Command And Conquer-Inspired Tempest Rising To Debut Famous Composer Frank Klepacki

THQ Nordic has hired one of the most nostalgia-inducing video game composers.

Story Highlights

  • Frank Kelpacki, the Command and Conquer composer, will return to create more melodies for the game’s spiritual successor, Rising Temptest.
  • The community has made it possible by bringing the team and Frank together to work on the official soundtrack.
  • Frank is also working on creating “metal-infused melodies” another RTS entry, Stormgate by Frost Giants.

Command and Conquer is a nostalgic entry for many gamers, and its music tracks played a central role in cementing the game into our minds. The famous composer Frank Kelpacki, who worked on the entry, is returning for the awaited C&C-inspired RTS, Rising Tempest. The multiple award-winner artist will work with 3D Realms to whip up the wistful and punchy style of music that we have seen in his prior works for the new spiritual successor.

YouTube video

Frank Klepacki is known for a slew of musical pieces in the gaming industry, but his intricate way of crafting music especially stands out in the Command and Conquer series. While EA has not been able to deliver a new entry to the IP, Rising Tempest seeks to fill that void by mixing a tint of modernity while staying true to the formula. It’s an action strategy with RTS elements like the original C&C but features beautiful visuals and new mechanics.

A lot of you have speculated, and we at 3D Realms are here to confirm: the legendary composer of Command and Conquer Frank Klepacki is with us to work on the Tempest Rising official soundtrack,” reads the YouTube video description.

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Frank Klepacki is also excited to return to Rising Tempest after his meaningful time spent on Command and Conquer. The community has played a massive role in making this possible, influencing both the team and the musician to join forces. Frank has thanked the community for connecting him with the Rising Tempest title, calling the fans’ dedication a “big catalyst.

Thanks for kind of kicking off the conversation to make this happen. Because I think that was a big catalyst for my involvement in this product, I’m very excited to be doing that, and thank you.”

The composer is also working on another RTS entry, Stormgate by Frost Giants, to create “metal-infused melodies” that can push it into a whole new realm of enticement.

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Shameer Sarfaraz is a Senior News Writer on eXputer who loves to keep up with the gaming and entertainment industries devoutly. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and several years of experience reporting on games. Besides his passion for breaking news stories, Shahmeer loves spending his leisure time farming away in Stardew Valley. VGC, IGN, GameSpot, Game Rant, TheGamer, GamingBolt, The Verge, NME, Metro, Dot Esports, GameByte, Kotaku Australia, PC Gamer, and more have cited his articles.

Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor in Computer Science.

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