Bitmagic’s Founder Believes Widespread Gen-AI Use Will Lead to Significant Results

"We anticipate that a significant number will produce something remarkable that captivates a broader audience."

Story Highlights

  • Bitmagic is one of the most demanding generative AI platforms.
  • The company has successfully raised a $4m fund and announced its platform launch on the Steam test.
  • We spoke with Jani Penttinen, the CEO and co-founder of Bitmagic, over an email Q&A session.

The gaming industry has been relying increasingly on generative AI. Many of the biggest publishers, including Ubisoft, have already confirmed using this technology to “automatize things” in their upcoming titles

Bitmagic is currently one of the leading generative AI platforms, allowing users to create games without learning the coding language. The platform has been showing rapid growth as it recently raised $4m to become an even bigger initiative.

To learn more about how this innovative idea came to mind and the future plans of the platforms, we spoke with Jani Penttinen, the CEO and co-founder of Bitmagic, over an email interview

Activision Boasts Some Of The World's Most Popular IPs | Image Source: Play4UK
Activision Has Also Been Using Gen-AI In The Development of Their Titles – Image Source: Play4UK
As Bitmagic has successfully raised $4m in its recent funding round, did the number meet your expectations?

Jani: The investment round was significantly oversubscribed, and we ended up taking in more than we initially anticipated. This strong interest and support from investors is truly encouraging.

How did you come up with the idea of letting everyone, even those who haven’t learned coding languages, create games through AI?

Jani: We originally set out to create a role-playing game where one of the players acts as a game master. To facilitate this, we developed a GenAI-based tool that allowed the game master to swiftly create new game content through prompts. This was before GenAI became widely recognized. As we progressed, we realized the immense potential of this technology beyond just building maps for role-playing games. This led us to pivot our plans and develop a system that enables anyone to create full games, including the code, simply through prompts.

What is Bitmagic's ultimate aim within the gaming industry? What does the company aspire to achieve?

Jani: Our goal is to fundamentally transform the gaming industry, enabling millions of people to make a living by creating their own niche games—similar to how YouTube revolutionized video content distribution. We envision Bitmagic being utilized by other platforms to offer game-creation experiences to their audiences, leveraging our powerful game-creation system. On a business level, our ambition is to become one of the largest companies in the gaming industry.

Bitmagic Platform has Recently Been Launched On Steam – Source: Bitmagic
Although there are many positives to it, could giving everyone access to creative tools downgrade the quality of video games? Or do you think this could be one of the best tools for indie devs?

Jani: We aim for Bitmagic to be one of the premier tools for game development. Our objective is to ensure that Bitmagic consistently delivers a great game experience, even for those without coding or game design expertise. While it’s true that most games might only appeal to their creators and close friends, we’re designing our distribution model with this in mind. By enabling a million people to create games, we anticipate that a significant number will produce something remarkable that captivates a broader audience. We want everyone to have the opportunity to create and potentially succeed, even if the majority might not achieve widespread success. At the very least, we hope they have fun in the process.

Considering that many massive publishers, such as Embracer Group, EA, and others, are investing in AI, do you think it's the right time to do so? If yes, then why so?

Jani: AI offers a myriad of possibilities. At Bitmagic, we utilize AI to overcome the technical challenges of game development, democratizing the process and making it accessible to virtually everyone. This approach differs from how most other companies are using AI. While only time will reveal which AI-driven initiatives prove successful, the positive feedback from our community suggests that we are on the right path.

Is there a studio that you believe has been doing AI integration in video game development in the most perfect way?

Jani: I don’t believe anyone has perfected AI integration in game development yet. Our approach is novel and extremely challenging to implement, so we haven’t encountered much competition. However, Promethean has done an excellent job with its Unreal Engine plugin for simpler, single-purpose AI systems. Currently, the most effective AI systems address specific, narrow problems that previously required significant human effort. Ironically, our system breaks away from traditional pipelines entirely, eliminating the need for those legacy processes.

Bitmagic Was Founded In 2021 – Source: Steam
How has the reception of the platform you launched on Steam Playtest been so far? Have you noticed any particularly creative uses of AI in the games you've encountered?

Jani: The Steam Playtest is still in its early stages and has limited access. We continue to gradually increase the number of users, but the demand far exceeds our current capacity. Those who have gained access have expressed great enthusiasm, and we hope to expand access to more users soon.

Speaking of your platform, can you share the metrics of how many people have already tried it to create games?

Jani: We are not disclosing specific metrics at this time. However, as mentioned, we have been gradually opening up access and are aware of areas that need improvement based on early user feedback. We are not in a rush to open the floodgates just yet.

Do you have plans to take more funding to grow and make Bitmagic a much better platform?

Jani: While we are not actively seeking additional funding, there has been considerable interest and inbound inquiries from various funds. Our primary focus remains on enhancing the platform and delivering an exceptional user experience.

More Developers Are Likely To Use Gen-AI In The Coming Years – Source: Bitmagic
What more can we expect from Bitmagic in late 2024 or beyond?

Jani: We have an exciting surprise announcement coming up at Gamescom, introducing a new feature that I’m particularly thrilled about. Additionally, we plan to expand our reach by launching on Steam Early Access, as well as web and mobile platforms, in the near future. Today, we announced the latest iteration of our platform, which utilizes three separate layers of AI processing to generate up to 100 times more detail in game worlds at a similar cost and time as the previous version. We anticipate significant advancements from Bitmagic in the near future.

Is there anything else you would like to share with the readers? Something we haven't touched upon yet.

Jani: Bitmagic allows anyone to make a living as a game creator. Imagine creating a new game every week! You only need to earn enough from one game to cover your weekly expenses. Or, you could make three games a week or even one every day. With a small group of followers, you can be profitable. Traditionally, games needed millions of users due to the effort required to create them. For instance, a game streamer could stream the game creation process and invite their audience to play. Games monetize better than any other medium, boosting your revenue potential from your existing audience.

Code Language Isnt Required To Develop Games On Bitmagic – Source: Bitmagic

Bitmagic was started just over three years ago, in 2021, and it has already seen so much success in such a short span of time. The company has also received funding from some of the biggest developers in the industry, like Supercell, Sisu Game Ventures, and many others. We thank Jani Penttinen for answering our questions.

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Mudassir is a seasoned journalist with a passion for uncovering the stories behind our favorite virtual worlds. Armed with a trusty notepad and a keen curiosity, he dives headfirst into the gaming industry's most exciting personalities. His knack for insightful questions and his ability to connect with developers and gamers alike makes his interviews a must-read. While on the lookout for the next person to interview, Mudassir keeps himself busy by writing news surrounding the gaming universe. Experience: 4+ Years || Senior Journalist || Education: Bachelor's in Psychology.

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