League of Legends Review — Nearly A Leading Face In The MOBA Genre

Still a highly competitive Esports title that is inviting to new players

League of Legends Review
  • Gameplay
  • Visuals And Performance


League of Legends has done well to keep its hype in the MOBA genre for a long time by providing convoluted and engaging gameplay.


  • New-Player Friendly
  • Frequent Updates
  • Vast Champions Pool
  • Multi-modes Feature
  • Active Development Support


  • The Majority of Champions Are Locked
  • Weak Server Quality

The MOBA genre has been a center of attraction for professional gaming since Blizzard launched StarCraft. By now, MOBA games have seen a massive increment in their player base and have remained a hot topic for being an Esports title. League of Legends is no exception in this case, and the game has done astoundingly well in enduring the competition for a long time.

Key Takeaways
  • Developer: Riot Games
  • Publisher: Riot Games
  • Date Released: October 27, 2007
  • Platforms: PC
  • Game Length: N/A
  • Time Played: 150 hours

I have been in this genre for a long time, with 11k+ hours of experience in Dota 2. Apparently, trying out League of Legends for the first time left me with quite unusual remarks.


Engaging in a combat
Gameplay – Image by eXputer

League of Legends gameplay features are highly complex, and the mechanics are detailed to the depth. Even though the skill set of champions might appear straightforward to execute, there is so much to comprehend due to the unique passive abilities given to all champions, which complement the set of their active abilities.

One thing I admire most about League of Legends is that it offers more than just a standard 5v5 match mode.

Understanding the skill set of champions is essential, even if you do not intend to play most of them, as it is the only way to learn the best counters for your enemies and the best picks that highly coordinate with your teammates’ champions.

One thing I admire most about League of Legends is that it offers more than just a standard 5v5 match mode. Moreover, the game allows you to queue for ranked matchmaking in some of its present modes.

Playing League of Legends after investing numerous hours in Dota 2 was a challenging experience for me. This is mainly due to the shift from a slow-paced to a highly fast-paced game style. 

League of Legends is based on quick-thinking gameplay that interpolates the player’s tactical approach with seemingly unstable situations in every match, where one can not survive by repeating the same strategy repeatedly. Therefore, as mentioned earlier, learning different champions is mandatory.

Is League Of Legends Holding Its Ground Against Its Competitors?

Pushing lanes
Rushing a tower with no intention of staying alive – Image by eXputer

Regarding many aspects, I can agree that League of Legends is in a leading position. The game is beginner-friendly, has a vast pool of champions, and gets frequent updates. 

If I were to judge the game overall, the multi-mode feature and inviting environment for new players are undoubtedly commendable.

However, if I were to give my opinion on preferences, I would consider Dota 2 a much better option than League of Legends, and I have my reasons for that.

If I were to judge the game overall, the multi-mode feature and inviting environment for new players are undoubtedly commendable. However, when we are talking about a MOBA game, it will always be perceived as a standard 5v5 game, and this is where the tides turn to favor Dota 2.

Despite having fast-paced gameplay, most of the items farmed carry passive effects. It’s not much of a flaw, but it usually eliminates the flexibility of item choices on your champion in most situations.

Item shop
Tons of items to go through with each having a unique trait – image by eXputer

Furthermore, the unlockable concept is the most noticeable element that prevents me from preferring League of Legends. Initially, you do not have all the modes unlocked, and above all, your champions’ pool is very limited. The playable characters that shape the game’s overall playability are itself locked. You can unlock the champions through in-game currency, but achieving that milestone takes considerable time.

Initially, you do not have all the modes unlocked, and above all, your champions’ pool is very limited. The playable characters that shape the game’s overall playability are itself locked.

Also, Riot’s server options and performance are pretty underlying compared to Valve’s. If I were to play Dota 2 supposedly on 50ms, the server would deliver pings over 100ms in League of Legends, which is quite a frustrating experience for me.

In addition to that, you can not switch servers with one click at any time you want, like in Dota 2. If you have created your League of Legends account on a server that provides poor quality to you, then you either create a new account or just accept your fate.

I admit League of Legends offers a quality gameplay experience in many aspects, but it should also focus on introducing innovative ideas to reshape the gameplay occasionally.

Visuals And Performance

Bright yet grim visuals
Light-colored world but with gloomy shade effect – Image by eXputer

League of Legends has a 3D comical art style complementing its fast-frame animation and 2D particle effect touch. The lighting concept follows a dark theme that correlates with the gloomy color palettes of characters and the world.

The game is well-optimized and can run smoothly on high-end and low-end PCs. 

Like any other MOBA game, League of Legends’s gameplay is vitally influenced by visuals. You must pay attention to the shielding effect, channeling, the fog of war, casting spells and items, and other visuals to play the game effectively. 

The game’s performance appears completely polished, and no bugs can interrupt your match experience. The game is well-optimized and can run smoothly on high-end and low-end PCs. 

The overall performance and graphic factor appear flawless to me. However, my only complaint is with the servers, where we can only proceed with what we have selected initially.


My remarks for the game

League of Legends has done well to keep its hype in the MOBA genre for a long time by providing convoluted and engaging gameplay. Despite being complex, the game still creates a friendly environment for newcomers and strictly observes foul play to protect the community from toxicity.

If you are a MOBA game player and thinking of shifting to League of Legends, then it is a respectable choice, and the same goes for new players who are yet to experience this genre.

This has been my League of Legends review. While you’re here, consider checking out some of our other articles:

This is box title
Get This Game
If you are willing to explore or want to try out the MOBA genre.

Dont Get This Game
If you detest the unlockable concept where obtaining in-game currency is a rare trait.

Buy/Wait For Sale/Don't Buy
Well, it’s free and friendly for new players. Go on, try it.

Alternative Games
  • Dota 2
  • Smite 2
  • StarCraft 2
  • Warcraft 3: Reforged
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Moiz Banoori is the brains behind eXputer. Having worked at various Video Game sites, with 8 years of Content Writing Experience and a Journalism Degree at hand, he presently monitors teams, creates strategies, and publishes qualified pieces through his aptitude at eXputer. Feel free to get in touch with him through his gaming profile on Steam and PSN.

Experience: 8+ Years || Manages Teams, Creates Strategies, and Publishes Guides on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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