Editorial Guidelines

At eXputer, we uphold the highest editorial integrity to maintain our stellar reputation. Our commitment to strict standards of practice and professionalism ensures a trustworthy and professional output across all departments. Our goal is to deliver content that combines hands-on experience with high journalistic standards and provides effective and useful information to gamers!

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Accurate and Audited Information

Our guides, reviews, and news articles guarantee up-to-date and accurate information derived from first-hand experience and rigorously fact-checked from multiple sources. Continuous monitoring ensures relevance and accuracy. The content we curate goes through a handful of editors and reviewers, which further ensures the authenticity and accuracy of the articles at eXputer. To maintain accuracy, our team also ensures that all of the information in the articles is timely updated.

Clear and Concise Language

We present information in clear, precise language (American English), avoiding unnecessary jargon. Our articles are free from grammatical errors, following strict editorial guidelines for comprehensibility. We ensure our content tone is casual and easy for readers to understand. The editors at eXputer are highly qualified and make certain that the content is free from all errors and is extremely clear and concise for the reader.

Strict No-AI Policy

We have a strict and well-structured policy that completely prohibits using AI while creating content. eXputer highly ensures that all content is made from scratch and has hands-on experience without any influence from an AI tool. Our editors use authentic AI-detecting tools and train the writers in a way that they always showcase their own personal experiences in their work.

Convenient Formatting and Structure

Utilizing a reader-friendly format, including tables of contents and headings, guarantees well-structured articles that are easy to navigate. In addition to that, bolds and italics highlight essential information, and FAQ sections address common queries. Ultimately, this makes the articles user-friendly and easy to understand. By keeping formatting and language in mind, our Writers are well-trained in keeping the content easy to understand, concise, and to the point.

Unbiased and Ethical Content

Our reviews and opinions remain unbiased and free from conflicts of interest. We prioritize ethical standards, with a no-tolerance policy for plagiarism. Content is carefully curated for authenticity. eXputer highly prioritizes content that is derived from first-hand experience. There is no space for unethical information or low-value content, and our Editors verify these things around the clock.

Hands-on Experience

Our writers, experienced in games, play them firsthand to provide genuine insights. We emphasize and only pick out writers who write from their own experience in video games, avoiding reliance on second-hand sources.
The content our readers interact with is made after pouring multiple hours into the video game to make certain that the content is 100% authentic and self-made by our writers. In addition, eXputer has a dedicated team of gamers who cover major guides on our YouTube channel. These videos are also embedded in most of our articles to show the hands-on experience and value of our content!

Helpful for All Gamers

Articles are tailored for all kinds of gamers, offering easy instructions, clear structures, relevant pictures, and prerequisite information. The content is easy to understand for all readers, regardless of their expertise in gaming. Hence, gaming is even more fun and less hectic for the community!

Feedback-Centric Approach

We value reader feedback to improve accuracy, relevance, and quality. We encourage readers to share their thoughts through comments or by contacting us. We have an assigned team to implement feedback and take note of readers’ comments to ensure the friendliest and smoothest experience for our viewers.

Editor’s Job

Our editors play a crucial role in triple-checking content for accuracy, readability, and ethical standards. They ensure articles are error-free, reader-friendly, and entirely original. We are proud to boast a team of highly experienced Editors in the Gaming journalism industry. Their experience further enhances and improves our content-checking system.

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Playing The Game

Our writers play the game and carefully go through each element.

Guide’s Outline Is Created

Based on the research and experience, writers create an easy-to-read content structure.

Images & Gameplay Recording

Writers take useful screenshots and record tricky bits that can be used to guide other gamers.

Content Creation

Based on the outline and visuals, writers curate unique guides to assist readers.

Editor’s Role

The article is then assigned to a suitable editor who has experience in the particular game.


The editor fact-checks the guide and verifies the information provided.


Our final reviewer reviews the content and ensures the information is unique and helpful.

Streamlined Gaming

The final, well-polished material enables other players to fully enjoy the new video games.

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Our Team

We are very particular about the experience and expertise of our panel of experts. As such, you can rest assured that every piece of information being brought to you through our platform originates from the most knowledgeable and trustworthy source possible.
Our team is divided into five major roles, each of whom works together to deliver the best possible experience to our readers.

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Our writers possess extensive knowledge about the subject they cover, be it guides, news, reviews, or opinion pieces. They play the games they write about, which means that they only deliver first-hand and accurate information. Additionally, they are all gaming enthusiasts who are equally passionate about the material they write about. That is why every content you see on eXputer is written with the care and love it deserves.


Our editors undertake different responsibilities, ranging from fact-checking to ensuring coherence and readability in the articles you read to bringing the entirety of our website together in pursuit of journalistic excellence. In a nutshell, though, these individuals strive to make sure that our readers are treated to only the best and most comprehensive and helpful information out there, and they use their extensive experience coupled with their impeccable expertise to make this goal a reality.


Our reviewers are passionate gamers who are in charge of putting out fair, comprehensive, and informative reviews about the latest games and products. They do this by playing the game in its entirety before formulating their thoughts and expressing them in their reviews.
This ensures that the reviews you read on eXputer are always unbiased and give you a complete idea of the product at hand to aid you in making an informed decision.

Reporters and Journalists

Our reporters and journalists form the backbone of our news coverage. They stay in-the-know with the latest happenings in the world of gaming and use their intensive research and writing skills to formulate and deliver comprehensive news stories about the things that you care about. Following that, eXputer also conducts interviews with high-profile developers, streamers, game designers, modders, and other industry individuals. With these guys by our side, you can be sure to stay up-to-date with all things gaming.


Our experts are verified authorities in their respective fields. They possess years of experience and are the go-to individuals within those categories. As such, these experts help craft special articles such as game settings, tier lists, and more. Therefore, you can rest assured that all such articles you come across on eXputer have been painstakingly crafted with the most accurate and up-to-date information.

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