Syed Hamid Ali Shah

Hamid Ali is a Guides Writer & Editor on eXputer who occasionally covers Game Codes. He is a huge Doom fanatic and loves to melt his stress away in titles such as God of War games and Elden Ring. With a Bachelor's degree in Journalism, Hamid’s been writing and updating about the majority of games for several years. Hamid's gaming experience can be verified on his Steam and PSN profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering.

Most Played Games
  • 300+ hours in Witcher Series.
  • 200+ hours in Elden Ring.
  • 200+ hours in Monster Hunter World.
  • 200+ hours in Street Fighter 6.
  • 200+ hours in Resident Evil Franchise.
Gaming History
Hamid got introduced to games during his childhood by a cousin. He still vividly remembers spending all day on Stronghold, Need For Speed, Dino Crisis 2, and a few other games.
Gaming Platforms
PS5 and PC (RTX 2060 Super and i3-10100).
266 Articles