[Expert’s Insight]: How To Solve The Breach Hacking Code Matrix In Cyberpunk 2077

Learn Hacking In Cyberpunk 2077 With These Basics.

Have you ever jumped in the Analysis Mode in Cyberpunk 2077 and tried to breach protocol, after a puzzle like this appears?

This puzzle is part of a breaching type in which you either hack into a machine or person and then find the right code to get some benefit. The benefits are usually written on the right side, while at the top, there are random blanks that vary. These blanks, called “buffers“, are there to be hacked with code patterns that you will find. Other than that, once you start hacking, a breath timer also starts for security caution.

Key Takeaways
  • Use the Help Button on the bottom right of the screen during Breach Hacking for information about how these puzzles work.
  • The code lines alternate between vertical and horizontal as you make selections. You’ll have to ensure your required sequence will be present as it rotates.
  • You should breach and hack as much as possible to keep your puzzle-solving skills sharp for when the time is right.
  • There’s a surveillance machine that you can hack over and over in City Centre, Downtown, which you can use to practice. Just make sure you have a save point there.

This feature specifically had me stuck for a while when I first started playing Cyberpunk 2077. The help tab only provided limited assistance, mentioning only scientific details like “daemon” and “Code Matrix” which didn’t help much. It wasn’t long until enough practice led me to find the method through which all these ciphers are coded.

How To Complete Breach Protocol Sequence In Cyberpunk 2077

Breach Hacking Cyberpunk 2077
Labelling the entire protocol.

To Understand the entire breach protocol first, let me label all the things that appear. Afterward, let’s move to the actual codex.

  1. Highlighted In Orange – You will have to complete any of these three available sequences horizontally.
  2. Highlighted in Green – this is the Code Matrix available, from which you will have to pick a set of vertical and horizontal line that will land you the sequence you want to finish (Orange).
  3. Over at the top called Buffer, which is highlighted in Blue, requires to be filled with orange sequence. You can’t just insert numbers from matrix, you will have to find them through buffer.
  4. Next to the Sequence on the right highlighted in red, are these chain of commands that happen once you crack any code.
  5. Above the Code Matrix, Highlighted in Pink, is the Breach Time box. Whenever you first click on the code, a timer starts, during which you will have to crack the code and finish the buffer sequence.

Now I’m sure this would have helped; if not, there is also the Help button on the bottom right. Anyhow, now the main question remains, how do you go on about finding the buffer. Well, let me get straight to that.

Completing Buffer

  1. Firstly, you will have to look at the “Sequence Required To Upload.” Then Select a sequence; for example In this picture, I’m going with the first sequence, which is “55 55 BD.”
    Breach Hacking Cyberpunk 2077
    Selecting the first line of code.
  2. Now from the Code Matrix, the sequence “55 BD E9 55” needs to be found. But here’s the thing, you have to make sure that these codes are available in the line you select, both vertically and horizontally. As you first select a code, it starts vertically, and you have to choose another. Once you choose the second vertical code, it shifts to horizontal. Now you must find the third code horizontally. Here’s how it will work. We will first find the code 55; the second 55 is in the same line.
    Breach Hacking Cyberpunk 2077
    Second Number – 55.
  3. Now the second number is also 55, so you have to click on it as well. Note that this is the time during which the line changes to Horizontal. In this scenario, I would pick the third in a horizontal line while selecting 55 again or the second number.
    Breach Hacking Cyberpunk 2077
    Third number now horizontally – BD.
  4. In the picture above you can also see that other codes have now turned red because they aren’t possible to code now from the matrix. Moreover, only a single number is left, which was BD. Once you complete the sequence required to upload, it’ll breach successfully, and you will get the benefits followed by a picture like this.
    Succesfully Breached.
  5. In case, the above instructions were still hard to swallow. Let me share a quick video to show you how it’s done.

YouTube video

Tips on Breach Hacking In Cyberpunk 2077

Although at times, this pattern unlocking things fails eventually. The decent practice to becoming good at it is to keep trying. I personally always try to breach and hack the codes whenever I spot one. If you are starting now, there is a surveillance machine that you can hack repeatedly. Just make a saving point there, and keep loading from the same place. Here is the exact location of the site.

City Centre, Downtown.

Location for the machine.

Sometimes the Sequence Required to Upload is more extended, and this is only in cases. Where you are tackling a more challenging thing, likewise, It does not make much of a difference; the time mostly remains the same. And what you should do in cases like these is – always find the code first, and then cipher. This is extremely important because whenever you click on the first code matrix, time automatically starts, and often you rush, ultimately bound to fail.

Also while you are checking this guide, take a look at this money glitch guide in Cyberpunk 2077 as well.

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Moiz Banoori is the brains behind eXputer. Having worked at various Video Game sites, with 8 years of Content Writing Experience and a Journalism Degree at hand, he presently monitors teams, creates strategies, and publishes qualified pieces through his aptitude at eXputer. Feel free to get in touch with him through his gaming profile on Steam and PSN.

Experience: 8+ Years || Manages Teams, Creates Strategies, and Publishes Guides on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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