The Upcoming BioShock Has To Be Everything That Infinite Is Not

2K's cult classic franchise is making a return, but will it be something to look out for?

Story Highlights

  • One of 2K Games’ most popular franchises, BioShock, has a new game in development right now. 
  • With the last title failing to hit home with fans of the series, there are concerns regarding the new BioShock. 
  • BioShock Infinite, although fun to play on its own, lacks the true essence of the BioShock IP. 

The last BioShock game that 2K, along with the Ken Levine-founded Irrational Games, managed to push out was in 2013, which is more than a decade ago. Considering this last game — titled BioShock Infinite — came out such a long time ago and turned out to be an exceptionally divisive title that gathered both a lot of love and hate, a ton of expectations are now tied to the next BioShock, and rightfully so. 

BioShock has always remained an icon in gaming for all that it made possible, especially at the time it came out, and what it brought to the table in terms of pushing the genre of story-based games forward.

Despite the first installment in the series coming out in 2007, it’s baffling to me how BioShock remains relevant even to this day, being able to offer a mighty good time of thrilling first-person action if you decide to boot it up right now.

But, what does that mean for the future of the series?

Unfortunately, it translates to a double-edged sword

That’s because BioShock fans have been long awaiting a game that could offer the same vigor and buzz as the first two BioShock titles, and with change in development strategies over the years, coupled with the recent surge in the microtransaction trend, there’s a ton that can go wrong here. Oh, and if Cloud Chamber decides to take a leaf out of BioShock Infinite’s book, people will be unhappy. 

Let’s take a deeper look at why this is so, and where Infinite fell off. 

The Qualms About BioShock Infinite 

BioShock Infinite
BioShock Infinite’s First Cardinal Sin Is Its Non-Rapture Setting | Image Source: 2K

Well, where do we begin with this? Right off the bat, BioShock Infinite lacks the charm and atmosphere of the first two BioShock games that did a great job at nurturing fan expectations through Rapture. I have to say, the latter is one of the most gorgeously — yet terrifyingly all the same — detailed and well-designed settings in gaming history. 

It has this unique way of making the player second-guessing the next threat that lurks in the corner, all the while telling the story through unorthodox means—a first for games of that era. It’s mysterious, often puzzling, but super engaging at the end of the day. Not to say that Infinite has a bad story; it’s just nothing like what the OG BioShocks have spoon-fed us for all those years.  

BioShock Elements That Feel Slapped On Just Cause 

So, I’m of the opinion here that Irrational Games decided to embark on a different route with Infinite, although one that did not turn out as well as the devs probably might have wanted to. Playing through it, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this is an ordinary first-person shooter with more gunplay than what we BioShock fans are used to, with the relevant elements of the series tacked on forcefully. 

Let me explain how.

In the first two BioShock games, there’s ample Tonic variety, and a better hold of the player on choosing their own build, so overall, you feel as if you’ve got a lot more freedom there as compared to here in Infinite. 

Was Bioshock infinite the worst Bioshock?
byu/Djxjwjdh inBioshock

A Storyline That Is Both Good And Bad In Different Contexts

Don’t get me wrong on this, because there are different lenses you can employ to gauge what makes a story good or bad, and then again, there are always conflicting perspectives. 

Bioshock Infinite, when looked at by someone who’s new to the series, boasts a fantastic storyline with interesting characters, a great protagonist, and fantastic visuals. However, if you’re diving into the shooter as a hardcore fan of the BioShock series, a serving of disappointment awaits ahead. The first crime is what I’ve already mentioned earlier—no Rapture. 

The second is the inclusion of complicated concepts such as time traveling and the multiverse, which is a far cry from what the first two BioShock games revolve around. And the Burial at Sea DLC further takes players down a loophole that’s hard to make sense of.

Bioshock Infinite is the most overrated game I've ever played
byu/brunocar inpatientgamers

What Makes The OG BioShock Games So Stand-Out? 

The First BioShock Is an Absolute Delight to Play
The First BioShock Is an Absolute Delight to Play | Source: Steam 

Aside from the gameplay, and the measured difficulty that made the pacing of the first two games just right, BioShock 1 and 2’s atmosphere is what takes the cake, no questions asked. And I believe this is going to be the upcoming title’s biggest challenge, and what people are going to be looking out for the most, that is whether it houses Rapture as its setting or again attempts to venture into something out of the box. 

Is A New BioShock Game Coming? 

Yes, 2K is working toward a new BioShock title, where the California-based industry tycoon has appointed Cloud Chamber as the development lead. In recent times, the developer confirmed that it has ramped up the next BioShock’s development, signaling good news for fans across the board. 

Moreover, a gameplay screenshot of the alleged title leaked online in recent times, showcasing high-defining HUD elements, and what seems to be a dark, eerie atmosphere. Can’t wait any longer for an official reveal, honestly. 

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Najam Ul Hassan is a News Reporter on eXputer who enjoys investing hours in his favorite video game titles. When he’s not playing games, he’s practicing Journalism. He began his career on eXputer after combining his limitless love of video games and all things geek with his considerable writing experience. He has been cited numerous times by several noteworthy publications and sites such as Game Rant, Yahoo, PlayStation LifeStyle, VGC, VG247, TheGamer, among others. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Masters in Mass Media Communication || Written 300+ News Stories.

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