Spiderman PS4 Devs Talk About Art Direction And Character Selection

Villains Selected To Cater To Gamplay

There is a lot of anticipation around Spiderman PS4 and the devs talked about various aspects of the game, including the open world, art direction and character selection. The Marvel universe has a lot of characters and even if you narrow things down to the Spider-verse, there are plenty of characters to choose from. So you can imagine that the devs were in a bit of a pickle when selecting villains.

Iconic villain, Venom has not been included in Spiderman PS4 and that is one of the issues that people have with the game. Not only Venom but other characters as well. Creative director Bryan talked about the matter of character selection and the following is what he had to say in this regard:

100 per cent, yes. I think that everybody has their favourite character and supporting characters and villains, but at the end of the day, some people will be super happy and some people will be wishing there was someone else in there. We had to do what was best for the experience, [both in terms of] the story we wanted to tell and in terms of a gameplay challenge. So we just tried to find those best matches. It’s a pretty big cast so hopefully we got a lot of peoples’ favourites.

Bryan further went on to talk about the art direction. He talked about how the game is very narrative-driven one. The following is what he had to say in this regard:

Well, hopefully you can tell it’s a very narrative-driven experience. We were definitely going for a certain presentation level with our narrative, and we just thought that with the types of emotion we wanted our characters to display, going a little bit more realistic with the visuals was going to help with that approach. And that was the decision: it was about the story we wanted to tell and how we wanted to tell it.

From what we have seen so far, Spiderman PS4 is going to be a great experience. It will be interesting to see what the final game is like and what the fans have to say about it.

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Martin Bell is a News Writer on eXputer who’s been invested in the latest technology and games since the very early years of his childhood. He’s clocked in several hours into CS:GO and other eSports games and is enthusiastic about PC hardware. His passion for gaming and PC hardware shows in the News stories that he breaks for his audience. He is a professional journalist who loves networking with people in the industry to catch the latest scoop before it hits the mainstream media. Experience: 5+ years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Broken 250+ News Stories || Mainly Covers News Articles on eXputer

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