CDPR’s Pawel Sasko Calls Cyberpunk 2077 Launch A “Tragedy”

Only righteously.

                                                                            Story Highlights

  • Cyberpunk 2077 is an open world Cyberpunk FPS RPG developed by CD Projekt Red.
  • In a tweet promoting Cyberpunk 2077’s upcoming expansion “Phantom Liberty” Cyberpunk’s quest designer referred to its 2020 launch as a “tragedy.”
  • Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty comes out on 26 September. 

In a recent tweet, Cyberpunk 2077’s Quest Designer Pawel Sasko briefly talked about the game’s initial launch. In his tweet promoting the upcoming launch of Cyberpunk 2077’s upcoming expansion pack Phantom Liberty, Sasko mentioned that it was their first “full-blown release since the 2020 tragedy.”

As everyone already knows, the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 was – putting it lightly- a bit of a disappointment. Bugs and glitches aside, the game was also borderline unplayable on last gen systems like Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. The current gen and PC versions of the game were also victims of major performance issues.

Also Read:

CDPR faced massive backlash for the launch state of Cyberpunk 2077, even to the extent of getting it temporarily pulled from the PlayStation store. Many CDPR employees were also victims of harassment during the entire debacle around the game’s launch. However, after a slew of both major and minor patches, Cyberpunk 2077 is in the best state it has ever been in.

With the upcoming release of its expansion Phantom Liberty, the base game is also receiving a major update that is looking to make a major overhaul across the entire game. Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is set to launch on 26 September on next-gen consoles and PC. 

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Pawel Sasko

Nameer Zia is a video game News Writer on eXputer obsessed with hunting down all the latest happenings in the industry. Nameer has been gaming for more than 15 years, during which he has spent more than 3,000 hours on Overwatch 1 & 2. As a literature student, his literary chops feed into his passion for games and writing, using eXputer as the medium to deliver the latest news in the industry. Websites such as GamingBolt and IGN have also credited his works.

Experience: 4+ Years || Previously Worked At: Tech4Gamers || Education: Bachelors in English Literature.

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