Free-To-Play? Don’t Be Fooled; That’s Just Pay-To-Win In Disguise These Days

Who needs skill and effort when you have cash?

Story Highlights

  • Free-to-play games once allowed you to enjoy a meaningful journey where spending was incentivized.
  • Now, everything just wants to wring a ton of cash out of you and punish you for not doing so.
  • With microtransactions introducing the most ridiculous of things, gaming is all about spending now.

You’ve just purchased a fancy new piece of hardware and can’t wait to take it for a spin. Unfortunately, you showed no mercy to your wallet for this purchase, and thus, you are unable to get a game for the time being. What will you do in this hypothetical situation?

Fret not, for something called “free-to-play” exists to keep you occupied until you make a purchase. Or at least, something like this used to exist. If you come across a situation like this today, I’m afraid you’re very much doomed.

YouTube video

Free To Play Used To Mean Something

Now, when we can’t afford to get games at full price, we look for something like subscribing to a service and getting 100 games in less than half the price of one. Back in the day, the solution was to try something free to play and progress in.

In terms of quality, they weren’t as high as paid ones, which was to be expected, but occasionally certain free-to-play games were surprisingly good. During the peak era of MMORPGs, they were the talk of the town. This was mainly because of World of Warcraft.

Back when F2Ps didn't scam | Source: Steam
Back when F2Ps didn’t scam | Source: Steam

While World of Warcraft was indeed a solid MMORPG, it wasn’t so good as an F2P game. Instead, games like Warframe, Guild Wars 2, and Star Wars The Old Republic felt genuinely rewarding and meaningful to play even without spending anything. You could get great loot and equipment just from playing consistently, and even spending in the game felt a lot more incentivized and not forced.

This is easily the best f2p game I've ever seen
byu/LordSt4rki113r inWarframe

Fast some years forward, and you get a great example of a solid F2P game in Rocket League. Starting as a paid game, it really shined when it went free-to-play. It was all about having fun and cursing at each other competitively. The progress you can make without spending a dime is unreal. You could even spend without feeling tricked into doing so by some sleazy tactics.

Rocket League is one of the best games in history
byu/gabrrdt inpatientgamers

It’s All “Pay To Win” Now

When I booted up a free-to-play game, I expected an engrossing game. One that capitalizes on earning your attention and trust first of all with how much it values your time. You’re bound to naturally make your way towards spending in a game like this. Unfortunately, that’s no longer the case.

In current times, the so-called “free to play” games that still exist announce right away that “those who pay, win.” They maintain the false pretense of being F2P, when in fact there’s nothing noteworthy you can accomplish unless you spend. It used to be that you had to grind for hours and put in the effort to get stronger, and there was a sense of accomplishment in that.

Why is everyone just totally okay with games being pay to win now?
byu/anon2233211 inMMORPG

Now, pull out 20 bucks, get the OP weapon or gear, and wipe the floor with the poor peasants. You want to win the match? Show some dough or forget about it. The premium items and paid stuff are so game-breakingly overpowered that unless you indulge, there’s no way of winning. This “pay for power” is even more apparent in gacha games like Genshin Impact.

Today, an F2P player will die of FOMO and frustration 10 minutes after starting a free-to-play game. Yes, I’m looking at you, War Thunder.

I can never beat a whale | Source: u/biggles_of_the_bean (Reddit)
I can never beat a whale | Source: u/biggles_of_the_bean (Reddit)

That’s not all. Paying for power is a different thing, but these free-to-play games even want you to pay a ridiculous amount of cash for simple cosmetic items. And they’ll throw them at your face so aggressively that you can’t stop yourself. The psychological pressure leads to a hasty purchase, and then a sense of emptiness.

Skins and cosmetics in video games is one of the worst things that could have happened to the industry
by inunpopularopinion

Microtransactions Have Ruined Gaming

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Microtransactions and live services are the worst things that happened to gaming. It used to be that you could enjoy free-to-play games with a little spending now and then, or get a paid game and enjoy a thorough and complete adventure.

Now, both of these are filled to the brim with additional purchases and charges. And it’s not like you can opt out of them. The game design and tactics essentially force you towards it.

Microtransactions Ruined Gaming
byu/Snoo61478 inAsmongold

Seeing people with fancy gear or stats so unreal you can never catch up without spending, it’s only human to fall for the temptation. And Alas, that’s what gaming has become. Microtransactions are designed to prey on you and provide a false alternative to meaningful content. I hope I can escape this hell someday.

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Hanzala is a dedicated writer who expresses his views as opinion pieces at eXputer. He's always been fascinated by gaming and has been an avid consumer of many different genres for over a decade. His passion for games has him eager to encounter the latest RPGs and actively look for new Soulslike to challenge. He puts forth his experience and knowledge of gaming into captivating opinion pieces.

Experience: 8+ months || Education: Bachelors in Chemistry.

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