Epic Games’ New Rumbleverse Is Unplayable, Complain Players

Players complain that they need to wait in a queue of more than 100,000 players to log into the game.

Battle Royale has probably been the most popular niche in gaming for the last few years or so. First-person shooter games like PUBG and Apex Legends made it popular. However, almost every genre now has adopted this new mode of play to produce some really amusing games.

Due to its popularity, Battle Royale games garner a lot of players. Millions of users are online on a daily basis and finding a match is very straightforward. However, this high player count can also be a curse if you are not built to handle it.

Rumbleverse is a brand new free-to-play brawler Battle Royale from Epic Games, which came out just two days ago. Since then, it has become really popular and has already got a sizeable player base. However, the players are finding it really hard to play the game as they can’t log into it.

Players have been complaining that Rumbleverse is literally unplayable because the queues are long and time-consuming. Screenshots of the game on Twitter and other social media websites show queues of more than 100,000 players. Hence, servers of the game are really not holding up with its popularity.

Logging in is very formidable with the queues and even if you do, finding a match isn’t painless. According to some players on different forums, it can take up to five minutes to find a match in Rumbleverse after logging in. However, you have to reach that stage first and it isn’t leisurely.

Rumbleverse seems like a case of a game that suffers from its own success. The developer, Iron Galaxy, probably didn’t think that the game would be this big and hence the player count took it by surprise. As a result, servers of the game are in a really bad condition, with login errors and long queues.

The official support account of Rumbleverse is constantly posting updates of the game on Twitter. Updates are being added to the game to address this issue and resolve it as soon as possible. However, players are really not delighted, as long waiting times is not something you see in modern games. 

When you actually play the game, though, all of this makes complete sense because it is rather amusing. Rumbleverse is getting critical acclaim from everyone; players and critics can’t have enough of the Battle Royale experience. Hence, if you are able to overcome this login issue, you should definitely try out this outstanding new game from Iron Galaxy and Epic Games.

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Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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