Marvel Is Leaving Money On The Table Without A New Deadpool Game

Since the movie's almost here, a new game makes perfect sense.

Story Highlights

  • It’s been a long time since we’ve had a solo Deadpool game, the last one was in 2013.
  • Though mechanically lackluster, it was a hilarious depiction of the character, worth it for every fan.
  • Since Deadpool 3’s almost here, it’s time to consider another Deadpool game, a more refined one.

Out of all the characters under Marvel’s wing, the one that sticks out like a sore thumb has to be Deadpool. The very embodiment of humor and vulgarity, the character is a fan favorite, and for some very solid reasons. Seeing Deadpool on screen is always a delight, he says what you want to say without the fear of the fourth wall, or sounding rude. But did you know that he also had his own solo game?

YouTube video

The Deadpool Game — An Underrated Gem

If this is the first you’re hearing of it, I suggest giving it a try. Trust me, you won’t be bored if you like Deadpool’s company. With the unadulterated humor, quippy dialogue, casually insulting everyone without restraint, and being a prick that can’t be killed, The Deadpool video game features the character exactly as you expect him to be.

Fun Fact! Deadpool had a Video Game! Another Fun Fact is it’s one of the rare few that have been removed off of every digital store due to Activision losing its license. This game is literally a Hidden Gem!
byu/Eyerieee invideogames

I always found the Deadpool game highly entertaining. Unfortunately, my sentiments weren’t reciprocated much by the critics. Sure it has some problems like the extreme repetition in gameplay and uninspiring design, but it is all about a hilarious representation. If you are looking for gameplay depth, I wouldn’t even recommend it to you. But, if you’re as much a fan of Deadpool as I am, it’s a must-play.

The game may be flawed, but Deadpool's hilarity is as good as it gets | Source: GamingDragons (Youtube)
The game may be flawed, but Deadpool’s hilarity is as good as it gets | Source: GamingDragons (YouTube)

It is a decent attempt at a Deadpool game, one that lacks gameplay versatility, but more than makes up for it with its story, characters, and the depiction of the iconic merc with a mouth. The gameplay is simply a tool to activate Deadpool’s hilarious antics and pranks. If you don’t press the button, he’ll patiently, albeit loudly, wait for your command, fully engaging you in his escapades.

This pretty much sums up why im excited for the Deadpool game
byu/Ferris-McFly ingaming

The game didn’t deserve all the hate it got back then, and if you try it, you’ll find it much more enjoyable than the poor reviews make it out to be. Alas, the game got delisted multiple times, Activision never cared for it, and even shuttered High Moon Studios to a supportive role after laying off employees. Another victim of Activision’s ludicrous practices.

The Game Barely Scratched The Surface

Although Deadpool is an enjoyable adventure, it is nowhere near perfect, or even the peak of the character’s potential. It is more akin to a first draft, a signal that a Deadpool game is possible. Over the years, we’ve seen many single-player character action games, and it does nothing but reaffirm my belief that Deadpool would be perfect for this. Imagine the potential of an open-world Deadpool game.

byu/Aqn95 from discussion

The original game isn’t the only indication of this. Deadpool appears in the Marvel Ultimate Alliance games, which also proves how fun it is to play as the character. Besides, his partner in crime, the iconic Wolverine presents an even better example. Imagine X-Men Origins Wolverine but with Deadpool as the hero, and all the gore complemented by equally graphic dialogues and insults. Now that’s a game I’ll definitely play.

A Deadpool game of this quality would be a dream come true | Source: Kunio89ro (YouTube)
A Deadpool game of this quality would be a dream come true | Source: Kunio89ro (YouTube)

The first Deadpool game can be used as a draft to construct the next one. It can tell about the dos and don’ts, and how to craft a perfect representation of the vulgar maniac. The original lacks in the gameplay versatility department and is close to a slog. This can be vastly improved while retaining the quippy humor of the character. A true third-person hack and slash with all the hilarity left in, that’s what I want.

When will it be Deadpool’s turn for a new game?
byu/saltyexplorer5 inSpidermanPS5_

The Third Movie Sets The Stage Nicely

Compared to the era of the first game, Marvel characters are in much higher demand now, primarily because of the vast MCU popularizing the hell out of them. The same applies to Deadpool as well. The character has always been massively favored, but since his third movie is on the horizon now, that popularity curve is off the charts. And I see this as an opportunity.

The movie creates a golden opportunity | Source: MCU Wiki
The movie creates a golden opportunity | Source: MCU Wiki

Deadpool 3 will bring two very beloved characters together, Deadpool and Wolverine. And the hype for the big screen appearance can transfer to a video game pretty easily. Wolverine is already benefiting from this, as Insomniac’s Wolverine is right around the corner. Deadpool can do so, too. I hope Marvel sees this for the golden chance it is and gives the merc with a mouth another game adaptation he so rightfully deserves.

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Hanzala is a dedicated writer who expresses his views as opinion pieces at eXputer. He's always been fascinated by gaming and has been an avid consumer of many different genres for over a decade. His passion for games has him eager to encounter the latest RPGs and actively look for new Soulslike to challenge. He puts forth his experience and knowledge of gaming into captivating opinion pieces.

Experience: 8+ months || Education: Bachelors in Chemistry.

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