My Wishlist For Persona 6: Things I’d Love And Hate To See In The Game

To match the stellar success of Persona 5, Atlus needs to check some crucial boxes.


                                                            Story Highlights

  • Atlus will need to make extraordinary efforts to match or surpass the stellar success of Persona 5.
  • Character customization and new Persona designs would be a great addition.
  • A setting focused on university or professional life would offer a refreshing change of pace.

There is always a game series that holds a special place in your heart, often becoming a source of comfort. For me, the Persona series is that masterpiece of a game, providing an escape from reality into its captivating colorful, bold fictional world. Following the success of Persona 5 Royal, my hopes for Persona 6 have skyrocketed.

The sheer hype for the next installment is pretty evident, boosted by the recent release of Persona 3 Reload. To achieve the same level of success as Persona 5, Atlus might need to go out of its traditional way and introduce features that were absent in previous titles.

Option For Character Customization

Firstly, in my opinion, and likely many others, the ability to customize our characters would be a significant upgrade. Persona games are known for their characters. Creating characters that resonate with players is a challenging task, yet the talented team at Atlus has managed to achieve this successfully.

Persona 5 Royal
Joker has established a remarkably high standard for future protagonists.

One of my main concerns with the main characters is their lack of dialogue. Sure, they do speak one-liners during fights, but during free roam, I’d appreciate full-voiced dialogues between characters. That said, if Atlus plans the same approach for Persona 6, I hope they give the players the ability to customize at least, with voice options.

A Not-So-Obnoxious Mascot

Persona isn’t Persona without its roster of lively characters and NPCs and also the mascot. Persona 3, 4, and 5 all featured an animal-based mascot with Morgana being the newest mascot in Persona 5 Royal who serves many purposes during the fights along with the story. The mascots are fun and likable but not for long.

Persona Mascots
Persona mascots from left to right – Teddie, Morgana, and Koromaru

Hear me out, I love animals and believe that the concept of mascots is great but could be executed better. Getting to hear the few enthusiastic lines several times, sounds great at first but starts to get obnoxious after a handful of battles. 

byu/CriticalGoku from discussion

I’m not particularly fond of Morgana, as his constant chatter can become irritating. I would have preferred it if he didn’t yell after every fight. I would appreciate it if Atlus could introduce a quieter, more reserved mascot, similar to The Doll from Bloodborne. Not the best idea but you get the idea.

More New Mythos-Inspired Personas

The personas of the main characters in each game have traditionally been based on primary mythology, but there were usually fictional characters rather than mythos-inspired. Going with the trend, Persona 6’s main protagonist will represent some mythology (I hope Atlus sticks with Norse or Greek this time).

Isis Persona from Persona 5
Isis is one the few mythos-inspired Personas that players can acquire in-game | Captured by eXputer

I don’t mind re-used personas. Reusing assets in my book is fine but I would like to see some Greek or Norse inspired Personas, or even characters from folklore. I’ll be happy if there are fresh faces with interesting spells and abilities in the upcoming installment.

byu/Hiohna from discussion

My head is brimming with ideas for new Personas but we’ll have to be patient until the official announcement. Recent leaks suggest the game is in full production and we might be able to play it in the next 2-3 years. It is a rumor nonetheless, so take it with a grain of salt.

Impactful Romance/Social Link Relationships

In previous Persona games, while the main character can form relationships with other characters, these connections often felt insubstantial. For instance, in Persona 5, although you can date multiple characters, I felt no significant benefits to these relationships, other than the benefits you can unlock after increasing your social link level.

Persona 5 Royal
Perks can be unlocked by leveling up the social links in Persona 5 | Captured by eXputer

As you might’ve guessed, no dating characters in Persona 5 isn’t as exciting as it may sound initially. I hope the upcoming installment features meaningful relationships that impact the game. Perhaps including exclusive perks against a relationship with a particular character.

Closing Thoughts

The setting of the next game is something I have on the back of my mind. I don’t mind the college/high-school settings of these games. It would be intriguing if the next installment were set in a university or depicted the life of a corporate employee.

Other than a few hints (thanks IGN), only time will reveal what Atlus is cooking for Persona 6. That said, there is no release date in sight, if you are looking for something that can scratch that “Persona” itch for you, you might wanna give Metaphor: ReFantazio a try. 

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Najam Ul Hassan is a News Reporter on eXputer who enjoys investing hours in his favorite video game titles. When he’s not playing games, he’s practicing Journalism. He began his career on eXputer after combining his limitless love of video games and all things geek with his considerable writing experience. He has been cited numerous times by several noteworthy publications and sites such as Game Rant, Yahoo, PlayStation LifeStyle, VGC, VG247, TheGamer, among others. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Masters in Mass Media Communication || Written 300+ News Stories.

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