Amidst Modern Gaming, You Should Prioritize Keeping Yourself Virtually Secure

All it takes is one unknown login to completely ruin your day!

Story Highlights

  • The trends behind modern gaming have allowed different breeds of virtual threats to thrive.
  • Players often report their gaming accounts being stolen due to phishing and other malicious attacks.
  • Fortunately, you can stay secure with unique passwords, two-factor authentication, and other techniques.

Modern gaming would be impossible without dedicated platforms, the keepers of digital backlogs filled with titles you’re sure to get around to playing someday. Like myself, I’m sure you put a lot of trust in these platforms, but is it warranted? After all, data breaches aren’t anything new, and when you consider how massive the gaming industry is, it’s almost a no-brainer for a hacker to try to get into a database.

There’s no public knowledge of any GoG or Riot Games breaches, while a supposed one directed at Epic Games in 2023 turned out to be false. There was one time, however, when Steam suffered a breach in 2011, affecting 35 million users. The platform quickly addressed the issue and implemented policy changes, but it begs the question… how much info was leaked? And how could we have done better?

Why Are Gaming Accounts Still Getting Hacked Then?

Steam's Transparency Is Increasing | Image Source: Alpha Coders
Steam: The major platform for gamers | Image Source: Alpha Coders

Although gaming platforms may not be frequent targets on hackers’ attack lists, most gamer accounts still get hacked simply because owners lack cybersecurity awareness. Phishing, session hijacking, and social engineering are the most successful means of gaining unauthorized access.

Aside from data breaches outside the regular consumer’s control, phishing emails look like they’re from the platform or a popular game you might have on it. They usually claim that there’s a problem related to it, like a need to reset your password, and you must urgently address it by visiting a fake website address.

New phishing link going around on steam, DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK, IT DOES NOT GO TO STEAM
byu/nickhoude21 ingaming

There, you’re asked to enter your credentials, which hackers use to access the account. Alternatively, you may receive an attachment or a download link containing malware that can steal your login information.

Session hijacking happens when you access the internet via an unsafe connection, like the public Wi-Fi at an airport or café. Some attacks hijack browser cookies, which could include account information if you’re logged in through a browser. Other attacks exploit the connection’s weakness and use man-in-the-middle techniques or packet sniffing to intercept gaming platforms’ authentication tokens.

Despite Sensationalism Online, It’s Pretty Easy To Secure Yourself

You might hear a lot about hackers scheming up new routes every day to gain a hold of your accounts and system, but, in all honesty, you generally only need a few precautionary steps to keep yourself safe. All you need is some basic know-how on a few cybersecurity fundamentals, like common sources of attack and how you can avoid them.

First, make sure that all your accounts have unique, long passwords containing numbers and symbols. These might be challenging to remember, but that’s what a dependable password manager is for. Having the manager create and securely store all your passwords ensures other compromised accounts don’t put your gaming library at risk.

How do I get a password added to my account?
byu/DaRealGamerLogic inriotgames

All the major platforms offer two-factor authentication. Make sure it’s on to prevent account access even if someone steals or tricks you into revealing your password.

Beyond that, you can learn to recognize phishing emails and avoid visiting sketchy sites, even if they promise exceptional deals or unique loot. Make sure any mods or third-party tools you use are vetted by their respective games’ communities as safe and free from malware.

Popular modding sites like NexusMods have entire forums and comment sections dedicated to individual mods. You can use that to your benefit and hear unbiased opinions on a certain mod and how good it is.

Skyrim Special Edition overtakes Skyrim Legendary Edition on Nexusmods.
The top mods on NexusMods | Image Source: eXputer

Additionally, since some of the most dangerous attacks happen by exploiting vulnerable networks, you’ll also want to be aware of where and how you connect. Gaming on the go is fine as long as you avoid public Wi-Fi, which is often a hub scoured by bad actors. As such, a personal Wi-Fi device or a mobile network is your best bet since they’re far more challenging to monitor or exploit.

It’s possible to convert your smartphone into a mobile hotspot while getting the best possible rates if you use an eSIM, both domestically and especially abroad. You can find lots of reviews on eSIMs online, so, when looking for the best eSIM for Europe or any other continent, be sure to do some research before making any purchases.


Gaming platforms will continue to do their utmost to keep user accounts and information safe. It’s up to you to ensure all the clever workarounds hackers use don’t succeed. Now that you know how to behave and what to avoid, the chances of your gaming accounts getting compromised are lower than ever.

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Moiz Banoori is the brains behind eXputer. Having worked at various Video Game sites, with 8 years of Content Writing Experience and a Journalism Degree at hand, he presently monitors teams, creates strategies, and publishes qualified pieces through his aptitude at eXputer. Feel free to get in touch with him through his gaming profile on Steam and PSN.

Experience: 8+ Years || Manages Teams, Creates Strategies, and Publishes Guides on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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