Shinji Mikami’s Latest Statement On Dino Crisis Will Break Your Heart

The last Dino Crisis came out more than two decades ago.

Story Highlights

  • Shinji Mikami is a well-known Japanese developer, responsible for many IPs, including Dino Crisis. 
  • The developer has spoken up about his feelings toward the long-forgotten Dino Crisis franchise.
  • With Monster Hunter doing incredibly well, Shinji feels there’s no need for Dino Crisis anymore. 

The Dino Crisis franchise has become a cult classic over the years, following its initial inception in 1999 by legendary Japanese developer Capcom. With the passage of time, the developer has reignited many of its classic games, especially in the Resident Evil series, but it’s done everything but focus on Dino Crisis. Commenting on the matter, franchise creator Shinji Mikami has expressed his sentiments, and as a fan, you may not come to like it.  

At Gamescom this year in Cologne, Germany, Shinji Mikami expressed to Eurogamer an element of “surprise” to the fact that people still love and want more of Dino Crisis. He continued, 

The awesomeness of dinosaurs and the stuff you can do with dinosaurs, that’s been kind of really nailed down by Monster Hunter in recent years.”  

There’s no doubt that Monster Hunter has evolved dramatically as a franchise — rolling over more than 103 million units to date — since its global outing in 2004. Taking that into consideration, Shinji seems to be demotivated in pursuing Dino Crisis from here on out. 

So even if I were to decide to make a remake or a new version of Dino Crisis, I don’t really feel like there’s a whole lot of space for that kind of game right now, just since Monster Hunter has become such a big game. But yeah, it is surprising.” 

Capcom’s Focus Does Not Include Dino Crisis At The Moment 

Sword and Shield in Monster Hunter Wilds Is a Latest Addition
Monster Hunter Wilds Is an Upcoming Addition to the Franchise | Image Source: Capcom

While Shinji is in a much better position to speak on the subject, I personally think it’s a bit off comparing Monster Hunter and Dino Crisis, considering the vast differences between the genres of the two IPs. I’m still holding onto the hope that Capcom looks into this series down the road, or perhaps, Shinji said this on purpose to throw fans off, because he knows something is coming along those lines. 

Wishful thinking, I know. Let me know your thoughts down in the comments section. 

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Ahmed Shayan is a News Writer on eXputer with decent experience writing about games. He’s a machine learning enthusiast with a passion for a plethora of gaming genres. Ahmed is fond of Soulsborne games in which he has invested more than 3,000 hours! You can follow Ahmed's gaming activity on his PSN Profile.

Experience: 1.5+ Years || Mainly Covers News Stories on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Data Science.

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