Najam Ul Hassan
Ex Blizzard And Rockstar Veterans Raise $5 Million And Form A New Studio
It’s always exhilarating when a new game studio of prominent veterans comes to life. Another bunch of AAA game developer veterans shook hands together to begin a game studio. Dubbing…
CIG Taking Out Features From Star Citizen’s Roadmap, Blames Community
Cloud Imperium Games is starting to remove features from the Star Citizen's roadmap, and then blames the community for it.
Microsoft Published 3 Best-Selling New Releases Of 2021
At the end of every year, Steam compiles a list of the top games of the year divided conveniently into categories showing the top best-sellers, new releases, most played games,…
Japanese Game Developers Taking Notice of NFTs
According to various Japanese Game Developers, NFT could play an important role in gaming, among these is also Yosuke Saito from Square Enix.
First Ever LEGO Sonic Set Seemingly Leaked Online Ahead Of Release
The much beloved Sonic franchise's LEGO debut has leaked online after months of speculation