Elden Ring’s New Steam Discount Reaches All-Time High

The perfect excuse to jump into the Soulslike genre.

Story Highlights

  • Elden Ring is the biggest name in the Soulslike genre of action-adventure RPGs. 
  • The game came out on February 25, 2022, releasing to fantastic critical and fan acclaim. 
  • Steam’s Winter Sale discounts the game by a substantial margin, which is more than ever before.

Elden Ring is one of the finest action-adventure RPGs in the business right now, and you’d be crazy not to play it if you’re a fan of the genre. Well, if by some stroke of luck you haven’t tried the title out despite it coming out about 2 years ago, you’re in luck. Steam’s latest Winter Sale event discounts Elden Ring by a margin of 40%. That’s a cool $24 off in case you’ve been meaning to buy 2022’s Game of the Year. 

Elden Ring Enjoying a Cool 40 Off on Steam
Elden Ring Enjoying a Cool 40% Off on Steam

It’s worth noting that this is the lowest recorded price for Elden Ring in the United States, as per stats provided by tracker site SteamDB. A game of this stature costing less than $50 is a marvel in today’s day and age, and with Shadow of the Erdtree — a whole game-sized DLC — FromSoftware has proven it to the world that the gaming industry can be great again. 

That said, the Deluxe Edition or the Shadow of the Erdtree Edition couldn’t get a discounted listing, but if history is to repeat and tradition is to be followed, that one’s bound to pop up with reduced pricing sooner or later. 

Hype Builds Up For Elden Ring: Nightreign 

Elden Ring: Nightreign Is Something None of Us Saw Coming | Image Source: FromSoft
Elden Ring: Nightreign Came Unexpectedly | Image Source: FromSoft

After franchise director and Japanese gaming legend Hidetaka Miyazaki explicitly stated earlier this year that there are no plans for an Elden Ring sequel or DLC, Nightreign’s arrival is a genuine surprise. FromSoft just revealed the standalone expansion, showing that a multiplayer-focused, new and improved version of Elden Ring is on the way.

With Nightreign, we wanted to have a game that felt like a complete package out of the box on the day of purchase, so everything is unlockable, everything is contained with that purchase. It’s not what we’d consider a ‘live service’ game.”

YouTube video

Before Nightreign’s here, it’s best to brush up on your Soulsborne skills with the base game, because it will get fairly competitive with the upcoming DLC. 

Related Content to Check Out: 

Elden Ring came out in 2022 on the Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. eXputer reviewed the title, rating it 5/5, with author Abdul Haddi calling it “bigger and better than the previous Souls games in every way.”

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Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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