Swedish Artist Publishes New Elden Ring Concept Art From E3

Aesthetically pleasing.

Just as we tinker about Elden Ring’s existence, we have got some pretty neat artwork designs from E3 2019. These were published on ArtStation by Swedish Artist Gabriel Björk Stiernström. According to Gabriel, the artworks were part of E3 2019 announcement and were developed for From Software and Bandai Namco.

Elden Ring Concept Art
Elden Ring Concept Art.

Gabriel gave a little context about the artworks on Reddit, saying these were designed for “internal discussion at Digic Pictures between the Art Director, Director, Producer and Leads. When they were happy with something, they would then share those concepts with the client. In the end, FromSoftware would more or less provide us with most of the concept art in any case.”

Elden Ring concept art

Moreover, he also clarified that he did not work on the game himself and that Digic Pictures was responsible “for a part of the E3 Announcement Trailer, specifically the Part with the figure hammering in the darkness.” He further states that these were his first projects at Digic Pictures, and no information about the game was given to him until he saw the reveal trailer at E3. The full statement of Gabriel can be read on Elden Ring Sub-reddit.

Elden Ring concept art
The entire bowl like land where the women stands.

The artworks look good, especially if you see them on artstation where he has shared the entire animation in poetry. It’s reasonable to presume that these are closer pictures and in-depth details of the characters we saw in this trailer. Moreover, the whole art represents a lady, who has this beautiful wand accomplishing something religions on the stone sceptre. The rest as you would have already seen shows a bigger stone zoomed out from the video.

Elden Ring concept art
Gabriel notes in the final version there is more of a “spiderweb string type of effect.”


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