Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Seems To Lack Something And It’s Hideo Kojima

The remake of this masterpiece of a game is set to release in 2024, and it's not looking good.

Story Highlights

  • With Hideo Kojima gone, the remake seems to lack innovation.
  • The trailer seems to show only a reskin with updated graphics.
  • The gameplay looks outdated, being a one-to-one copy of the original 2004 title.

Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater was first released in 2004, and it brought a generational change to the world of stealth shooter games. Hideo Kojima was behind this. Kojima explored the roots of Snake and Big Boss and delivered a game that we fans couldn’t believe was true.

For example, the player had to manage Snake’s stamina and health by eating and hunting wild animals and plants. This added a layer of immersion and realism to the title. Kojima’s magic worked in such a wondrous way that Metal Gear Solid 3 became one of the highest-selling games of all time.

As all of you must know by now, Hideo Kojima left Konami over a dispute for going over the budget with Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain. Konami is trying to make a comeback with triple-A titles and is making a remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater, also known as Delta. However, it’s not looking good. Let’s talk about it.

Konami’s Departure From AAA Titles

The New Look Of Snake In Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater
The New Look Of Snake In Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater | Image Source: Konami

Konami had planned to shift away from triple-A titles in the 2010s, and their rock bottom was when Hideo Kojima went over budget for the last Metal Gear game. However, this did not work in Konami’s favor as Kojima’s departure was a significant blow as they lost half of the fanbase. Around the same time, Konami decided to move to mobile gaming, losing their craft of making amazing triple-A titles.

The Remake Without Kojima

Face Models For Major Characters Have Been Completely Changed
Face Models For Major Characters Have Been Completely Changed | Image Source: Konami

Hideo Kojima has a very distinct and intricate way of storytelling, connecting characters and narratives throughout a span of multiple video games. For example, Ocelot, being The Boss’s son, was revealed 16 years after the character’s introduction in the first game.

YouTube video

Now that Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater is coming. The trailers are being dropped, the essence of Kojima is missing, and the games look empty and half-baked, with less emphasis on the narrative and only on the updated graphics. Let us talk about the graphical upgrade now.

The Remake Looks Great But Outdated

Great Fidelity But Outdated Gameplay
Great Fidelity But Outdated Gameplay | Image Source: Konami

With the new gameplay trailer shown at the Xbox Games Showcase, we can clearly and confidently state that the remake looks visually amazing. However, the problem is that the original game was released in 2004, and the gameplay is outdated compared to today’s standards. It seems like the game only has a graphical skin applied to it, but otherwise, all the gameplay aspects of the title remain the same.

byu/Hideo_Video from discussion

This will be a very huge disappointment for the Metal Gear fans as nobody would want a new game that plays like an old title, and in this case, a title from 20 years ago.

The Change In Art Direction

The World Seems Colorful And Bright Unlike The Original
The World Seems Colorful And Bright Unlike The Original | Image Source: Konami

Another concern of mine is the change in the art direction of the remake. It has failed to capture the gloomy and eerie dark world of the Cold War. The remake looks bright, and the sense of war brewing is no longer present. It seems like just another action stealth game. The original Snake Eater had an atmosphere heavily influenced by the setting of the Cold War in the 1960s.

YouTube video

In the remake, there are inconsistencies in the visual style, like the mismatched textures and overall uneven quality in the environmental design.

My Honest Opinion On The Whole Situation

The Original Versus The Remake
The Original Versus The Remake | Image Source: IGN

When Kojima left the Silent Hill game, which starred Norman Reedus, it was also canceled. This made Konami lose its credibility and the fan’s trust. I honestly believe that Konami can produce a high-quality remake of Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater, but Kojima’s influence on the whole series is a huge factor and is what made the game so beloved in the first place.

YouTube video

I really hope they are able to capture the essence of the original titles, but the light at the end of the tunnel seems to be fading.

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Najam Ul Hassan is a News Reporter on eXputer who enjoys investing hours in his favorite video game titles. When he’s not playing games, he’s practicing Journalism. He began his career on eXputer after combining his limitless love of video games and all things geek with his considerable writing experience. He has been cited numerous times by several noteworthy publications and sites such as Game Rant, Yahoo, PlayStation LifeStyle, VGC, VG247, TheGamer, among others. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Masters in Mass Media Communication || Written 300+ News Stories.

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