Games That Make You Realize That Video Gaming Is Pure Art

You can't skip a beat with these titles, I assure you.

Story Highlights

  • The gaming industry has seen certain treasure troves that make you just gush at the existence of games.
  • Only some titles, however, are capable enough of making you feel this way, and definitely not all. 
  • You’ve got Disco Elysium, Gris, Journey, and others cutting it at the top of the list in this regard.

Video games have been existing as an art form for as long as one can remember, but not all types of titles out there are able to showcase that to you effectively. Over the course of the last decade or so, I’ve gone through some of the most magisterial video gaming experiences that truly prove that gaming is an art like no other, and with this piece, I’d like to talk about what I’ve seen and learned so far.

Ahead awaits a compilation of some of the most profound titles in the gaming business that also speak volumes about their development and design, uplifting the image of the industry as a whole. When the right type of devs get together and pour their heart and passion into their work, the outcome is as follows.

Exceptional On Multiple Levels Bar None

In case you have a suggestion of your own to make here, do post a comment down below and start a discussion.

1. Ori And the Blind Forest

Ori And The Blind Forest
Calling Ori And The Blind Forest Beautiful Is an Understatement | Source: Steam

The talented folks over at Moon Studios made it big when they put out Ori and the Blind Forest, an exceptionally striking visual thriller that also happens to hit the nail on the head with its narrative direction. It sports just the right amount of challenge — provided that you’re playing with a controller because the difficulty can get quite worse otherwise — and has great Metroidvania gameplay elements going for it.

2. Shadow Of The Colossus

Shadow of The Colossus Game World
Shadow of the Colossus Has a Story to Remember | Source: Steam

When the original Shadow of the Colossus came out, critics were at disbelief as to what they were observing. This was one game that shifted the gaming industry’s paradigm for the time to come, highlighting the essence of art in video games that pushes to offer a memorable experience all around instead of just exhibiting good gameplay.

Oh, and I didn’t want to spoil this at first, but I can’t help it. It’s one of the few games out there that make you play as a bad guy, with genuine selfish incentives to cut down beings that are otherwise harmless. Definitely give this one a go, and if you’re not a fan of dated visuals, the 2018 remake should suffice well.

3. Journey

Journey is Relaxation at Its Core
Journey is Relaxation at Its Core

If you’ve grown weary of games that have you following a certain pattern, where you go to point A, kill the bad guys, and then go to point B, only to rinse and repeat this design over and over again, try Journey for a change. It’s got a multiplayer mechanic so unique, that it’ll have you second-guessing whether you’re playing alongside a real person or an NPC.

But that’s not all. Journey’s real glory lies in its visuals and art direction, both of which do a splendid job of generating player interest to a great extent.

4. Gris

best adventure games xbox series x
Gris Is a Game Unlike Any Other | Source: Steam

Named after the titular protagonist, Gris is an underrated gem from 2018, or as I’d like to coin it personally, one of gaming’s hidden treasures that not a lot of people have been exposed to just yet. The game’s official description regards it as,

Players will explore a meticulously designed world brought to life with delicate art, detailed animation, and an elegant original score.”

And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Gris is sentimental, violence-free, and above all, meaningful. It’s video game art at its finest, I’ll assure you that.

5. BioShock

the best steam games for mac
The BioShock IP Will Always Remain a Great in Gaming | Source: 2K

You don’t easily forget the first time you begin your descent into the underwater city of Rapture, let alone the horrors that surface soon after you embark on the exploration end. Everything from the gameplay and setting to the elements of philosophy and the breathtaking atmosphere of the first BioShock title makes me want to revisit it every now and then, and that is what could be considered a successful title.

In other news, a screenshot from the next iteration in the BioShock series — which has been a long time coming though — was just leaked in recent times, showcasing what a new BioShock could look like. We currently have no official confirmation of said game, nor is there a release date to look forward to.

6. Disco Elysium

Disco Elysium
Disco Elysium Is a Unique Take on the RPG Genre | Source: ZA/UM

Now, this is one game that’s dripping with quality from head to toe. Disco Elysium makes you feel as if you’re playing a visual novel, considering the talent showcased by the voice actors of the RPG. And just so it happens to be, you’ve got one of the funniest games to play right here, with exceptional humor that’s going to crack you up proper. Don’t sleep on this one, it’s sincere advice.

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John Rooney is a News Writer on eXputer who’s been keeping up with the gaming and technology industries since he was 14. If there’s a buzz in the industry, John’s news report will be among the first you’ll read on the internet. He’s got a Bachelor's in Journalism and has several years worth of experience reporting on the gaming industry. Experience: 6+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Published 200+ News Stories ||

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