wooden Mask2.02.051.0Light ArmorLabyrinthian ruins’ central barrow
Konahrik24.07.03200.0Heavy ArmorDragon Priest Shrine
Ahzidal23.09.0500.0Heavy ArmorKolbjorn
Zahkriisos23.09.0500.0Heavy ArmorBloodskal
Dukaan23.09.0500.0Heavy ArmorWhite Ridge barrows
MiraakVaries9.0Varies Heavy or Light Armor Dragonborn DLC


 skyrim dragon priest masks

Unique Ability: The wearer is immune to disease and poison.

This dragon mask can be claimed from the dragon priest Hevnoraak, found in the Nordic ruins of Valthume to the southeast of Markarth. Players can access the ruins’ initial parts by default, but they must complete the ‘Evil in Waiting’ side quest to reach the deeper catacombs.

Talk to the spirit Valdar as soon as you enter Valthume to start this quest, and you should encounter Hevnoraak as a boss towards the end.


 skyrim dragon priest masks

Unique Ability: +20% to Lockpicking, Archery and Alchemy.

To get this mask, players have to travel to the dragon lair Shearpoint to the west of Windhelm. No dungeon or quest is involved with this mask, but you have to fight a Dragon and the priest Krosis simultaneously. This encounter can be tough, so I recommend coming here after you have leveled up.


 skyrim dragon priest masks

Unique Ability: +100% Magicka Regeneration.

The dragon priest Morokei can be found in the Nordic ruins of Labyrinthian to the southeast of Morthal.

Although this location has significance to the greater role of all the dragon priest masks, the encounter with Morokei himself is pretty straightforward. Simply make your way to the end of the dungeon to fight him.


 skyrim dragon priest masks
The World-Eater’s Eyrie.

Unique Ability: +50 Magicka and -20% to Restoration and Destruction Magicka cost.

The dragon priest Nahkriin is unique in this list because he cannot simply be found hidden on the map, unlike the rest of his peers.

To get his mask, players will have to play quite a bit of the main story of Skyrim until they reach the quest “The World-Eater’s Eyrie.” As part of this, they will be transported to the unique location of Skuldafn, which is only accessible during this one quest. You will engage Nahkrinn and two dragons in combat here, but you should already be powerful enough to deal with them by this point in the game.


 skyrim dragon priest masks

Unique Ability: Fire, Frost, and Shock resistance is improved by 30%.

This mask is acquired from the dragon priest Otar the Mad, who can be found in the Nordic ruins of Ragnvald to the northeast of Markarth.

Getting this mask is also reasonably straightforward since players only need to fight their way to the boss fight at the end of the dungeon.


 skyrim dragon priest masks

Unique Ability: +70 Stamina.

To get this mask, players must complete the side-quest ‘Siege on the Dragon Cult,’ which can be acquired by approaching the Nordic ruins of Forelhost to the south-east of Riften. As you get close enough to the location, a soldier will approach you and give you this quest after some brief dialogue.

From here, simply follow the objectives given to you, to fight the dragon priest Rahgot and get his mask eventually.


 skyrim dragon priest masks
High Gate Ruins.

Unique Ability: -20% Alteration, Conjuration, and Illusion Magicka cost.

The Vokoun dragon mask can be acquired from the dragon priest in the Nordic High Gate Ruins west of Dawnstar. As soon as you enter the dungeon, you will encounter an NPC named Anska, who will give you the ‘A Scroll For Anska’ side-quest. Proceed through the location alongside this character, and you should encounter the dragon priest at the quest’s end.


 skyrim dragon priest masks

Unique Ability: +20 Carry limit, 20% better prices, and the wearer can breathe underwater.

The Volsung mask can be gotten from the dragon priest in the Volskygge Nordic ruins to the west of Solitude. There’s no quest associated with this mask, so all you have to do is fight the priest at the end.

Wooden Mask

 skyrim dragon priest masks
Wooden Mask.

Unique Ability: None.

The Wooden Mask can be found within the central barrow of the Labyrinthian Nordic ruins.

Unlike all the masks, this one does not come alongside a fight with a dragon priest because its only purpose is to provide access to the Dragon Priest Shrine when worn.


 skyrim dragon priest masks
Dragon Priest Shrine.

Unique Ability: When health is low, it has a chance to heal the wearer and damage nearby enemies.

The Konahrik mask is the reward for collecting all of the other dragon priest masks in the game.

To get it, players first have to find the Wooden Mask in the Labyrinthian nordic ruins’ central barrow, then use it to unlock access to the Dragon Priest Shrine. From here, they must place each of the eight other masks onto their respective slots in the shrine.


skyrimj location
Kolbjorn Barrow

Unique Ability: 50% Resistance to Fire, Fire Attacks do 25% extra damage.

Now, I move on to the DLC masks from Dragonborn. First, we have the heavy armor mask called Ahzidal. It is named after the priest who wears it and can be acquired by exploring the Nordic ruin of Kolbjorn Barrow. It can be an excellent addition to a fire-resistant set.


Bloodskal Barrow

Unique Ability: 50% Resistance to Shock, Shock Attacks do 25% extra damage.

Next up is Zahkriisos. It is like most Dragon Priest Masks in Dragonborn, another heavy armor. It is also named after the priest who wears it. You can confront Zahkriisos by going to the Nordic ruin of Bloodskal Barrow. None of these fights will be easy so go into them fully prepared. 


White Ridge Barrow

Unique Ability: 50% Resistance to Frost, Frost Attacks do 25% more damage.

Dukaan is another Dragon Priest mask named after its owner that you can acquire in Dragonborn. To find and confront Dukaan make your way over to the Nordic ruin of White Ridge Barrow. Just like the previous two masks, this one is also a heavy armor piece.



Unique Ability: Increases the wearer’s Magicka by 40-70 points.

The last Dragon Priest Mask in Skyrim is called Miraak. You can acquire it by simply progressing through the main questline of the Dragonborn expansion. When you reach the end of the quest, you can get it from Miraak.

Moreover, it is very different in appearance from the previous three Dragonborn masks. All of those were pretty much recolors as far as visual appeal is concerned. Miraak is also the only Dragonborn Priest mask that can be used as a light or heavy armor piece. Do this correctly, and you are rewarded with the Konahrik mask.

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Huzaifa is eXputer's Review Editor, who’s all about RPG games. He’s got several years of experience critically judging games and writing his unbiased thoughts on them. You can also find his content published on sites like Twinfinite & GearNuke. Huzaifa has been gaming for 23+ years, during which he managed to amass 400+ hours on Elden Ring! You can follow his gaming activity on his Xbox and Steam Profiles.

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