3 Most Exciting Indie Games From Future Games Show 2024 You Should Know About

Some of the featured indie titles have the potential to be big hits.

Story Highlights

  • Future Games Show 2024 took place recently, featuring tons of indie titles.
  • Fans got to see first looks at many new games, with some truly standing out.
  • Among them, there were three that seemingly have the most potential.

With the Future Games Show 2024 taking place last week, gamers got to see first looks at a bunch of upcoming indie games. The overall presentation was more than an hour long and featured several genres, from action to platformers. While all of the games look interesting, there’s no denying that some went above and beyond when it comes to generating hype among players.

Three titles in particular managed to get my attention, each offering bringing something new to the table. Budget limitations and a lack of resources can often get in the way of indie games from living up to their fullest potential. But I feel these three games are doing a lot with their available resources and have the potential to do something really cool. Here’s why.

  • About the Author: Danish Bukhari has been gaming for decades, more recently playing RPG titles like Baldur’s Gate 3 and Elden Ring, making him highly knowledgeable on the subject.

Bogdan’s Cross

An action-adventure, Bogdan’s Cross is about a shepherd bear who goes on a journey to become a knight. The game’s unique art style immediately pulls the viewer in. Every frame honestly feels like something out of an animated movie. Bogdan’s Cross also has a uniquely dark tone that you wouldn’t expect to see from a game whose main character is a giant bear.

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Set in a grim medieval setting, it’s clear the developers have found a great balance when shaping the narrative around these animals while still managing to keep things serious and moody. The juxtaposition between the bloody combat of medieval times, coupled with the fact that it’s animals fighting each other in those suits of armor, makes things feel different from several other titles we’ve seen so far.

The game has the potential to be big, as long as its gameplay manages to remain interesting. From what little we’ve seen of it so far, it does feel snappy. But not much of it was revealed yet, so it’s clear the developers are taking their time to make it truly stand out. Overall, Bogdan’s Cross has an amazing setting going for it, and a premise that works, so I can see this being a big hit.

Nobody Wants To Die

This game blew everyone away with its impressive visuals. It’s being made in Unreal Engine 5 and is set in a dystopian New York City in 2329. Players will find themselves in a single-player noir adventure where they’re forced to confront the nature of the crumbling society. It’s clear the developers have taken a lot of time to carefully craft the setting, taking inspiration from black-and-white films.

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The official gameplay trailer gave players a taste of what they can expect to see once it comes out later this year. You essentially play as a detective with the ability to control time and turn back the clock to reveal the truth and uncover mysteries. The title definitely has the potential to grip players with its intriguing story. But I hope the gameplay can be more than just walking around empty, albeit, great-looking areas.

The Relic: First Guardian

This title managed to sneak under the spotlight a bit at the Future Games Show. But its impressive combat and visuals definitely make it a worthwhile contender for the best upcoming indie games. The gameplay video shows players traversing unique and varied biomes as they defeat enemies in a combat system that feels part-Soulslike and part-hack-and-slash.

YouTube video

The developers really decided to jump straight into the combat with this one, which is a good indicator that the core gameplay mechanics will likely be their top priority. Too often games focus on story elements and the general setting, without making sure that the main crux, which is the gameplay, is refined and given the proper attention.

That said, there are tons of other Soulslike titles coming out recently. So it might be tough for The Relic: First Guardian to find its own place among the crowd. But considering there’s still a while before it comes out, and from the looks of it, it’s doing enough things differently that players will likely give it a chance. If nothing else, its impressive visuals might just end up being the thing that pulls gamers in.

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Danish is an opinion piece writer at eXputer who loves sharing his takes on the industry. He is a long-time PC gamer with a passion for delving into the discussion and discourse surrounding the titles that he plays. Often eager to jump right into the fold and formulate his take on the latest topics, his noteworthy presence on gaming forums, and keen insight help him understand the gaming community in a thorough manner. This helps him provide a more nuanced look into any topic or discussion.

Writes Opinion Pieces at eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Mass Communication.

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